ET ALS MKKTINCS Students fur I he Kthieal Treatment of Animals moot today .it -I |) m in KMt' Cedar Room 1) ( .ill t it. •} tr>fi lor more information The l esbian, (lav and Bisexual Support Croup will meet tonight from t. to 7 to in the outer room of the Kolnonla Center. 1414 him aid St Call t it. t IM) for more information The Jewish Student Cnion will, meet today a! t to p m m KMC Century Room C ( all Hit I Hat for more information The Collegp Democrats meet tonight i! 7 in the KMC Maple Room Call BHtl 4‘i.:u for "more infor (nation Kultura Pilipinas will hold a meeting and script reading tonight in KMC Century Room I) Call (>25 for more information M1S( CL! AVI r s llopi Hrnphrt) will lie shown tonight at ’ it the Red Barn Crocery Loft, ir>7 Van Boren St t ill 'At. I8f>4 lor more inlormation OPPOKTl MTIKS i in Vertebrologists are coming . gw e. lie. spine alignments today from 10 a m to I p m in the 1 Ml: Lobby A CD-ROM tutorial I RK Learn t., to- tin- i. hr.irv s comjiuteri/.ed dataliase to find mtormafion in edmation today at I it) p in at:the relrr.-m e dish of knight Library ( all !4I. .' ti.ii lor milt, in formation A Re;ires, i;tatiy. Iron, \orthyxestern l mveisi t V Pell ta I Si hi ml vv 1 i ■!. a ! -i Workshop I r si a dents .it .id stages id their pre dental preparation today .1! ( 10 p tvs in K.iuin tt'-l Oregon Hull ( .iii Mt> tj 11 for more information A !- M \< Orientation i.oenn>; h.isi. per.i !ions for begiriners vv 1:1 take plat e today from I to ri p in in Kootiv. 1HS Computing ( enter ( all Mi. 1 'at! for more information A Career Planning and Plai emenl olfit e onert tat ion session vs all take pla< e todav at I U) p m in Kooin 7.17 Hendricks Call .tin ij th for more in formation Bidding lor the following c ompanses vv ill take plain' today through Wednesday • Timberline Suftvv are (iorp • 1 •klfoinx lin . S \\est • Hmerson Pow er I'ransmtsston • is' uston Ih:rin.i Company • A fat t nt • ! W i n i n; Hl.l.iCiON ( hiistiail Morality and forgiveness .ssed naught- at ' .0 tile Newman ( imp : :H'>0 . mer.iid Sit ( ail t it. lor 111 re intonriation \ It 1 hie Study . e r u I he 1 .asp. I A! .1: V vv take e today at 1.1 .10 p m a! tin Newman ( enter ; /l.M./iim' for sjjf.mi/tmi,’ 7 ; V/s /, f/ie 1'mrr.iLl hunt ./esk, / \ff ' Soilr IIHI, is no. 10 t/ie a/a v /s'/ore ; .,//on 7,7 l.N run ihr J.i 1 of I hr rn-til tin /ess l hi ■ 1 ■ t or: f 7 / si‘s jtl.n t‘ fa‘fore / It 11 a 1 Vo.’;I es 0/ 1'iriili wif/i a ifoiuitioh 1 fia.'i.v iv)// no) />e .1(1 1‘l’lrtl shin i ► The UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO. offers an mien si.» ABA Approved post graduate 1 4 wo«K lAWYER'S ASSISTANT PROGRAM This Proyram will enable you to put your education to work as a skilled member of the loyal team A representative will tie on campus Friday, April 24, 1992 12:00pm to 2:00pm EMU, Century 0 For more information contact your career center at 146- 12 IS t 111 1$) uok I m\ i mI » 4 Nim I H. >V I j*>«*('"» A-instant Pn.»g»i»m M -. in < i 8 .»•»»*» m i .m i . i A 1i! 10 .t, i l) .■»>{) 4*. ’*J Name Current Add resn City Stale /• P Current Phone • Phono » ETHICS Continued S'om Page 1 is made m an official capacity As i ( . intended III at) tile lie ginning, rnv suit intent in this manner as \s 11!i a!! ol mv ac tioits as president (if tile itlll verxily of Oregon was to serve thf best int©fusts <>l th** t'fiKttr sitv, {}n* rrgion ami ihfl stalf Bra mi mu! Also on iruiav, the State Board ol Higher ivduc ation *i|> p roved i percent cost-of-living iru rrasi.’s {or (!hantflu»r loin Itiirtlett and the eight state sy. tern institution presidents Strand. Oregon State l tilver sitv President John Byrne and Portland State University Presi dent Judith Kamuley will each rei eive salaries ot ■> 1 1 i, A'• t>, with an additional Si-1 'to fur expenses Bartlett w ill ns five an annu -,.,larv of $1 J‘t.’tu>. plus S ill o to for expenses and hous ing File presidents ol F.astern Or 1-gun Smitln-rn Oregon, and Westein Oregon state college-, and Oregon Institute ol lech I) o I og V Will each receive s-il! a, aril's and VMM-1 lor expenses Peter Kohler, president ol Or egon Health Sciences Universi ty and the highest paid presl dent in the state system will rt l ive Sfgr.'itiit and S14.i*-tt> ful expenses i lie salary me leases w ere limited to tile (Cist ol living, with no merit pay, because ol the slate s linanc nd situation CORRECTION A siurv in Thursday'** i.mrr,ihl erroneously reported that the University s 1’hvMi a I I’lunl vol unteered In ms!.til plumbing lor |uti\ S/.ik.n s The story should have said Physical Plant employtuis volunteered to do the work I lie tJmt'ruld regrets the error ACCIDENT INJURY GET HELP ON YOUR SIDE Attorney, 1968 UCLA Law Grad James L. Bumpas 687-0908 A FEATURING * Korean Bull-go-gi * Chicken Teriyaki * Donkatsu * Donturi * Teriyaki Beef Burger * Sushi * Gyoya * Tempura COME TRY OUR DAILY SPECIALS HANA’S KOREAN & JAPANESE FOOD 1219 Alder St. Open Mon-Sat 11:00 am - 8:00 pm LOCATED NEXT TO SY S PIZZA