Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 23, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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    Mac Court looking good
after Oregon road trip
By Dave Chartaonneau
f M < <\ i * ‘ ; y'' Rop'/!y'
Mi Arthur <Unirt nrvit lmt tJ
better to the Ducks
The Oregon men's basketball
tram returns to its home court
this weekend to fin i' Washing
ton Slutr on Thursday and
Wushinglon on Saturday after
suffering two brutuli/tng dr
fc.iis ut I !sc and t)( l.A lust
The Din ks ,m* I 2 ut home
not huil considering their over
.ill rei oril is *i ft (1 I ill the I’u
I llli 10 Conference)
Oregon (ouch Don Monson
sun I it is obviously easier to
pl.it ill home, esprit.illy With
sur h u young tram
If you K' l hehirul. the i rowd
tills, vi>n up. he suid "If you
gel u lead. lhe\ really gel into
the game
(Irejjon Inis struggled siru r
the losses (,l Jon i v I Allen nml
Amin Collier losing seven of
its lust eight gullies And the
Du ‘ ks ate not i ust |( is mg. tins
ate losing lug
! lie ut i ; ugr inurgi n ol lln ir
lie.1 seven losses is more thun
.!'• points u gume
I in I Fin thing Moh si m s.nil
he worries uhoul most on this
learn Is the guard situation
S;iu e ( i ; • • \ injur i. freshman
Johnnie Kt . h.e. I« < ti pushed
into the starling role
Herr e played vs ell in Ills lust
start against Cahluinia hut has
struggled ev er sim r
I h." n., : d siIti.i! e m has 1 uk
en as ia. ’ ! out olh lea M> at
son said
Another problem the Oregon
n am has had Is j.ri k id leafier
ship hydro was supposed In he
IJi< veteran on iho team, and
('oilier was running lln* offense
vs ill, < unfidew i- and poise
U ,th hull, of them oul I !
good. there is no noil leader on
lln I ourl lla 11>« I Ini ks
I don't know il any of our
players arc ready to handle that
|in ul mu. Mon- on .an) \\ •
imv-c lo rn.ikc il mole ul ,1 It am
I * aitgbl aune ajfainsf U ash
thgton Stale toulil In a good
opportunity to. rebound from
(tie tough defeats in ( ahiurma
( lie ('migars busted out to a
1t start hut have sou e lost its
first three Pui 10 games ibis
l ive Dili ks mail fi up well
with Washington State The
(.ougufs use a three guard of
fense and ilon'l have a player
over li feel H in I tie slur 11 ng
Thov are led by guards Ter
rent e l ew'is- who is averaging
lltl jn11nls ,i game, and Neil
I) r r 11 k i 1 ’ (i)
W a'.hmglon pi sihh poses a
biggei lineal lo Oregon Rich
Maiming , I, HI : . Diet < on Id
he ui!-- o! itu loji t enters m the
I*ai III. .1 11. IS av eragmg 17 1
pi,-,nts and seven rebounds a
Hu ►. i enter (Ifmi k Patterson
i mild li.ive his hands lull With
Manning, although Patterson
Inis performed well on the
hoards as nl late, averaging
more than sis a game
(very game. On gon seems to
In i nine more dependenl on the
shouting u! initial letwatd An
luihe Sloudauure Slmni.imire
is lie leading sourer lor I he
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Stoudamire steps up for Ducks
By Jayson Jacoby
* a-g ' Uej /Utt
0 t f g o ti s A n I <> i n <•
Stoudamire Immb' in a 2 t
fool ilmr point shot from tli»;
A minute later. Simidnmirr
twists Ins wirv »> foot s
frame Iietween I wo Man ford
defenders .irui spins the ball
off t h o back bo .1 r d .i n d
through the net. despite lie
ing fouled by I ho Cardinals
All American < anduiale. t>
foot <i Adam Keefe
1 bill I the Ducks (.hut k
Patterson lots a relxmnd has
ket almost .midway through
lhr first half, no Oregon plav
er other than Stoudamire has
si oreil He gets the L)ut ks
first 11 points in what turns
out to lie ,1 7H S7 loss and fin
Ishes with 22 for the game
In far t, sine e !«•< oming eli
gible in m i d ■ Dor e in her,
Stoudamire has led Oregon
in Storing seven of the eight
gu me s i n w hit h Ii e h a s
[lias eti
And now with starters An
dre (olfier and lortlv I.vde.
who had been Oregon .
tyyo top scorers tint for the
season with injuries the ju
nior guard-'for ward from
Portland s Jesuit High
School, anti more ret filth
(.enrgetown University. has
la i olla Il) ! lu ks tug pi.IV
ilie biggest thing he
brings us is offensive ability,
and he's certainly done that,”
On -gun . .a Ii Don Munson
S.i id , espet tally since w e
lost our leading si orers
I: • , Its (Jfegon is lut k v
to have Stoudtimm who was
iin all state anti honorable
mention ( omerse All-Ameri
can p11 k Ins senior year,
w hen he led tlie state in m tir
ing atul relxmnd trig
Stoudamire who was also
a prep at iidemtt A I! Allteri
i an w asti 1 lie.iv dy ret ruiled
in On-guti and opted instead
fiii Big hast ( • ailereni e pow
er house and perennial na
t mini I i untender (.enrgetown
I liatl in 7 ,k tow ant my
other options ' Stoudamire
said NH lies! option at that
! mu v\ as (its irgeti iy\ n
\ftei missing most ol the
lirst part ol fits sophomore
season yy ilh a ret uffent virus,
Stoudamire dei ideti after a
Photo ij>j A :<t> fia/)**
Ducks leading scorer Antoine Stoudamire says moving Irom the
Big Bast to the Pacific-10 Conference wasn't a step down in
V ;: home th.lt In- w .inll-d lo
ii.ii,. t .a k to Oregon Hi- Ik
gan w orking nut with the
Ducks l.isi spring before be
coming eligible lain lost vitur
Despite tin! being an im
p u< l p layer ns .1 H O v a .
Stoudamire doesn't regret a!
tending (uorgetown
!l U as ,i good ex periem e.
both at adnniil ally and ath
lete ally. stoudamire said
It gave me a ( bailee to go to
a school that nas known to
be challenging ai tidemlrallv,
and it gave me a chance to
play on one of the best teams
in one of the ln-st conferences
in the < ountrv
Stoudamire poured m 24
points against Honda Inter
national as a freshman but
averaged just three points a
game (aiming off the bench
And lost year Stoudamire
decided it was time for a
1 fell that I needed to be at
the place ! was most comfort
able,' Stoudamire ^.1»ii "1
thought that this was a better
situution lor mu "
Stoudamire said he had
other reasons lor t boosing
Oregon besides being closer
to his ftimily
! saw .1 good eh.int e th.it I
could slep right It) .Old con
tribute to the team, he s.nd
I thought playing with I'er
roll Brandon would he .1 great
exponent e. and a Iso, my
cousin was being recruited
(by (Jregon) ”
Brandon gave up his senior
season and bet atlie a lottery
pick with thi' (develand Cav
aliers, and Antoine's cousin
Damon t hose Arizona over
the Ducks, but Stoudamire
doesn't regret his choice
"1 still think it was a good
5 (let ixion," he said
Stoudamire said the move
from till' Big l ast to the Bat 1!
it 1(1 Conference hasn't been
' >rr ' STOUDAMIRE Page 12
Ducks hope to repeat Arizona sweep
By Jake Berg
Last \t.ir. Orison found salvation in I he desert
Tonight, lliu Dm ks will be looking there .igain
I In- Oregon women's basketball team was (I 7
in I bit i fit 10 Conference pi.tv Imfon- its mud trip
lo tin- An/un.i st hoots last season. but iht- n-lurn
trip hud llif Ducks fueling better as they won at
both Arizona and Arizona Si.Or
(.oat h hlivin Heinys club is not in sut h thru
sir.ills now Oregon is l*-5 overall anti 1-3 ill iht:
l’at 10. bul Ibe learn needs a win tonight at Arizo
Winning in Arizona Inis always been tough
l.asl year we got lucky. Helm sail! "This year,
both teams have improved their performances
l liev both have a lot more athletic talent and art
playing more aggressively
Anything would be more aggressive than last
veur's Arizona team, though The Wildcats' t>-25
finish was one of the worst in the nation, t an sing
Arizona to tio some serious rebuilding of its pro
In stepped couch loan Bom it ini whose 325-71
mark as the 12-year head coach of Long Beach
State has given Arizona hope
\nd why not7 The Wildcats' ovrrull record
(0-J in Ihr 1'ai equals their win tol l! o! I.is!
Arizona Stale has also U;en surprising, starting
the vear with a 10 I record alter being jinked hv
the league's coaches lo finish last ill the confer
1'he Sun Devils .ire 7-0 at home, making the
Din ks' attempt to repeat last year's performance
just that much tougher
Arizona State has become a very last team and
utilizes a number of bodies to throw at you."
Heinv said We have been forced to rely on our
backt our! more from a scoring standpoint be
cause of our injuries "
Injuries have had Hemy juggling his lineups all
first, center Sara Wilson missed the first eight
games, and then forward Debbie Sport tch was
forced to sit (and is still sitting) because of a foot
The latest casualties lo the roster are lesha
Smith and Cindy Murphy
Smith was hospitalized last week with a bacte
rial infection that may keep her from the team for
a c ouple of weeks The sophomore is expected to
he- released (mm the hospital later this week
Murphv will not make the trip to Arizona be
cause of a Unit with the- flu