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KINKO’S More Than Great Copies • Report Binding • IBM and Mac Rentals • Instant Passport Photos • Next Day Typing Service • Fast Self Serve Copiers - with Auto Feed • Next Day Resumes • Next Day Business Cards • Custom T-shirts *sK ’°r.cCOUNf 20% 0,SC C*RD <0' COP'®*' Sc«Scrv^^ Open 7 Days * SPORTS Ducks ugly in first half, lose 90-55 By Jayson Jacoby t "o' .i-o Sports bo to * tor Whatever lh«' rest of the sea sun brings for this Orison men's busketliall learn. .1! least things probably "■ n't get any worse titan the first half of Thursday's ‘to loss to Washington State In front of unis t ’ 1 tit Mi At thur Court Murphy's haw 1 aught up with tile Ducks (V4 overall .1 tul 1 i in tlte !'.i< ifit tO ( ortfer eii! r) in a lug wav (faring tfie first twenty minutes of their fourth straight league loss i hose four defeats hat e been by .in average of itH points per i onlest Obviously tte played poor Iy and tin t shut, tlie hall pretty web ()reg. .a ( oath Don Mon soil said \Vhat bothered me w as wo didn't play hard At least you only have to live with 1 hi s it it one day Oregon's first hull 'woes jump off the slat sheet The Ducks made just five field goals on route lo a •ill” halftime defi i it ()ii eon iiiI'm I all sis of its three .point attempts and shot a frigid 2 r> peri ent in mi the field w hile i oinmitling rt turnovers \] •-.! ii w Hit l.uu gars [ ) 1 t 1 r t\ i ■ r i ■ s! ting si pert cni on lr> o! JH. including five ul Him* Ires*. Terrence i.< w . ■ did in. .1 o( ilu damage, hitting 1 .it ul five Irom long range on the way to 1 f» o! Ins game high 22 points The I hii ks had problems fie vond mere numlx rs, though Oregon's offense was coni pieti-U shut down h\ U .shine ton State s ten.icmus maii lo imui detense None of the ! h. ks !; i. field g. .i Is enmt Irolli designed plays and Ore gon had to settle mainly for off h.daru e low per. i ntage sh,.is hveii worse ail toe Oregon starters seemed glued to the flue! Nolle moved t i IlMstonily wilho ,t the ball and all tailed Phcrto b> S«an Polity Washington State's Rob Corkrum blocks a shot attempt by Oregon's Matt O Noil during Thursday s game iii n.i i'S passes, resulting in nu merous (amgnr steals Our ii.iitli- rrv all week .it jii.H.tii.i was iu pressure tile vt and tin* guard*. Wash melon Stale i uni h Kelvin Sampson said We foil we i-tiuld i.ikr them ou! of their of fense Ur wauled lu fon c (hum to ill row tin- hall inside bet auso t ha I \ not llieir strong point Oregon didn't have a strong point in I he firsl half, and a > KISS A DUMMY SAVE A LIFE!!! Here's your chance to learn C.P.R. and to certify for the Red Cross C.P.R. certificate For a $10 00 toe charged to your student account, you will roceive: • 4 Hours of Personal Class Instructions ^ • Instruction Booklet r • Red Cross C.P.R. Certificatior ( Card Dates for C.P.R. classes: Saturday. Jan. 25th 9am - 1pm Wednesday. Jan. 29th 6pm - 10pm (C.P.R. classes held in the Student Health Center Cafeteria) Register Early. Space is Limited. 346-4441 Cancellation must be 24 hours before class or no refund Sponsored by the Student Health Center. Office of Public Safety and the Lifestyle Planning Program frustrated MmtMin benched tin' starters three minutes before hill ft»in<' in f.ivor of the second team ! thought they would tome in and play hurt), and they did." Munson said "I didn't think it could get any worse than It was .it that time and It didn't The Ducks never led in the game md with hew is bundling m open three pointers as Ore gun's /cue defense tailed to ro tate quick enough, the Cougars were up I'M. in the lust seven minutes Washington Slate didn't need much offense, though, .is Ore gon managed just it) points in the first 12 minutes Things didn't get any better in the second half, although the Dm ks did double their first half point production in the fits! eight minutes Mi n kept it. starters on tie hem h for tin- first four min ules and the lead stayed at around 20 But Lewis and Neil Derrick started flitting tre\s again, and things gol even ugli er in a hurrv Oregon shol heller in the set - ond hiilf but still finished at jus! ,15 pert rnl fur the game, in cluding u dismal two of 1.) three-pointers The C-ougars, though, healed up even more, hitting nearly 60 percent in the second half to finish a! 57 percent for the game The key statistic, though, was Washington State's three point proficiency. Led by Lew is six of eight, the Cougars hit 11 of lit) treys for the game "It was a lough game," said Oregon freshman Jeff Potter, who scored eight points "They really made us get out of our of fense They're really quick, and they played well tonight." Oregon will try to break its rapidly worsening skid Satur day night against Washington in a 7 :t5 game at McArthur Court