Engine Service 1000 S HrrtrUrn Kd . M • bug*n* OR 97402 One hlo • H« «r A " inr I mi. ti I I M'am '«V"' 'n 1 o I iirmci 1 Mi n i !»>j .M ii Sim 750 W. 7th • 343-7658 ill 3. M *m < ?*< tn l< nu - V-|wai hum RIGHT (@)N TARGET h Emerald ADVERTISING DEPT. 346-3712 EMU CULTURAL FORUM & 95.3 the KAVE PRESENT PRIMUS Love On Ice THUR FEB 6 8 PM $t I UO STUDENTS $ IS GENERAL HILTON BALLROOM & THE FLECKTONES MON FEB 1 7 8PM *1.1 VO KIl'IMCNTN *l« CKNKKAI. HILTON BALLROOM robyn hitchcock Q 3 a o (0 <0 < *0 Q 3 w plus Matthew Sweet MON FEB 24 8 PM S11 HO Ml !|MINTS SI.U'.KNKKAI. EMU BALLROOM BRUNEI CdCKBUNNl plus Sam Phillips TUES FEB 25 8 PM $ISUOSI\JOENTS$ 17 GENERAL HILTON BALLROOM STUDENT TICKETS AVAILABLE AT EMU MAIN DESK ONLY! All GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS AVAILABLE AT EMU MAIN DESK CD WORLD FACE THE MUSIC HOUSE OF RECOROS RECORD GARDEN ™""m^mmm*mm^m""™™™""™"""""™‘^^"lm TICKETS FOR GRISMAN/FLECK & BRUCE COCKBURN ARE ALSO AVAILABLE AT BALLADEER MUSIC Club hockey iced on road By Doug Carter A -r Is.A|T ii'.id i r.ii (hiring .1 if'.iee y.iinr sweep in Scuttle ' . i-v.itss! it • i )rrgon club * ' s t C) host I. i i; /1 : V. i,i (his Sututil.i \ .s! I> p ..Til bund.u .ii if) ,i m .it time County l< e .til ( ,di:|en Blurs Will seek In ■ elite the More with Oregon. huh tie,,! them Z-1 .it lierke lev it>'November . :. isi n.• > : ;np vs .if. v !•: v . — : -1 ieiuis ]ereus\ k.ipiun re I \\ • expect more III ihe bos 11 k.; i Diem;,: ( ,, W i ij ti.ive used V. m l.iii Diiik'. i ’« u e U) U ishingiun, i i uiiil it. ami in Briti'sh ,( uilurn > !i ,: : . : i V k •■■..Si lie V, • . n .in old j i Allrr I.i' i WiJi'li; r,i! 5 0 to thr t i ■ K i I ' ’ ■ ! )... k • I' v ! {or liirirt? y»oals in nnt: nimuh-, U.f ‘ ’ ‘‘ i h .• • first of \\.r \t-.ir Hut thi* tn.'inif ininutf wasn't rnou^h as lilt* . • k . • : ! . '' . 5 ■ 1 >■ ill- mu 'a h r o • *.! * ■ l * * r •' ’.'tit no* ( .it? fir it !o(m*s urrt* or,, r 1 ( -iptiiin S ott Hrown N.iid :! was .i t V |>ii o 1 rfHifOn !i i r ' i! ■ X *. i 11! ! t • . ■ . hank \. iu * -.r siu ijijnng M'P;n ! he •,in 1 \ highlight iri th. !. r \ ' two Out k .! i ! • .i Is Was wills.; Brian ( f ■ nm s hist goal .il tin- u' ii. fuming in the ■ ■ ii ot .1 t 1 !■ ss But sin, r thi' program's in 11 plum in months .iii'. Sobol is. ■ seel! tils 1 ) . K •• i.lkl' major strides U: : : ; .1 l i ft- tin team had no organ i/««i prai lues no i upturns and no re,it e {for! io get people 111 the stands. Soho! said All that has i hanged now. and on Saturday the team will finallv feplai e the (ire game tape ot I he Star Spangled Banner with a live perfor mance by Andrea Yales ol the huge nr bused hand l.j/aro X ales whl rung A If.' fit a the Beautiful CHECK CASHING at the UO Bookstore