Oregon Daily MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 1992 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93. ISSUE 86 Brand beats ethics charge j Ethics Commission drops action on 1989 violation; state board gives university presidents a raise same day Hy C.f' <• !)<-no!' 1 Vhu.s (j rnirii'MO:. Jil 1I JthI.iv i ' ■ 11 i :i!\ VIH . '■ > ■ i M V l: i-! !>: > thi ciimmisMini hili'ii -i 2 that Ilt.irui - ' : . , iilWS will'll In' fret! lri I>«• !() till Myles Brand i 9B'I independent i Bmv I in thi* vv i v i s oi Kwgene Ma\ ur Jit! M il I it ,iih! S| j r mg held M .ivor B i ! I Miirrisotte Brand could have fat i i! a lint' of up In S. (Mill I.-ir IiI>r I til week Bi t: i ri■ jet led a set ! : r men I offer that W tilt! have had him limit to violating tvs w ithout pav ing a penalty He in sti ail ha I a motion .■■-king the commits ■ t ■ . tender its I)ei tjml»'i ruling Obviously, 1 till) ; i-.t-il that we have ta ■ -: a! . ■ to agree on the settlement to ;! 1, 'SI II to t.lki .1 HIM! (OUTSC (IV V i I I.ill'll sliiltl t’Ul law .% i |n•;suti with logisliUivu or ; .ill:- olfuaul^ dot isions may ■ _■ .; ■;; r i th.in S J 00 .i year to a nirmt»T .\ |Hihlii: iifl>,( i.i! may .uocpt a •. • r travel and lotlging i( the trip ' ETHICS Pag** International students Alasdair McKay ot Scotland, Mathias Roth ot Germany, David Guilloyle ot Australia, and Wen-yen Do ot Taiwan chat during the International Cottee Hour in the f MU International / ounge Students deal with customs, choices j if you think the way the University operates is strange and confus ing, imagine coming from another country By Karen I nge's Em«r aki Vu’imn'li Mnshtael stood u|i on the tirsl day of > I a •• when her jirti lessor entered the mom She huinil horsed standing alone in .1 University ilass id about 70 I'm ha; i assed the ham,in fxi hunge simli-'it got i lesson in Amem an rlussriwm etiquette In st! ... tots are treated (11 (ferent ly hen Mu-.hl.uil. like other uiti-rn.itiou .11 students, f.ii es more than cut lure shoi k when entering the United Mutes Udurational sIhk k is a large part of that expo nent e Adapting to the American > dti i ational system is a hig adjustment !m foreign students -.aid (hnnv M irk. I Diversity international stu d"tit adviser Language harriers tie dill'll illty people tend to think 111 lost. Is tail) part of the issue Iteiau-e inteni.ition.il students ale required to have a hasii level :.! 1.ogltsii prol m tetn y fiefore shelving at the University, prob Ictus thev encounter are often ir.i te subtle than simple verbal i omniunicalion I he tjUH k tempo of education, (lie frequent v of evaluation, ill** t om epl of multiple < hoit v exams and t lass partic ipation may all he a shook to inter national students. Stark said it lakes time to ^< t into that, si, slid H.ivinj; to type papers is a stun k to many students, (or example \\ llu v nil make bail Tin* mntii'V lint celebrities raise IS given In i hiirity la twn vc.as I hr ( haptor raised dose in S ! , noil I : tin M.iri h .il Dimes Phelps ,v .is .i ( .: k. (1 is!nr! nlln rr HlHI> H7 ! *hil I is vs .is hind raising d interior Inr the l.av coder \rtwork ln< which puhlishcs the g.iv .mil li'shi.m publication 7/ic/.,n .nih-r ik [hr simmer "1 l'l'lb Hr rum servrs on the nrg.ini/itlinri's hoard nl directors June! Sondurk. co-chairwoman nl the AIDS hospices hoard nl dun tnrs. said furn to DIRECTOR Pago 4 Photo Oy -X)hr Vex*-* University graduate James Phelps was named director ot Lane County AIDS Hos pice Services Inc 1 JUST A REMINDER... Today is the last day to drop a class without a W ($10 fee per drop) or change from credit to audit The Duck Call registra tion number is 346-1600. CAMPUS OPINIONS How do you feel about the United States giving support to the republics of the former Soviet Union7 Check out the views from other students in STREETWISE See STREETWISE, Page 7 HEAVENLY Dr. Stephen Hawking explained his theo ries about the uni verse Saturday night. See HAWKING, Page 7