Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 27, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Campsite is a start
in homeless solution
It's a start
The Forest Service has proposed a campground for
homeless families that may open as soon as March The
site is the old Blodgett (Ireek n« k <j lairv. located 2’>
miles east of Cottage (.rove in the I. mpqua National
About mx i:ampsit,,s for 2ri poops .would ire avail
able, with a host family assigned to monitor the 10 acre
clearing Potential campers would be sifeened. ant!
stays would he i i m I ted to about 90 d.t \ '
The plan is said to be the first of :ts kind- for the
county and state, and perhaps the nation
It's a step in the right d ns tion s!;n« mg that some
one out there is thinking of .wav. to address the grow
ing homelessness problem, the Forest Service should
in' commended for that Hus issue has lor tint long
(men in the dark, shuffled off in the corner and ignored
It's good to see the problem puller! into the light,
w ith an attempt made at dealing w ith it The intentions
are good, though there are drawbacks that must be con
I he location is isolated wnnoui transportation,
i ampiTs vmII be far from schools, jobs anil various as
sistance resources, making it hard for them to get on
their feet
Conditions will tie harsh <is well. The site sits 2.000
feet up in the hills where winter storms rage, (hampers
will have to tiring in their own water while also trans
porting their garbage out.
One upside to having this campground, however,
revolves around the fai t that many homeless people
now camp illegally in surrounding forests; these peo
ple will now have a legal place to stay.
One can't help hut suggest that something lie done
within city limits for homeless people, considering this
is where most are situated and it's where they can
more easily find employment, education and/or assis
tance resources
A beginning yes The final answer — no. The
problem of homelessness is now larger than life in this
country, growing daily by leaps and bounds The
i ampsite idea is not perfect, but then nothing ever is It
must be validated, for what it is a start, an important
Homelessness isn't going to disappear, it must be
dealt with, step bv step The first lias been taken with
this proposal — ready for the second?
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"SUYS" IT...
Kt*i i n! 1 v ii has been brought
to mv attention that the general
publu needs to educated
properly 1 am a sophomore
here at the t Diversity and a
history major 'Throughout my
educate riiil (artier. ! have been
insulted at the term Indian"
vs lien people dtsiuss natives
who inhabited the continent
Indore Columbus came
The other fay. vs hiie i vs as in
l s Hlstorv. the professor of
fended jll the Native Amen
(alls Iti the (lass hv repeatedlv
using H at word To lw> eon t. ill
1 r> m inute lei lure hi’ used
that word r>t times, hut only
. sed Nati v e Artteru ai;' three
t inn's
He was feeding students the
lie tti.it it is all right to mispiai e
ethnic labels This college,
vs h i h prides itself on being
i ! h a 1! y and aware
should have a laiultv that con
si ia-.v makes the distinction
■ vs ■ Nat . V •. an- and
it .-. no! only tin Native
Americans vs hu are getting in
re is v .niuriaied vs oh this
term Indians also are disgusted
with the flagrant us,- id ibis
term 1ms .him! in doing so. tliev
have nearly lost their identity
dins sentiment regarding the
proper use of ethnic labels lias
reached out in the mainstream
o! Ameru an vh i«•!\ Pimple of
European and other heritages
have been increasingly more
open tii the term Vitive -\nu-r
lean "
Andrew Taylor
nice guv
' hi*, m.in raped two women
and lie was presented in the ar
IK le as someone w ill) just hail
problems and was trying to get
ins Ide together i ask you, how
are the women hi* raped going
to get their lives together7
One woman stated Ryan was
a generous man who cared
about the safety of women,''
and that there were several
times when lie could have tak
ell advantage ol women hut
So what! Are we supposed to
give that man a medal7 When is
n sei ;etv going to realize that
what happened to those two
w men was not about sex It
was an extremely violent ait
ag.onst them and nothing short
of such a crime
i here is no reason to give
such a positive memorial to a
man w h i has i onlriliuled to the
abase and v uilence ol vvomen
Zoe Pargot
Sex: io logy
The sequel
U !L.i 1 does ,i i ru/i'ti bus driv
i‘i ik like ' Is ii m this eyes ‘
Or ! im .ibmil the cholc.u of
-tfiiiifj or thf hairt ut7 If some
t o.ilil give me an ufe.i so I
.s vv : :n to look lor ! if leel
sii miK li belter
In :he meantime. I'm stui k in
i log and mv untrained eyes
an t pu.k out the ira/ed bus
I: i.rr trom a I row d of del ent
bus drivers to save mv life To
S,e> e mv !lie' l o sav e mv llle"
Yes I'm warv I have to be,
. use e\e:i it I promise to IT
i\ .■.■ I give up all mv cra/.y
'ions that any bus driver
.! run me over with a bus,
mv i haik.es of being run over
w eh a bus won't diminish In
' i l they would probably in
■ease And if I were run over
' i !s vv. a. Id I sulfur severe
' • .! . ige \\ ould I get flat
: -.u i ertain parts of my
: v Would I be mentally
and physically ruined for lilt?'
Stay tie So I'm stuck with wor
ry I'm not morally superior to
bus drivers. I'm just stuck
Well, if no one ran give me a
dei ent answer to the above
questions, then I wish to God
people would stop being angry
at me for mv fears about any
ims driver I don't know well
enough to ride his tier route I
wish they would start redirect
ing tlieir anger toward the peo
ple who really deserve it li
cr.i/ed bus drivers even deserve
to tie called people
Tucker Murdock
Elvis lives
With regard to the Police
Beat story on the guy who was
arrested for public indecency
[ODE. |an ^2) on 15th and Ag
Yes public indecent v is .1 se
rious (rime .mil the guv got
ish.it he deserved, but did we
have to read three paragraphs
describing the man's perns, and
In ;vs police 1 aught in in with tils
pants down, so to speak7 Read
tile third paragraph
The student told police that
when the man drove bv, she
had seen Ills penis and that tie
had an erection She also said
that the man wasn't wearing
anv pants Police reported the
man had an ere< lion w hen they
approai tied him."
l use us a break’ That kind of
outstanding |ournulisin should
land y our reporter a great jot) at
tile \,itiun.il i.iujuin'r or maybe
/rue /ne. hut then, do we
expet 1 anything less from the
lunrrnh f
Steve Buck
—— 1
A GOAL. £>07"ON£
That we pollv
/NTEMD Tt> 4O\'0k.
WlTW/*J,Of CCVftSt
CT TUB AGft£&M£V7:
That covers n\anv
Win&s, eur a;£vfp tue
/rEM i/v QoBiTiON.
softr of like