Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 27, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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Continued trom Page 1
I’htdp* was th« Im sI f andidato
(of the (oil (or several reasons
He showed a vi*rv active In
lerest In l'sui \ pertaining to
people with HIV anti an ability
In take on challenge* without
blinking an eye,' Sondut.k
Phelps' experience will serve
him wt'il tn what vs ill bit a
multi fai itl»d job. Sondut.k
said Phelps' new duties vs ill
include public, spoil king, uiin
inunitv networking ami finalt/
mg t ontr.u ts w ith government
a gone ies, slu’ s.ild
It s a t cjinplit ail’d |ob, but I
think ii'- i ali do it. she said
Dr Toni Itrdfii'ld i o < hair
man ol tin- AIDS hospice's
twiard o! directors said Phelps
was t hoven beiause of bis
inndruisirig exponent e and vol
unteer work
1 h<‘ higgesl task Phelps has
before him is starting tin At urn
House, a roMtliTitial tain* lat ili
ty lor peopii Willi AIDS. Hni
field said The huuv .will bo a
p I vie c lor pooplo will) AIDS
who are too mi k !>. w ork or
t ako i a r o of I ho in so I v o s A
trained staff will holp patients
w ith tin- has:, , ,! d.idy'. lie tng
by preparing meal* and regulat
ing mod it alion
i i ! him !>> !» i roiilly
big twos! fur getting !br house
going sometime i. Krd
Held said At this (>um! vse
nee! a full time staff'person in
put together fundnming and do
volunteer r<-i ruitnu-n!
I’hfllps will also help vs;’*,
the Acorn Club, a ■>«* tai and re.
creational club fur people who
tin HIV-positive sponsored by
tfi<< AIDS hospice
Phelps will share of fit e spot r
with siiantl of Lane Comity and
tt - \\ jinn.' it*- AID'S (aiunt il
Shunti and W AC w ill legally
merge mto one organization hv
inly 1 fin! will retain the sir
vii es they non nfier
Despite the office merger, the
AIDS Hospn e vs; C n '-nn sepa
rate si-rvll es
Ji :,na S .iitips ,r'h. Shutili es
. i utiie, diri'i tor, said the tom
IIIU hity w -.1 N'nefif friini 1!:' of
fee merger People will soon
lie able to fall one plnre In l.u
gem fur AIDS information she
W o ph .>si d that \!!)S
M isp.ii i is able to lure all ad
mmistr.itor (or their program
S,i.itfnsnrtli said We re very
happy there is going to f>e a sin
pint if i untr.n l for A If )S
■ •dill it Inii and Sl-rv II es
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Cor! cued Vom Page *
v, j»r-i*iua'tr -i!t lul' cturt- student, and
; !•’ :: a (ii'tm.in physics iiiudent. said
.■ : ; . students Writ*? all class papers by
band. .
s: -• who advises international student*,
s.,, i m past worth’d students have t ome to
h- ■ when -.-juin’d to lvp>’ pa(M»rs They had no
.■•■,p -h.u kgr ind 'but were expected to
•uni i '.v rd pro. 1‘xsing skill*
; Vp-nR .I .ndwriting is just one ad
justment I II!’ Arvo m an rhythm of both lift'
and education i and**- stressful
f .■ ir?.•- i ' ! he Mi. nm<- Moshtaet said "i
•,s f os. i in a ! uritrv whi’fii turn vsas like a
rubber band you codl.d stretch It as lar as
■, a like Moshtael. of Iranian origin, lived in
Cameroon for 10 years
I i;r junior !m ^>v and pre-roed student had
; • ■ read o. '.t iny, when she v isiled her
home Iasi year, she said
In hi,inv ' .nines when students < house a
le ui si,Illy they are linked into that
rs, ' r tie .luiation of their University ca
. r the students . courses are dins tly re
,,m ; i that rii.eof Hern e tile variety of
.. . | !, re an l*’ both e\i ttillg and
oyer whelming
Slasha Shataim.a. a Kussiah economu s grad
uate s' .deni n: her second year chose «•».<>•
■ u i i s as tier r our si if s aid y when slie vs as in
high s. t too I Three intensive exams were re
Iulred to enter ihe university program there
it, t .Mversily students in the same major
t;av. tiye same i i .ssis she said
Qti< ,• you enter one rtiii|or. you don't
( iiallge slie said
i! y. .1 want til I liange. you Sturt at the he
..... . ... ..le s.i .t Here you can change stud
, a: t initmie without losing everything
vuu have done, she said
.S i. vi. .in Australian .inlhropu.agv
■ . j, f J., k , ’ g • es Y'-is held ,t' fir st
V k i\ igie. 1 ii.it knowing w hat in hike
! !! ■ Ini.! e-gow. Si . iln'nl w here he
n,..] us. , w. fn mapped -ill lor '•tU
(hnlfia h- said tis.it in Anti-fit. ;tn l nUftMlics.
,! .dents i -in study .1 hit of ever\thing, .i i on
< , * k i . s. ■ ■
i ,mun, tin system is a hit tnorr flexible,
i) . : I stuih-nts in stiff given .1 s. bed tile
;ati-. r than t boosing their own. iiut .1 is multi
d n.i lf: i i I'...r \ . stir x.,.;i
I In ... just mi ninth choice here so
> nr:,inn;- ' V •ed 1 ' ■‘■'ni :
otin s i-ilut .ition system is ti.is. ii on the Luru*
ja il) modi i. so mu . you start tin- pros ess,
vou (.hi l i hung.' votsr mind she s.jni
St. s!.:.i. : , iled l-'rum us m; when
g,,i n line years With om .if
! :. (ii'ith-it vt.ir to get tile equivalent of
!!;i' Smell!an tun heiot s degree If student*
don't i.rmiplete < ourses in the allotted time.
■; . if. ;. -. 1 .j.i;)w **d to i. mlintie fiem, vou
.111 take iong ,.s YOU Want. she said
in iiuerooti. tli<- emphasis wus also on
gt up r.dher tii.n: ■ >» individual assignments.
Si ; • : in• : '
*i re :! they need help, siie s.ltli
V e ilm.i uerei-ti In Russia everyone helps
the others prepare, sin- said llec ,mse the same
‘It’s an unwritten law — don’t
question the teacher. A
question means you didn’t
Wen-yo Do
internat*)''.-}! student fro" Lvh.ti
students are togethor for all courses for five
years of University study. a cooperative spirit
develops, she said •'Everyone knows who. has
weak planes,” she said "It's difficult (here) be
cause I'm very much a group person
Asking tor help when needed isn't always
easy In Taiwan. It's an unwritten law
don't question the teacher A question means
you didn't study." Do said
The cost of study in America is often a jolt
to international students Roth, McKay, Do and
(iuilfovle all agreed education is very expen
sive here
In many countries, the government provides
Dnlversllv education at little or no cost, hut
competition for entry is tough
In Russia, although a university education is
theoretically open to everyone, the entry ex
ams are very difficult Shatalina said she .stud
ied for her economics college exams for one
year About one of every 14 students can enter
universities in Russia, she said.
All these differences, Ixith positive and neg
ative. ( an cause foreign students stress
Its very dilheult to tic a toreign student,
said Peter Briggs, acting director of the Office
of International Sen it es The adventure and
oxi ilement of living in a foreign country can
lie a fantastic experience, he saiii, but feelings
of isolation and depression are also common
Briggs who works daily with students from
all over the world, s.ud international students
seem to like the f'niversity "They see it as a
good place to he, "he said "The office's goal IS
to make cultural contact positive
The Offil e of International Services provides
students information on immigration regula
tions, employment, financial guidance, I’m
versity services, and health insurance and
; are Staff are also (here for moral support
S: in saci that in many countries, seeking
counseling is not traditional "it's an Amerii an
thing she said Hence, students experiencing
I .ni ciicns, communication or academic, proh
I'-tus may .hesitate to express these feelings
S’ -:k ,ii these feelings areii ! always ex
pressed verhallv hut may be m.untested in de
;. i . i ■: p 11 \ ; t .; ailments Stork S.ud 11 e1
■II. w.-:ks i ioseiy with the Student Health
and C outiseling : enters to aid irs these areas
Spending lime with other foreign students
who tan ernpalhi/.e with difficulties is impor
tant Kvurv I rid.iv students from all nations
gather for International Coffee Hour in the
:.M’. Intel mil i cal Lounge at 1 id pm Si.irk
sa-d tins ;s ,i good tune for networking and
meeting people
i he l niMtsity also has several international
; ampus groups Assoc lations fc.r 1'aiwun, iodo
|| lie k * i apa !l k ill . Mil I iiV si a
Norway. China Singapore, the Philippines,
’ i Muslim students have been organized
Cali the International Student Association at
t in i U; ’ tor more information
An Interview with
Joseph Campbell
by 3:1 Moyers
A video series
Every Wed. 3:30-5:00 pm
Starting Jan. 22-Feb. 6
Komoma Center
1414 Kincaid
Spor s -ed by the Unitarian
Church ot Eugene. Lane
C video
*4.A* TH| MM*.!