EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS & " Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! CLASSIFIED POLICIES /'/./( I llll llt Vi i . • I Ml < ■■ ■ <) /'.m nu nl \ .« ! I! . : •* {-»f- Uf.i'-,' t tailing-tut *• . n.r •'.il lutj- A I * tallii j; iiui , -mrnt» 4’! v .• • t V ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1-STOP SHOPPING 10$ PERSONALS A I Q Ifiank you for ma* f>g our fi**la mini fun' fh* I •4 fhh<* ■ \ *»•» W0 i . «• you firoofc* »*• A Janfiy C ( 4 ^ I LWi^jn f it* - a (. Ryan M AftOf*a M ► * -.*y »V H (. ar*y C. Nam y 0 N.coi# M *.!y H n»f( y J I rrnfy l ( aj*.y M Katy M l on O FIJI WINTER RUSH Ali I »« iM N I Hi *VH ► f VI MIS »4*> ' »,1'» *.f Hw j > j* * ? j «j» Q i • a I C*n I *«<1 f, *.b1 ijj> «r»oHt«r >.Sa<« lot* *. v a ‘.mu Kb- Jbi.1 ( t ll jMcm 401 T'*k*» M ‘ .<> IK PERSONALS •J'4’ tilt MlO in,' M . I OV* r , • .1 Vr#t*f » Delta Tau Delta Winter Rush F or met* irtfo r ■» !i 144 ••■to no LOST A FOUND [Oil lu* 1 ( M ■. Utt >**>*. BUDGET llllC'. (1.1 \ S dull.irs < on K )*' SM I itnm urwlc f $ { I C >11 rr r*jn»m Jan 1 1 si V,..- . - .. V is A «U( ( .ill 14<» 4 U I ' for drt.iils m TYPW6 SERVICES A iU . ’ ( fi (■ N Af’I’fl- .11 . u 1 .5 . « . « f l y U-■ . > -N .! »>!>• ' j »•'» • I a*t »c(u)ii« pfi.-f I' .* 4■■■-4 !* f * • ^ .; f a f y i11t (..MAD S» mV! N A Mi CiH i1» ;,j i 11 ^44 ft >. h #*♦4. M NA< T yi•:?«'■. I*f ol*aait>n*l » . . ■ V • - * ■ , T > IMM. I DllINO rt o' i " i • ' ' Vi«>• Runted text to computer hlet ]S C A NN:E ftiSj 7474580 3*j 344-4510 gi 4i n > word i*mh i.wim; .mih *11 u whii tmu i.l l AM H IKIVtlM. , wri'ZO’: iiin,__ 605 E 13th mTYPMG SERVICES TYPING UNLIMITED l *f>d l Pnfiipt 48V3M1 i»« wo«o npf nAi rr»tn .. I >*>■.-. t\ inx'.M .it- •. ".g « . A. , % ar t . (ivtf j. <•' «•• - o-. ;4 't'-'.V® ( 4M T yv • g i * ,;J p*cx#»»ing i» TUTORING Mil »*: M Of : T A l AN «<• *. tio FOR SALE IISC. « " ■ ' S f s N*»i*f Qi*«n »>/• .• • * , ..S' A * a i * muh S’.. - * -• V- ■■■«*•■ * s **' S ' • ' *'.*•*■ •*Wk>fnof» »Jm t>oot« * 4** , v «. *. c. S !* Dorn Miss STAEDTLER DAYS At the UO BOOKSTORE Wed. Jan 29. Thur,Jan 30 25 - 40% OFF ^Al^tagdtle^roduci mCARSTmJCXS . 'p-, c' -) jt''ntbutu tititK ■■ A'*uor» 5 ’ •_* ___ . . f HMAJ Ml M i/| l) , S *.v .. .. „■ • • - . i * :*d Car* • - • • ' •* - «v. : , M' : A A* ,i ..s! «u > .* ;»•«»-' a . • • . UVI i I ■*“ VoUo Wagon '«•** 1 .1 , '«>!% ..I -'. ,5 VN» 20$ OPPORTUNfTtS US CARSTRUCKS . ■ 3 . H' A ' ' ' SI M*;da KX-7C5 ./«>■> • S i si BC YCl£S Schwirm 3 •(>••4 lad<»» t>*a , <• ■ < • i t *** 6000 mountain t>»b* tvanlty u»*• vt’V'* tv -—.- -g <» d ?«* 'v^ tHt *»* tXMisttv biiu x.i .*! ■«» >4*» *. )'.* 344 44V its BOOKS CASH FOR BOOKS T wo C an » loc*t»oft» •Ml | 142*. WUi«in«Ht ictmput) (downfown) 344 t*&1 WJ4?t; BUYING HOURS ft f, M » ft 1 2 S M » ft . *»«l Smith Family Bookstore i»0 SKI EQUIPMENT VOIKI SkTs 204 TARGA R. 197 j l IPt OSIV R :• . J'tKl' j UAi-M - . .- Ik :.»# l i ,V T M j ■ - • »\ Mi N • -/t M V. HN » Nt . V 3 4tM .t . fi '4 ’ -f if* , ,Ht A I r>* A; S j Yafcim* m itik $' f* '•» * ' v * i S • obo No-.' 70S OPPORTUNITIES Take a Duck to Lunch * Juniors & Seniors * Here’s an op|xmuniiy to lx1 treated to lunch by a Uveal professional in the area of your major You will have the chance to ask candid questions and get a leel lor what life alter graduation is all about Applications are due by: \ Kridav, Januarv 31 lit tB4TVM(n«s / * w m \M) r > 140 Hendricks Hull for info cull 346-2107 195 TRAVEL HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT! HOT! kna ipanaiva Spring B'Mk Trip* Mciko - Hawaii - Maalco 1(800)543-9205 Mm Aapan Apply lor a C f •t*y« I iHhmm interest group leaders "ws«5«J \> f «|i; 1 flW*’ Apply T?y f <»C ■ -ft'l ' ' *6* Oregon Mar MONEY FOR COLLEGE We guarantee it. For tree Information call ^800} 645-8758, E*t 341 MTV and Dodge Rockm Campus Bash Band Contest t tmput rock n run band* ar* •nvtted to enter their ckmo ai*d*o ( or video tapes tn this tree local and national competition T aj*m mull be Submitted by January 31 interested? Stop by the Cultural f orum Office ( MU Suita 2 for : am try loim a■ d won Jeta>is 205 OPPORTUNITIES Bungee Jumping Franchise Wanted entrepreneurs and aggressive outdoor enthusiast* lucrative, adventurous and all-out m < 11 a t CAMPUS RADIO ! \\r. .<.*»• ; ‘ • flii*tr*#«« Manager * • •* , ' .r*t [ ' . it'- :P' [hUV-t '41 F r- '1 *J. CASH FOR COLLEGE mu a 1 »V-- .»! a*j \>* I VI MY •.• **»' G-rt t. ft W 00f4 «».' ’KiS SPRING TERM INTERNSHIPS Start on your career now by gaining upper division credit and practical eipervence through spring term internships ottered by the Career Development Internship Program Available to Jr Sr with major minor in th# College of Arts and Sciences Mead position descriptions in ??1 Hendricks Hall and attand the orientation meet.rig Thursday. Jan 30 at 3 30 pm { MU Gum wood Mm tor first chancs at sign up* s.o.s. T* mm ant*iu4> mt»'c and cMsi-tAirafl ! ! • jOii iHnUm.'. tor " ** 1992 Student Orientation Staff (SOS) i i H• -Air#1. i‘ it- ' *-.g I’lia j viudont* and fhotr paru'fi to tho UO ! J, y '»' .‘a and Sop* :*■> ?5. a' ■ a a » ,i' . ’vj othor sum mo* < ■ V.’KXJi Ri* if ,-u J ’ <|*ld »arn j S’ud Devi. H>4 Oregon »4a on . A.*.»s ;i'u tl .»» by rux-" Wot! U*’- &. .... 2)0 HELP WANTED 210 HELP WANTED CON FKRENCK ASS 1 STANT \iuiituni ing 10 (‘.onfcrem e Assistant jxisitions with l niversitv Houmhj* r l»Vhr for spring term training, room, board, and valuable job experience. 10 to 14 week jHisihons available. For more information, attend one of the re< ommended (^inference Assistant Informational Meetings in the Bean West (^inference Koom at Bean (aimpiex at 7:00 pm on Thurs. January JO, 1*H12 or lues. February 4 1002. Position description and applica tion available at: l niversitv Housing (^inference Servites, 101 Douglass Hall. Walton ( omplex. t4t*-42t»V Application dead line: 12.00 pm. I eb 14. 1002. MAKE YOl H Jail HUS Si MMER AS ADYEXTl RE! (UwUi opEK*taney ollffTMjfcv# OCHor yt corwts-xjkj to cu»K*ru< Ci> y 1/ Point Control Co. SOFTWARE TESTING ENGINEER to jom the Product Integration Team lor e«p rxtrng CAD CAM Software Developer •> Software testing <■ C Language programming ❖ Compilers, debuggers and other software development tools •> Porting code to multiple platforms <• Proficiency in MS-DOS and UNIX operating systems ❖ Network end UNIX system administration knowledge <• Computer Science degree or equivalent education liv. . " X ■ -V .1' I lii-a'r 'eo- 'tr-HT- Is tiy I etr., i , r,^.i !c. Development Resources Managar P 0 Boi 2709 Eugene OR 97402 J ’ v Vos ' S4.i y Oepe'-fle- • vipv t? r ~\ \\ uti this coupon you can hu\ a set ot GUITAR STRINGS tot 1/2 our list price l lij* :; c \ J'ites 1 cl' 2‘J, ''O Music city 210 1 17th at Pear! • E ugene OjViifvnunp ui u 1 imitt il in \t.‘\ k J Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU PRES -;v v mm kSGBM' Ml' ,