Bush under pressure to deliver U \ S HINC TON IAPI Af i o r Inflating h opt's to ex I r,to r d i n a r v heights, President Bush no* has to deliver After ail the hype Bush on Tuesday must produce a c red ihle plan for economic revival and a convincing political manifesto lor his sputtering re-elec (ton t ampaign It s going to he .1 tough sell when Bush' lakes los Slate.of the Union address Before re t cssmn-weary Americans, m.nn who appear to doubt fus leadership The anticipation lor this is so high ln>'s got to hit a home run." said former While House political director Kd Rollins "A triple won't do it.” Senate Republic an header Hi>fj Dole said. I think lues day night max he the politic al Super Bow! lor President George Bush For nearly two months. Bush has teased voters with vague promises, all hut de claring that his State id the l ruon w ill hold a magic lor inula for prosperity His message to voters in New Hampshire, where the recession has been devastat ing. was I care" and Slav tuned Political strategists m the White House and on the out side agree that Bush must spelI out a clear ec onoinic message that reassures an xious AmerU ans about their future He has to set/e the initiative with a legislative agenda that throws Democrats on the de fcnsi i c And hi' > got to do n with .1 uthorit v It *» a daunting assignment for .1 president wivo is unc om fnrtahlc with primetime tele vision spi't'i in's Hi1 s got to give .11! ilW ill i 1 \ good speech .is a speci h ih>111 in terms of its ..rhetoric and its driiien or hell gut panned said Norman Orn sti'iti a presidential analyst at tiir VniiTu an Idilerprise Iristi tut ion 'ii tills is a ty pic al Stair ol itir l moil speech with modest proposals, his slide will i untinue I in rr a si ngl v . pol l s show ■ih.il. Aim : ,■ air. doubt Rush i ir. i tin- tiir sit k i-i onornv or that hr has a plan lo improve health i air Hush's policies fai or the ■rich-over, thr rniddlr i lass, a majorili of Amrrit ans be Itrvr Mr spends too min Ii lime on foreign pole i Wiii'ti Hush stands before Luesd.il night s joint session of l ongtrss. it will in' far dif ferent Irorn his Iasi speech on (aipitol Mill Last March ti, iir stood In triumph, a conquering hero as hr reported to the nation about the allied victory over Iraq Mis approval ratings in the polls leapt to nearly UO per cent ( ingress was intimidat ed A little m ore t h a n 1 0 months later, his poll rates have gone into a free fall, dropping to the lowest point ol ills president y Hie country is mired in the longest recession since tile Great I'epression Unemplov mi'iil i'* rising < longmssionul Dumni t.its are emboldened Saddam Hussein mix ks him fr in Baghdad Vrui Hush s slm w i a sc- u ii j-> ;i ills jobs trip In I ip.in is dubbed .1 ill saster i'uesday s spo t h is t rue nil perhaps the most important of tiis president \ His campaign staff circ ulated a memo i all mg il die defining event nl. the Bush president y . and therefore a key to successful re-election efforts Says Rollins This has to be his campaign theme It's set up to lx- a politic al doc u m mi ! T h e vs l V its flee n staged it s Ills road map to vie torv and his roacl map to a sec otvd term \ lenioc rats are sure to sav it doesn't' go tar enough Some Republic arts already have been saying the same. ..prod ding Bush to provide more in a entry es for business white House iliies yyorry tliat people are expec ting too mu: Il Ill' s gcit a good plan, a senior o 11 it ia I said 1 hat does not mean that simply de livering a speec h, somebody snaps his fingers and every thing s ()g But Bush will try to make voters happy lies expected to propose a mold ie lass tux break in the form oi an trie reuse in the per sonal exemption lor families up to Vi .000 e : tax i redit lor first time home buyers and a tax credit for lower-income Americans to buy health m sum m e Army officers sentenced in El Salvador massacre SAN V \ i A AIX)! \, 1-1 Salv .i.i ir AIM i'wii .i-rim .off * - ( its rvi eived the maximum senten. ex ul 10 VtMrv in prison fiir-thi' luau massacre of srv Jesuit priests. thinr housekeeper and her daughter i tic ki 11 mgs »iti' v lew i'ii as om >! the worst atrocities of Id Salvador s 1J \r.ir t iv 11 war I’hi v drew international out rage ami |>r>un|»ti-i! moves in Washington to siasl.r aid to l.l Salvador \x a judge passed senteiu ing on the colonel and lieutenant I'nd.iv a contingent of about ttlti ! \ peacekeepers arrived to oversee a i ease lire In (tie War that is to take eflis f on I eh t tier; \ a tor Sualives ol Spain, duet of the ! ' N !- at e said tie vv i: work w Ith (i.itli sides tia government and leftist re I let's to w or k out d isarma merit plans idle pe.o ekeepers and the seiilem log i anie a dav after the National Assembly voted to grant amnestv lor most poltti ; ally motivated i rimes inimiiil ted during the ( iv :I w ar Idle amnesty covers most at tai ks staged In guerrillas and I l a til 1st (iealll si j lad . who to gether killed tele, ol thousands ol civilians, t re.il;ng a i 11mate ol fear and bitterness that helped pn Ul mg tile VV ;! K i 'he i comma n i e. Salvador Sanchez l emit, one ol live se (not guerrilla leaders returned openly hi the capital 1 rulav. apparently lor lli«• lust Him* .ri. i !In- i\ .if began Ihe rebels ha.) been y\inline to: lIn- am nesty id return hi- amnesty spiei till illlv ex emptod those responsible lor the h'suit Mliiss.U re lodge Kis .irilo Zamnra of the •ttIt t rimm.iI c ourt also ini pus.',I suspended sentetu es o| three ve.trs on three other (till ers itu In(iinp .i I(eutenant , oione.J he lounil guilty ol de stroymg ev liiont e i'ltuse sentenced to III years Weie ( ol (.uillern.o BellaVides an i l.t Yusshy Kane Melido/a \ fury Iasi . September found Benavides guilty of i>ight i i ms ol murder lor order mg It: X Sups of.the luslllts |l U Is the first tune ,m army officer yyas i ortvleteii ol a i rime in vulvmg the politically mollvat ed abuse ol human rights lire priests a 1111 the two •s - in. i is ere lain on Nov In I 'Iter at ( III I al Alltel n an fill \ e' siiv vv ftere they liv ed Hie slayings look plate on the sixth .lay of a huge urban offensive by the rebels The iar riglil, ini hiding many military ofhi ers, had long con sidered the lesuits at the uni versity to In- .subversive idiai logues The jury found Mendii/a guilty ol om- count ol murder that ol Hi y eai-old t elina Kamo-, the daughter of the pri.■ s 1 •- housekeeper It at quitted two i it her I leu tenants and 11 y e soldiers of murder i barges UO STUDENT FAMILY HOUSING Some 1 & 2 bedroom apartments available in Westmoreland & Amazon Rents from $132 to $161 Contact: University Housing at 15th & Agate or phone 346-4277 for details. 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