Duck women ski to second place By Ted Burnham l lii’ Oregon club sports ski team turned in a mixed bag of (■■'Mills on the sunny slopes of Mount Bachelor last weekend .it the Central Oregon Coimmi nity College Invitational ski race The women's team placed In the top three in both.Saturday's giant slalom and the slalom on Sunday The men's team con tinued Oregon's lime-honored tradition of falling and being disqualified. The highlight of the weekend came on Sunday when fresh man Summer Swanson and sophomore Heidi Binder paced the squad to second place in slalom and second place over all for the weekend Swanson's fourth-plur e mark in the slalom t ame after a 1 dth place finish in the previous day's giant slalom Binder placed fifth in the slalom after leading the team to third place Saturday. finishing 11th in the giant slalom The first run of the women's slalom was the grueling 7S-gute course that challenged even the top racers ()! the IT> women who started. 10 were disquali fied or tailed to finish the first run. among them Oregon's Aiiiv McNees and Kristen lay " *1 Oregon a Jolt Jewett sheet hit way to a 21 st place tmish in the gunt slalom Sunday at the Central Oregon Community College Invitational ski race at Mount Bachelor Khniil Hnwi'iiit. Swanson, Hinder and freshman Kartssa Srlnvart/ hold tough for Oregon ami were able to race lilt? second run Although the next t muse c l,uiiu‘«(> 1 Id'i In other Oregon Club Sports IH'VVS • ho Ot ' i vollevliilll team c.oiiipnlod in a tournament Jan 1 ! al Linn Ui-ntfin ('.(immunity t'o 1 it• i.;t•, plot mg third out of a pnssihltt .! trams \V, gnt grrat {> 1 aV at all p J',i [loll'., rspr iatlv thr middle t;i! at il i M .1 In t i a p t a t n Dan (..Ik, .11 saw! I V »• t V !>.!'< wiirki d hard all day Thr tram want > I m pool ptav before Ixaw mg out m the semifinals Oil arm's II. sit malt li Is 1-rti ') at (dtrmrki ta * 'ommurnlv < o! 1*14'' EMU CRAFT CENTER THERE'S STILL ROOM IN THESE CLASSES: SPINNING A DYEING BEGINNING PHOTOGRAPHY COMPOSITION A LIGHT CHINESE BRUSH PAINT MO JAPANESE PAPER MARBUNO UKRAINIAN EGG PAINTMO BOOKBINDING PAPERMAKING FLINTKNAPPING 0 REGISTER TODAY! WORKSHOPS REGIN SOON LOWER EMU iNFO:346 4361 . >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ KISS A DUMMY SAVE A LIFE!!! Here’s your chance to learn C.P.R. and to certify for the Red Cross C.P.R. certificate For a $10 00 lee charged to your •tudent account, you will receive • 4 Hours of Personal Class Instructions • Instruction Booklet • Red Cross C PR Certificatior Card Dates for C.P.R. classes: Saturday, Jan 25th 9am - 1pm Wednesday, Jan 29th 6pm 10pm (C PH . iasses held in the Student Health Center Cafeteria) Register Early. Space is Limited. 346-4441 ( am -■ ition must tie 2-\ hours before class or no refund •■■■. >red by the Student Heetth Center, Otfk'e of Cubin' S.ifefy and the l if o stylo Pfenning Program ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ PART OF /vrsi EVENING WI ¥ H JONES TUES . FEBRUARY 4, 8 00 P M HULT CENTER»SILVA HALL Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen r 77“ V * i\ ‘, / MAvi • i Kraig Norris Weasel s World > * *• H -A ) V 25**;; . WEA&CL! rw; tAW.; issn/> m m w.'. *.• AG>.S !