Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 27, 1992, Page 11, Image 11

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    Hockey Ducks shoot
to a scoring weekend
By Doug Carter
• •• : C
Tin' Oregon ctuli hockev team' used unselfish plav ami a lot I
hard lulling to dismomlier a qualitv i ab'ornU squad tiltsWeekend
bv ss ores of t> ! Suturdav ami *1- t Sunday
three Oregon lines skattHi Weil Sunday and. passed the
pi;, is w ith evcoptionai .n curat v in a i >.ea mg in a sis ,! win t eh.
el . r.ia I Paipi In ami Ned White each ■■ i -n-d two goals is a total el
ses en-Ducks found the net
Head couch Shane Peters, making ‘its debut at the helm td the
Dm ss, was pleased with the scoring dwt; ibulion among the threi
(begun lines
The team reallyplayed together as lines ithts we, kendi Peters
said When you. have nine goals amt noledi with !hree. three sep
.anile units ate really being prodin live
Dominating is a better wort) Rough work in the defensive /one
bv Mark Liebert and M«e vine Harper repeatedl v turned aw a v t lull for
nia chant es and allowed the Duc ks t keep the at lion in lroi.it o!
the opponent's net
U erkend.totals for shots on goal :ib; T lie the Din s (iominam e
as "Oregon outshot tin- t .nliii'li Heals u.' i i :v tvs , i games
Oregon made aptickwork of their Beat hunting oh Super B wl
Sumlav going ahead in the first minute un i enter Kit hard Tin k- :
Alter knotting the score at J . (ulitorniu players wen' ml. " • ■
hibernation routines, induced by fatigue and bruised b : - - !
wereiiiitst lin'd 7-(l over the .next twenty minutes
O.tli forma coach Howard Ji nks acknowledged tin ' . : that luiv
i eg On I v two line-, didn't help, bu tin i : I.;! .It; t keep |r. in; e-, I lit >t;. i i
Using on the officiating
It's .1 good tiling that they give the oflt. nils a break i)« tweeil the
set ond and third per unis so theV Call !■ el the ruluilook m upset
Turn to HOCKEY, P.ig« 12
Wrestling Ducks manage
to win one, lose one
I'lic Oregon wrestling team
didn't let a Friday night loss
keep the Dinks from returning
to their winning wavs Satur
Oregon fell 2-1 18 at Boise
State Friday for only its seeond
loss of the season, hut the
Dm ks bounced hai k tor a 2d I d
win Saturday at Brigham
The 2drd ranked Ducks, 7 2
overall and d 1 in the Pacific
10 Conference, next wrestle
Wednesday night against Ore
gon State at Mi Arthur ( ourt
Senior Dan Vidiak started Or
egon oil against BYD on its
usual strong loot in dual meets
The 118 pounder heat John
Mclmoil 2-1 ‘J lor the most lop
sided y ictory ol the night
Oregon’s Jarrell ( lark fol
lowed lh.it up with an 8 2 win
ov er knlton Anderson
The Ducks 11 n t s hed t h e
match oil strong, winning the
last three matches for the tre
Solomon Pulp outlasted
Wright Noel, 1 I, m tin- 17'
p [iu n tl i .i 1 egor y. 111 > i 1 (Ml
pounder Si nil Mvi'ts beat A I
1m!| Olsen n S Him v y weight
i tins. Anderson finished nil the
(' .rears with .m 111 win over
Shawn Ponce
Oregon wasn't so lorlun.ite
[■'rid.iv night in ils first I’m 10
V.,II,A. ranked third in the
nation, again got things going
lor the Ducks He pul Oregon
up on the hoard first with i
to 1 win over Boise Stale s I n
rv Duran
(dark kept the Ducks up by
winning the set end in 0* ii ol
it, . I ,i \ 'it, ii ei l Ir ■ \\ ard
()ther Duck vviriners mi hided
S’ Brand, a; , : n . . in
Its ..nil Anderson over line
(ovens, ii l
Boise Slate go! six points
from V is Nelson, the sixth
ranked ! SO p ,1 lid! Nelson
pinned Oregon freshman Tom
(derm at J, S’ into the matt h
Continued from Page 10
pulling down I 'I boards .md
adding Hi points
Ret-r e played .is .1 reserve lor
Iliu first tiinr in tivi■ games and
looked So prove himself
When he checked iri the
Huskies were Oil tile verge ot
taking over the game as they
built up a 10-point lead But
Reece rami' m and nailed i
short jumper to make the score
.10 a;;
Reece then hit a thr.pointer
and threw a perfect alloy-cxip to
sophomore Clyde Jordan to
pull Oregon within fisc at
:i2-2’ One more three-pointer
by Reece and the Ducks trailed
only 34-30
Reece's performance seemed
to spark the team for the rest of
the half Jordan and freshman
Orlando Williams both added
three pointers of their own and
in a fitting end to the half.
Reece hit still another trey to
give Oregon its 11 tst lead .it
: i i.:
Reel e said he knew when he
got into tile game. he hud to do
something quit k
V\ e hilti to get nil UlleOtum.
he said I V e been 111 .1 slump,
till! ( oat ii to! 1 me to k> ep !,ik
ing my shots After tnv first levs
shots, ! knew ! was on
Oregon players gave a lot ot
ireiiit to tile Dm k fans who
Were extremely supportive litter
nearly booing the Dm ks off the
court Ihursdav against Wash
inglon State
We figured il we played
w ell. Stoudumire said lie
t row d w ould support
'The ' row d know s w hen
you're playing hard. Keere
added, "and tonight they let us
know w e were playing well
The Dm ks are in lor a tough
weekend corning up as they
fat e So 11 Arizona on Thurs
day and Arizona State on Sat
The Ore-ion club he. • (•■.> m to > sft.'fs a I * ■ t ' ' 1 against California, beating the Golden Hears
6-1 on Saturday and ■■ ) on Sunday
Right price.
Right now
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