COMMENTARY Amazon Housing must be rebuilt A in. s a resident of Amazon Sludt: in Family Housing and an olfk. r uf ite Am.i ( ommunilv ! enants ( mm I .1111 yerv i oni erned about bund money-a!I... ated u>re build our units We as resi denis, and vmi as taspay ers and students. should demand the monel he spent nm arid m the fashion it was approved These units are dilapidated and urisafe The IhiiV'ersilv populous looks at lour < omples as ari .eve-sore Most people is i aider What those shanties are north ol South Kugene High Si hoof When UHI tell .people. "We In e in Allla/Oll, the repis is either. (Ill tool1 or a sheepish. "(ill U ell, lhe\ are our homes W e are proud, as a mu-joritv. to live in these bohemian domiciles Mv and 1 have fixed our unit tip quite nicely, and over all. we feel fortunate to live there Ai tu.illv. we pulled out our roots from the other side ol the lountrs, and decided to study in hugetie based on tin- afford ability ol student-family hous ing As a financially indepen dent married 1 ouple, the ! '11 i versity's loss’ rent has made ed u. ation alfordahli' lor us Bui we are in a ipiandars l ilts IS where Shangri la meets realits (’.ranted, our rents are loss, lull aren't they indeed too Iovs ' And. ol, yes. vse gel we pay lor in these tu 11ky . very’ lingerie ' apartments Our low reiil situation us lungmira W'« lire to a posi* inj:i wii.'ii- it vw i!I in- vitv iiiIII 1 ill! Ill .ill.list III .1 riMlistit s 11 i | .itmn As rei ipients of .1 true bargain vvi‘ i:.iimnl n.'ii ion Mill-! p.ivdng twiii- m tr 11jii■ tin1 rent fur decent or even brand spunking now units Hut. tpitii pro till<> ts not .in ncuitpluble condition fur Amazon residents mi thi- whole In ri'spuiisi- to housing sur vi-% s ii ui.ijuntv .-I Amazon res iiii nts. in f.u t. (inf not approve o! .1 ri-pl.H I'nicnl to the corn• plus Hut the l ;rm i-rstts I foils 1 m; ri'siiicnis ol tii- W stm n fund Complex .ind lint Hast Campus bouses responded 111 I,ivor ol (ii-molitiiin 111 realitv we live in fit) old structures built .is tempo If the University is to provide housing, it should be safe. If the only impetus to complete this project is the modern-day fear of countless lawsuits — then so be it. post war housing uni!' These limber and libetboard struetlires whic h stand mi fan I !v foundations have minimal or no utMil.iUon These allolet !ru units .1 rt* etjuipprii with cine v\ .ill hr.itrr orv ,1 wall far lilt's! from I lie roof, drafty bed rooms These bedrooms espe t ialI\ in Jami.1 r\. i'k to ho heated In in sourt e ifiost' littlf tih't Irit units that i .111 st* tilf. hiitlonw iti>• ;! f iinti[|iiiitnd t-lt-t Irit oil sys ten;, with its s[!.irse placement of tilet lrit .il oullets and k of grounded outlets, causes over io.iti (imlileuis in tot).is s ajjpli .1 n < e a n d e I eet r ti n i c ■ I .id en homes Our fiherhttart! i filings .10(1 vs ills .ire .nil lent building materials that burn at an alarm nig rate of speed In most units. (Insets don't have doors and bedroom doors < an t he fully i losed This .t!l (mates .1 nightmarish i mil mi 1 Is ,11 si a res mu to death A horrilii vv inlcr time fire where young adults vimng I il • hi ten I III I III'! j) less I).lilies |ii : h is sin 11 king .Uni III! set tling lll'ivs Bui We .ire sol ill u itii 1,1 plethora ot lire VS liming 1 i ■ ■ v !! I'S, sllil iko llotl'i tors amt sensors Seif-ach V .ill’ll sl.lirvve! 1 .(l.irilis at e ! .•! 11 ntli'.i m .ill units l uitoi tun.ite h tiie\ are a cheap attempt .it 1 meting up thii problem We live III I III; ter bus it tills safety uilirem doesn't upset our bureaii ( [.its. tile presum e ul asbestos ,1(1(1 based paint does W ill'll VV e Ilfs! 111. e. e, ! into these bulky apartments we started on tin- task ot repainting our entire unit The trade-oil Is ap patent, low rent 11. esi h.tnge for a self determined taste eleven gallons and mans coats ol paint later, we leil at ease vv ith tile lead ilased paint issue The paint chipping m the ( omiuon stairwell makes us ‘ 11 j :: it . r is dfibjffttiUng U> the \i hariivvnoil floors h. . \ i- i.i:,;r i; i p > in lun'ii Hu !;«irin• irds some big i i >r 11»ti<• 1.: 1 . 1 w : flu Iomiii s, hiiying hurt’ ion orutii floors .in.i-.i'I!u ii!s .ir«• common iitivi’itilli s m cviifv unit (ouhtn.r tup's .imi linoli-uin floors art* (irifd out .mil i m. k mg baring oh!. rniislv wood i hr naps mill i' ks ibrough 11vlt mlr homes lot.os know who is l.dking !u in lln- park.!!).; Ini w ill:.nil h.n ::u; lo look on! our windou -. Hill our .itiilu.ii hem is one of ronlimliru'iii Our ,m a ofTh e is pirrson.lhhi .mil i.irntg, tunanci; is lop rule. .mii mosi people know l it Si olhi-r oil .i tirs! name basis 1 in- ; oinmum I \ Is a War i! il Oil ill t i \ r .ini most ti-i-l a truir sriw- o! lion!!' Thu bond tnonoy has In i ii approvod A {jr<11nij!«-nl m hi lei tural firm with mtin o\ per loni os u uli our i.ainpio- md our umquo 11fi• lvI«• tins . mu plotod its tlf.ign, tirui tin- ' u vitmI\ A • iwn ('.I'lilrr !<-r Hi - mg Inundation' has horns t .m sullfd fur uppropn.ilf appl: .1 11 oils in tins prun i I W I1.1t giv«r*? Ur III ii '•I rt'hll 1 I ! A 111-1/ ■ M 1 von 11 .1 roll! im riMso is no ■■ sury Lot us site ritii u this so our chiliiron will h.ivo .1 satr .ml allord.tblo plijt.o ' 1 live when thoy ohooso to p-.irsm- thou * 1! ui atton Lots not bo so short sighted and thu 1 v:S.T : that wilt impross gonoratiuits Lot's not soo this moiiry vs> to anything cn . | a ! *.: ii.-. : ntomloi! an-1 tor yv horn it is h-idly m od rd. hot aviso ys o in.1 >, nut ha v o anolhor similar opportunity lor .1 long tune Tho opportunity is now II tho Univorsity is to provido housing. It should ho satr II tllo only liuputus to 1 umploto this projot ! is tho mu.!- ri. .lay h ,,i of I UUfl! loss l.o.s salts llioll i • ho it stop turning . ir inT Kohuild Ama/.on tiuyv' \l.irk ,'ivrhus 1s / mrmlnt 0/ I h r l 111 y o r s /! v ' s f/iuiMiu; lh 1 rJ MID TERM SPECIAL $5 OFF ALL HAIRCUTS PRtMNT THIS COUPON JANJKMrwuCtS »«l WOMEN $15 00 MEN $10 00 Duck Tails Hair Salon 343-8219 • Ground Floor EMU \t* V«hd with »*hrf «4fer* TIPS FOR .JOB HI XTIXO Workshop for crnduate student couples seeking academic employment Come for information on trends in university hirmc and employment assistance for spouses and partners With Isirraine Davis, VP for Academic Personnel WHEN: VVKI), .IAN 29, 12:00 - 1 00 PM WHERE EMU CEDAR ROOM A KAMPUS BARBER SHOP HAS BE f N Sf RVING T Hi CAMPUS COMMUNITY i OR THf t AST 69 YMS OF i ERING t BARBE RS WITH COMBINED BARBE RING f XPE RIE NCI OF 84YRS IN ALLSTYLES OF MI N'S AND WOMf N S CUTS S8.00 HAIRCUTS/NO APF’TS \lt )Nl)AV-l RIl)AY8AM-rv3U I’M 1 1 h /6S4 THE FAR SIDE By (,ARY l ARSON guy comm in Amie' Minor key' RIGHT ON TARGET! the 0»e Daily Emerald Advertising Oepttrtmt*’ I >’ 346-3712 SPECIALS FOR YOU EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK! 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