Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 24, 1992, Page 5, Image 5

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Sawyer Brown fuses rock, country
By M;ng.Rodrigues
t mura’a Coe.tr ihc.taf
forget Iho .inlii|uatm) notion of t ountry rmiste
being the lwangy lullaby of fvi 1 i 1>i 11 iio If one ran
judge from the mostly tern to !w enties t rowd fas
cin.itiori with Sawyer Brown, country music may
hr in for .1 long-'spell of populariu
I'h!• live-piece bend from Naslndle is on the
cut-l'ing edge of redefining'country musii Spiked
with .1 solid dose of ro< k n roll and films, tins is
the contemporary. high-energy sound of country
Sawyer Bri wn style And it s a winner
Last v ear. the hand was one of the top-! U grtiss
mg country tours, and uist tins' week their latest
single. "The Dirt -lined. Ini number one on the
i harts ol Radii*:■& Roeiint and Gavin nsagu/.ines
while grabbing the number three -.pot on IIill
lx mrd
'They are one ol tire new country a t*. that is
-drawing a Wider audiem e to i uimilry iivusu espe
Crally with the younger set her.lUse what they
give is an exc iting tw ist to the traditional sound
of country, said Tim fox. a disk jcu kes at hi t.N
radio station, a concert sponsor
Am! fur some time noyv. country mihii has
burn ihr most popular muMc on national radio "
ll all started more than a det ade ago wln-n
Mark Miller and llregg Hobie Hubbard met in
college and began writing songs'together Accord
mg to Milter, dies appeared to be an unlikely duo
an intellectual keyboard player and a short sto
ry writer (Hubbard), and a basketball playing
songwriter/singer (Miller! The two later beaded
lor Nashville and booked up with bassist Jim
Scholten and drummer Joe Smyth
The opportunity that skyrocketed their ( areer
reads like the Stull dreams are made d l earning
up and calling themselves Sawyer Brown, the
band entered Slur .Search and won, ultimately
signing up with (lepitol Keiords and bet tuning
the first and only band to ever w in the C ountry
Mush Assck iution's prestigious Ilia o' n Award
I heir sut t ess surged ill the years that loilowed,
and Sawyer Brown became tie must ■•■till
touring band in the business, releasing bit alter
With their l.iiesl ulhum. 1 hr Dirt Kim./ Miller s
writing skills nre hueked h\ some of the most
puwerlul mush i.mship found in the reeording in
We've h'i-:V wr i!; m: together 'for so I'.-ng. hut
somehow .riot of the s. e.gs never m.ide It to S.m
ver Drown .i.ltnims Miller s.ud I .<!'-;■> we ve
heeti «.i\ more prod-w live withour-writing out
on the rood, end I think .is .1 result we u* seen
tlie writing gel So menv things we ve done hi
perfeitls on tins jirojei t. d.ieetton wise
The Miller Huhh.ird duo penned tin title cut
rttui lirst single who h le.itures the h ueo .1 r11 str\
ol the legemierv l ari Setups Alteiho ' the
duo’s t uts is Another I rip lo IheWeil .1 snin;
ilixmt the 1 elehr.nion ol life, .diout I.11 :ng the ups
utiiI downs end how one \ memories ,ire ...rn. I
1’itne end l ove is .mother song with .e rnes
s.ige It t.,Iks iihuu! .< huui.in liethg ntehmg up lor
tittle .mil love til.it’s t en lost
Their compositions mviii to point out some
tiling about the :misn of Sawvrf Bti'Wii it
m.ikes you dam e. hut it also in.ikes \ u,i dunk
What's foutut on the latest album i-vp.in,!'- . ,
ready broad dimensions o! this band
As a writer, all sou i an do is trs to retire !
Svheti s ou are at a gtyen lime. to he !e m • t svith
the musii . and then hope. Miller said
"I've always felt that it's the ’furniture of life
that's important I mean, you can go into a house
and tie overwhelmed by the art hitei tural image
and all. but the first impression really doesn't
have anything to do ssitli the reality oi the people
who live there
"It's the pieces ol furniture pit ked up here and
there, the fabric and texture and color that make
up a person's world That's what this o i ■■ id's ail
about the fabric and texture and color of our mu
Sawyer Brosvti performs at li p in tonight in the
Huh t.enter s Silva Coni erl Hall I n kets are sold
♦ # 4
FRIDAY, JAN. 24th, 1992 — 8:00 P.M.
Tickets: $10 Advance — $12 Day Ot Show
A,.i .»{'<*• A? . n h x! CD Work I HiltorVA All 7 ■- kdrruisltw .Outlets
Curtis Salgado Lydia Pens© James Harman
SATURDAY, FEB. 1st, 1992 - 8:00 P.M.
Tickets: $14 Advance $15 Day Of Show
Av«I>i itiit* At TMtx»s CD Work! Mfttt m & All 7 k kvttu.r,U)i Oufk’K
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Wall Disney World to. a
present an information sew; r n tin- Walt Disney
W ■ nkl l ' dlc*^>c'll aium ii 1 wesday . Ian
" • " 'pill. 111 the M.ipU l<- 111 St':: irlll ! Ill' >11
\ttendance at this present.Hi* m is r< jutred t
inler\'iew tor the SI MMER 1 A LI 1 ( >1.1.1 t >1
! RODHAM lnter\ ieu times and It at ions will lu
held, lor summer tall interns. Wednesday. p|an -1
at t aret t Planning \ PLn etnetH. time ti > he
announced Hie following majors are enourayted
to attend, si MM I K Hospitality. t < mmunication,
Theater Drama, Recreation and Business IM P
open ti > all rnajc>rs
i i mt.K't
I’hf >ru
(..trt-iT Manning \
I'ku cmcnt
A tii-60 IS
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C Tlir VTjfc Diane* v urn
An f j>ul ( »{>j* *t unity £inj ! v^-r
M f I
If 4
vtxv don t have to look twice to wr
that this man run charge There no
certain strength ot character anun
dcma&e sense ol sell confidence
that says hen a leader Men believe
m him because he believes m him
sell He is a Marine other/
II you believe m yoursell and
would like to hnd out more atxsul
the kind ol leaders .ve look
lor call I 800 MARINIS
Who knows we may not e\
have to look any M , -
further than you IJmATIIWS
The her*. The Proud. The Marine*.
See Capt Edgmgton Jan 26 & 27 in the EMU