Severe depression a serious but treatable problem W ^Cirand'IVton /y ^ IxMltfe ('om|Niny com*: to im: >101 vrAivs i hr SI MMFK livt inii vn >tk -r>. ihr nwignifi< «nl (.rami Frton %«.»t i ' Park hi !.»; k ■*. Ki 11»>i<* Wyoming Onu of I ho mini •p*' i.i 11 <« r nr*-.n of tin mintr s il % iti»*tl ft >f hikings < amp mg fishing .»nt< livilio* ()ijr K1.S4 )RT olfrry i vn i.l«* v .u;* t\ of pmitiom m afnn ilK h .in • llnlrl Srn lrr« • f«td A Kr>rra|(r • Kmrt Srr%lre« • Hmmng |-n»vnlt ‘i fi^r moM position* • Minimum .*g»* *»f IH Inlet \ icwmg n t \unpm Wednesday, January 2‘> < . ni.* t Sntl. ni I ini'l oinrm 12 llcn.ln. k . Hill lx mxr mix null' o <.K AMI rrtON I OIM.I COMPANY P O Boi 2S0 Moran. Wyoming i3013 4:' t fepomrtfp I -im» HEART BEAT? * Heart Beat (hart beat)n. I strung brats ol the heart 2. to tingle 01 qutvet with e\i iteinent 3. OUl's Valentine's 1 )av Message ('enter Send from one heart to anothei 50 0/line $1.50 art $5 heart border T( ti N '•O! TO CAROt % * . *’ '• •»» *ou? Firo'M# PLACE- YOUK HEART BEAT IN: KM TOO, EMU OK UO BOOKSTORE . DEADLINE: FEBRUARY W, 1PM j Counseling Center dealt with nearly 8.000 University stu dents in some way during 1990 91 school year By-Claudette Pe^a :a i irst \ »'.ir student ( Imssv t nedemun d«?M nl.'rs the cinrk vxper iem < of s' vrrr depres sum H U < !. k• • i nt m a biut k holr, she _ Sii'Vs Tliefe isn't nv light ! hvl itnwfrli'N’.tifss There is .1 sons.- of collaps ing. misfiring and exploding: There is ivo way to do anything differently It is hard to mni n a Hi i ,i!r l* * sha? e ' No OlU‘ - rtu.uiii' understands Lx peris 'havo shown depres sion do**s shan* certain charm n • . *s -. • ( . *. L. dr Like ' ! t h la; ►. hoe depfe ■■ • d pen pH- g. ' n• ■. ugh -uru-- kind of . i.ij . hr v l1 ■' ! .m empti tv *s pert ent of these using tile servlt e In addition 4 1 1 mb :;'.s par li i(>aled in the center s group counseling, and its ou treat h at 11 \ ilies served another 5,000 ()( till the com i*rns and symptoms the students brought up vu \ pert ent related to gen era! depression the second highest piohiein next in fela donships ! hrtr ,itr .1 In! nl depressed people ml i .iinpus said i)r U • Mi i:: ;, . i .mi i. ■ ■ . : ,g '• : vit i-v !ri!i spet ul.ill'll that the <•( urionn and ill. . !!.: I Ml'.l -itl ■ t.UUlil (onlrtbuie !u stress, ,is i niii'hili resources fedlir - (ions University department i iiisi.res Old higher -edilt ation I.: ' ■ ., ii ':. > i in!ifpi■ iiii* i*vt*n imiri' diifi< ult l! is a difficult liuic in be in college in' said. and the ji. tv i;; : (11 km.!' i mh i,iI ■ .; -; : ■ . i;.; 1. ■: >. 1 s ! 1. r, ■ :: 1.1 k ' i ddterence V ■ • ! - , j i ■ ■ : in lude i.tmil) friends, ir.iler miles sororities i tuifi lies, i luiis .imi organizations Friedetnan said .i ninre-sup pntlivi' University environment might .i!mi help tier climb nut nl lie' !■' ii k hole .depression I’l nple .ire afraid of liielr own depression Tliev fear vui tier .it1; :! V esperia \ IV ill .III Intel 1 ei t u .11 institution," she s.llli In (iiie instance, she ap pro i fled .1 professor after t hiss .uni asked him. How do 1 s! . i \ 'nl th is i hiss 1 i low do I ' I.t ■' • tevth' Ii s u dl ill' helpful to me'"" : p: lessor I k. .1 down .it her through ins glasses, in a •A .IV seemed tondesr end ing to tier. ,md s.iid 'i on don’t hnvr to read the book s! you don'! want to " i r;*-ti>• :ji.itj ‘ t sin felt h;. iiiiluli'ii. is though the groins s;,i did not (am vs she did On the ntiirr end. she broke down in .1 li'.u hiig assistant's olfti.e. and tin- C.TF listened to her and was approachable, cu n though tin- problem had in>'htn^t l i.' v\ :'. lass' work I said this modi' her fee! safe ()ti thi- xx li.ili' I- rn-doman finds <. ii ' n i i s r ■ ■ personable than prides .ms .i r:• i said she would u I lies.late t(' sham anything personal with thorn Am i-voht. n m.iltor Inns trivial, i an trigger depression, but psvi hologists recognize that umierh mg reasons for de pro- a. exist such as social environment. port.options and (not liomit al imbalances ! said lurr dopros ■.toms iroin family prole ii m Her parents separated win she w as young A few lie ago her lather (tied. I > ,i v i sipj her not Ii irig Some members of her family are prat: : mg'drug arid alcohol addicts. iii h r f wonder eat h time she goes homo it they're in fail or still alive At til. hnedenian is a ret ov drug addict hersell anti is i.i.w halt ling an eating disorder. hall term was her lirsi at the 1 diversity Shi lx as diagnosed xx i'.h in.. : depress.on while at tending U XI Min Bryant a d.. torai stu tient in i 11nit al psyt hologv. said a person's perception of events causes depression, rath er lii,in tin' events themselves Depressed people have dd lerent X lews of the world Iroin non (It pressed people. lie saiti Depressive* exaggerate events h\ focusing on the nega tive and In thinking iinreahsti t ally and unpruductively S une symptoms tiepressives I'xj-efn-iii e are intense guilt and sell sell hatred, irritable moods, diminished pleasure in ad activities, lowefod ability to liens .«r i tan entrate and recur rent thoughts of death, said Vue v hemp of the i niversilv ( i:ti . mg (a-nler i it gel .! fi• i-ling ul how 1 ■ .Hi k< inji .* j;everyday the V h,IX-' .1 depjessed, iluivn lliiimj, xx ;!!, ill!: interest in things, xxilh insomnia nr sleeping III! Ill’ llliin u Mia! .1 lai With ugita lion It tin s 111 ilnwn ex i rv dux. »x .; r. r..i mi> resi xx ilti their sleeping it11{«• r«■!il. i ating dilfer i'!.: fatigue ami inability In " ■: >. ;:fi | ■ r! \ ,1 I in' v have two ■a ■ t, xx going In si'honl X u (an imagine hnw behind they'd fall,'' she sail) Li'armng hnw In i omnium . i'i with iiepIimsrii penp le is one x\ ax of dial! mg » III’, lhi‘ il, hiiitii and vni.illli’ had I rigs '\ i.. ix k • |i said Idle common response from those around depn-ssed people, she said Is In sax (usl quit think ing uboul il. siari smiling, be ’. ; V j .: I feeling snri X lor yourself kemp said such encourage lie ills max xxnrk xxilh people xvf-.ii are exponent nig a tempo rarx inw mooii. b,.l not xvith people who haxe a depression disorder U 11ii education, someone (an rei ugni/.e xvhoever is de pressed and anompanx them ,-r invite them to do things,' she Said Kd Ul at alii xx ill also h i: supporters to saw You're xx , nine even if \ nu'nr feeling Professionals offer advice on bad depression By Claudia Peralta Dulctiing whether some one suffers irom major de pression.! r is ms! t spcrmnc inj; i low ::i■ ;s ihe first step Hi helping someone rope with depression Infor mation from the Counseling (muter lists some of the symptoms of depression .is including • Die tnished interest or pleasure in almost ail activi ties • >s or gain without dieting • Insomnia or hy j; ' • md • • ee Sings of worthlossnoss • Intem-e euill. • Reduced ability to ton< en death Someone is severely de pressed when he or she has an excess of these symptoms and when these symptoms interfere with job perfor mance, social activities or relationships Unhappy events, such as the death of a loved one. normally cause depression Oftentimes, however, there .ire underlying factors con tributing to depression, such as personality, the person's past or family life, the sen iai environment and chemical Imbalances in the brain When trying to help a de pressed friend, the Ament an College Health Association advises speaking candidly with the person and letting him or her know you are concerned and willing to help 1'he Counseling Center is also a gootl resource for any one who wants help or has friends who need it All counselors are either quali fied psyc hologisls, masters level qualified professional counselors, or doctoral in terns working in a super vised r.ip.n i!\ bach coun selor adopts a diflerenl ap proach to counseling de pending on the problems of the students Students can use the services tree and all client information is eonfi had instead of, 'You're wel mint! to come hut you gotta be having fun * " I rii-ili'iii.nt's hl.ii k hole has not trapped her < ompletelv bln ijiiting iind tiiis a few blends who have supported tit:r through Units of depression by allowing her to talk and share hrr feelings w ith them Irtedeman also guts support from N,ninths Anonymous Sin- spends most of tier lime will) them whenever she goes home Through counseling she sivs she has learned more • lUiut herself, how to cope w ith le t feelings, flow to eat right and sleep rig’llt We all need help," Kemp s lid We need to lie with other people A lot ot people who have gone to counseling and therapy have gone through some reallv tough periods in their lives and they know what It's like to have someone assist them through it "