PEOPLE’S LAW SCHOOL People’s School (PLS) is a cooperative effort of the Oregon Inal Lawyer s Association and the University of Oregon's People's l ass School Judges, practic ing lawyers and law students will teach an Adult Education Series designed to bet ter inform the public about the way the legal system really works DATES • January 29th • February 5th • February 1 2th • February 19th • February 26th • March 4th • March 1 1 th • March 18th TOPICS__ Lnderstanding the court system: the Hole of the Judge, Lawyer and Jury - A Day in the (Hurlroom Mow the I egislature Works - Vour National ami Slate Representatives Probates; Wills ami Kstates; I rusts; Social Se«urity Disability Claims Dealing with Insurance Companies - Claim for Personal Injurs, Product I lability, Professional Negligence Consumer rights; Dcbtnr/Crcditor l aw; bankruptcy Divorce and Child Custndy; Adoption Criminal Law - Di lls, Parole, Probation, Victims Rights, Ilow to (hoosr a Criminal I .awyer; Sentencing Vour Rights in Real hstate Transactions; Landlord/Tenanl law Rights of Lmployers; Discrimination in the Work llace; Workers’ Compensation KVERY WEDNESDAY FROM 7-9 PM • Room 221 •FREE ADMISSION University of Oregon Law School Picture Perfect When You Want... O' Quality Photos. & Fast Service. & Low Prices. Bring Your Film To The UO Bookstore! 3x5 12 EXPOSURE ONLY 2.89 3x5 15 EXPOSURE ONLY 3.59 3x5 24 EXPOSURE ONLY 4.79 3x5 PRINT FROM SLIDE ONLY 49C REPRINTS 3X5 RFPRINT SALE 5/$1.00 REPRINT ONLY 39C kBE l 4x6 ENLARGEMENTS (from slide or negi 5X7 FNIARGEMENT SALE 99c 8x10 enlargement ONLY 2.99 IF YOU FIND A LOWER PRICE ANYWHERE IN LANE COUNTY WE’LL MATCH IT! 13THS, Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 346 4331 8 On>gon £ "<•> M Monday January 2? '99? New OSPIRG plans promote awareness By Juite M ic' e * '• .)-a C ' Safe drinking w ater .mil cm i tonmenlai rdtn atlon will be Ihe focus 11 two new ( iim .p.ngris fur .the Oregon Student i’ubhr Interest Keseuroh Group this term. organizers said rhf group hopes in Involve more ! mviT'iin students to help bring about six ml < hange in these UV vs .till In make partir• mg f in these ev cuts i a priorII v. ■ ,1 DcU.rah Hill 111 k. OSPIRG i haplcr i hairwoman . I..- group hopes to ini rease i warcricss about I)regon 's drinking water through its win !er term fitop-i I A majority of Oregonians are in danger of drinking contaminated water, -.aid Sieve Ha/.lett Safe Drink mg V\ iter ( amjiaign eoordina tor More than 70 pen tint of Or egonians depend on groumlwa ler lor their drinking water, Ha/.lett said This groundwa ter is int reasingiv at risk for contamination from industrial and various other chemicals, including pesticides and fertil izers (.it up mem! - rs plan to work with OSIMKG chapters across the stall ! o tnr rease public awareness a! lUt the problem, and to hedd a network of pen p:t to seek solutions lor il hveiitu.dlv they hope to see a sale !r nkmg w aler lull intro du 1 t•:i in the (Jregon 1 egisla U all drink th water and we ,dl assume w ha! t omes u . I dm wall is safe, he. -r.i-.e they make sure of it Hut no ;dv : I V » w w i 1 thi V .in- Ha/.lett '•.ltd OSl’IKC. s second s\ inter c .imp.ngn i-centers on educ ating i i i-iii. n i .1 r v sc bool students .dm.;t tie ehvtti.nm.-iil Mem and t.iis :.i children about is sues sen I; us rot yc liny; and c n ergs t onset vation Currently, the group is organizing .t the.r ier troupe to perform pl.cvs in order to i umrauniuate with the i hildcen on .i level then c an un derstand Stephanie Leben. c ainpilign c ciiirdiniitot said the goal of the projec t is to affect parents as ssell their i hildren I iupehi 11 s . well he making some lasting impressions in the home, she said (Iretc hen Haber. (ISl’IKt. stall organizer, said the c ampaign could have a positive influence cm Cniversits students as well riu- campaign is really about reaching a whole new generation of students the younger ones," she' said OS 1'IHC; leaders said the group chose to locus oil these issues his ause ol member inter est The winter-term agenda was determined after students p t o p used their i de a s 1o OSI’IKC. s Hoard ol Directors, which comprises students from the 1 rmersit\ chapter While concentrating on the nev. i ampaigns, the group also manages several ongoing pro lec ts. inc luding alternative en ergs and a renter's hotline In tlii- svi rks tor spring term is the" annual iumiiuinitv hunger c leanup " Ins-: esied students - an t on lac t OSIMKC; a! IMG i t 77 or St. P In l: Ml Suite 1 Vertebrologists on campus s:u i. : m in---.i . ' ;:i isi ,i aw .item ss and t;n«;r|»v might ,>,! ii, hr, k u , • till- \. I lehi oiuglsts who Will set !i j) shop III the V hb\ t.•>!.*% trom 10 u m to t p m t v iitiii Him , (fates who run tin Oregon Vartebmriunt ;n >j d .in- giving It. e demonstrations o! spinal alignments to -. .. .i.ti-rrs otiil -dieting explanations (tui answering questions its,ut a the pro, . ,,- works (mlv (tales saiit it provides several benefits Out le, h.e.iques i otnr trom all over the world, she said It s : \o:.t h; nit power, opening tout t rain a war r ness ; he pi.s ,-ss is bused on tie premise that hv removing dislur I an. i-s in tin energy flow tnun to the brain, the brain will him lion at a greater , apat its t.m.iv Oates said her husband lias tieen practicing tile ti;( hnique , years a::d sin has h.-en studvtng and prai tiring tor H years ; tie \'erteiii.irium oilers counseling ami classes in spinal i are as w ell as i ertthi ation as a v erlehrologtst r 1 WILDERNESS CRUISES, INC. Wilderness Cruises will ho on campus recruiting for positions aboard our natural history voyages along the Columbia & Snake Rivers, s,j Alaska & Baja, California. • Stewards • Pantry Cooks • Deckhands • Bartenders Applicant must be • K\.t 21 wars * • at* tu pi* i physicil cum • ati* li^oln va for n nniUhs • WigiNe h> i*>lam a \ ahd • at-if • pass rand.>m drug trying p**-fH*t I t*h 5 th EVENING PRESENTATION EMU -Cwlar E I his describes year-round openings Nuii stuJtmts \s fivQiiiL to apply thruudi lurixjrianim.uL Wilderness Cruises, Inc. 1415 Western Ave., Ste. 505 Seattle, WA 98101