Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 24, 1992, Page 9, Image 8

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    Timing right
for Duck win
lust when Oregon needed .1
win. Arizona showed up on the
Due ks' .schedule
Perfect timing
The Oregon women s basket
ball team broke out of a minor
road slump fry topping the
Wildcats. <11 ■<>7. at I'm son
Th e w i n i m proved t li e
Dinks' record to 10-5 overall
and 2-11 in the Pacific 10 Con
ference;-giving Oregon its lirst
Pac-10 road win and its first
win away from Ivugene In more
than a month
Oregon shot .r>,r> percent 121
ol tit from the floor) in the firs!
half, including fc ol u three
point shots, and jumped out to
a S i -:0 first-hall lead Arizona
lacked the sharp shooting ol the
Due ks, making only t-1 percent
(12 ol (fi) of its baskets
We made mil three poult
ers, which redly lurried tilings
around we played one ol mil
smarter first halves ol the sea
son,' Oregon coachefwin
Heim said
The W i I dr at s s hot e\ ■ n
worse in the second hall, but
Oregon finished shooting hi
pert enl ol its shots in the game
We came ready to ploy
Heim said, 'not to say that
they didn’t, tint it's important
to Ice i one entraleei
The Dm ks I, coked ■ one en
Iraled enough as live different
Oregon players finished with
double figures in storing
\ ,,n'"*s.i S, Idee. ;!„■ w ,y
U a i leiibc
Sara Wilson scored if
, pc lit, Je„n Marc 1,chard
, ime iff the bench and made r>
o! r shots lor ltr points
[‘here Was had news to! Ore
gon. however i or vs aril keiiy
Blair sprained her ankle tend
Road trip set
for wrestlers
lost its Jirst in.tii li dI the season
W (. « 1 11 :!■ 'll l I'XJII'l i
Unit to bother tin- 22nd ranked
Dm k s
Oregon bounced bai k from
the loss to Fresno State last 1 ri
day to beat two other teams
during the weekend, and the
Ducks look to extend that
streak tilts weekend
Oregon wrestles at Boise
State tonight and again Sulur
day night at Brigham Young
Boise State. 5-3 overall, has
lost live in a row to the Dui ks.
including a 33-7 loss at bugetie
a year ago N'els Nelson, Boise
State's top wrestler, is ranked
sixth nationally at ISO pounds
by the A mo I our Wrostllna
Brigham Young has wrestled
only once this season, losing to
Boise Stale, 22-12 Oregon has
beaten BYtJ the last four times,
including a 33-7 win at M< Ar
thur Court last season
Oregon's top wrestler is 1 1H
pounder Dun Vidlak, ranked
third in the nation at his
weight The senior owns a
44-2-1 mark in dual meets dur
ing his career
Instructor: Lan
Psychology 101
Winter 1992
1) Who
\ List them.
developed ’’the hierarchy of need"?
2) r.i*tt«5li*»xample of cognitive dissonance.
Fromm, Menniger, and Allport
theorists". What does that.
ifoed as
4) You can ride the bus.. .anywhere. Anytime.
All term long. Just show your student I.D.
^Would Skinner call this "Positive Reinforcement"?
5) According to Freud,
what doe?
"the bus"
How do the id, the ego and the superego
Please be specific.
affect bus ridership?
C W1 UK V*nji( O&locj