Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 23, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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    Enjoyin’ the view
• r * ■ » 'U ..
Bubb.i the dog is ha\<o' run wtr ■ m -.vrsity sti, iont Par., 8 < ,
waits lor tvs Owner. La Mart C.i’'-ao'- . itside of Ctiapman Ha
Rich Little claims to be ‘victim’ in sordid legal saga
LAS VIA. \S (AH) (:<im<‘di
a11 Rich Little ->.11:1 Wednesday
hr would like (or Ills seamy le
gal -s.if^a will] magician Mrlind.i
Sum; to disappear hul con
cedes it s unlikely the story
y% ill go civviiv anytime soon
I yy ,is <i sap. .1 patsy, .i vie
lim." Little lolii reporters hours
.liter .i lrdrr.il judge lilted a gag
urder prohibiting the two from
disi ussmu l he i ase Saxe filed .1
lawsuit in !)ih ember mvi ,1 vnl
Lillie m,nil' in HIHB ol
the ivvo entertainers has mg sex
Lillie s,1 iii earlier appear
.lines by the magician mi the
t.ihluki television slum //in/
(.'n/n hail been ' disastrous' lor
boll; of them
II she's ,1 in.igii inn. w In
linesll’t she just 111.1 kr I 111
Vtrhult' tiling i.illli
s.iiii 1 s.iv !ri •> ilrujj il .imi git
.in with out In. < ^ hut ! Inn't
thinl. th.it s gunnu hujipcn
s.i xi s -it lor Mr i. ( hull*". Mi
t .ri'.i suii.1 ht?> client h.ui no in
(tuition of iiru|)|jinj4 tin' luwsuii
" ’> ! : I \\
ill-.* S.iv ,’ii, kin w ot ill' tup
i nut
Local comic book artists to appear in Corvallis
•.uni K,ok .ir! inS w i!; .ipjUMi-.it HmI .<>ni(< * I'.iriK
,i;; if ■. m ( .ir\.iiiiN i s I.Hi •> imi Mi.
. t riMiuf oflhr comli hook Windows Foil w
. I [lit*' , :**u l‘ ■ i * >.••’.•’*• ■ 11 '* ■! srvrf.li nlli.T .itt Kt** V% : .
•i[>(><•... iivjMrt u! Ht*ro Hun* •> mi oml *inmvnr-Mirv
■ w S». I. ; [*'.i ill 1 ■*(* 1 N \\ \lonr<>, A\m (.orv.iI
..A: i ' . Sl;* • K k (kiwi. ' I luslorv Nlndftll il! Orison
Si,.!* l imi'iMlv
!*i :*. i.i Hi.-si- ar.iisls .i n.-w i iinili hook will prnminri
, • *, wl; * ;■> ir; niilii'i for sir*.; ,-j.; *, ng lixiil i .irtonntMs .nni
i omil .irhsK
|-nr ihr . vrnl s tnnn i .ill Horn H«xo ,il ' *1 Mil
Beer will flow at next month's Northwest Festival
;l;t'",\ '.uii bfiAvsk i*. < '• i • [till * :
V%ivi•: »t\ i::• ■ ■ I ::,* . w ilI t'*■ pi* :i!\ ul l! *i! n<’\t month's
\ !:--w. *.<;•• i i. a ; \ .'w. * Hlllon i nhfnri’iu i
; j,, • :;ij mv.-i i i * - \ ; 11- : **.,■> pi:; .'■!•! ti Irnm 1 to H p in
i 11,- [*■ .: I* ui 11 .1 {! i £. • .1 in;;* nwirn ul In Nut thw ■•■»( i.i
lids I mi I.i,.,)., js.,iU,* ,i hnnl r.iislfp; Ikti.'Ii! for f'ho K.islof Sn.il So
< utiv Of {)rrss|0n
lliftf is Si S‘. I'nll :m( r In* iiiul s 1 lofts cr l.islcs I m mufr iniur
11:-i I ■ ; lull ’.: . -I. ■ V 11* 'Mi,).; ill .'I
Tourism continues to grow in Eugene-Springfield
V ■ >|>i .»fr ft ipn .! fit:*; ;m ! >t nulls-»n .11 :ul ihr l\.i
^S}.; i i onlmuinK «i Ifftit! •«' f.r'ut iMit-'s j*fuvy lit lit the*
f hr 1 .-' hr sprtfn;ii«;!ti C uintTitiun .m«! V iMturs Hummu rrporls
•it. t! : • i xi jr.j;n \ '{•-»r trtifjfm.t!nu- - iIn* .i?> .1 witf m.iiir in
L :.: .:. r ».*..* m r» •, u« >: . • S '»• tu
fir- Hiir«Mu rrjiu.Ms lh.il iiiunI of ihr rr<|m*sls t unit- Irom ( .tliluf
: • 1 i. . , a i i u it 11 »r11 I'**MI
V. . ' : n IH ju : ml uu t lM'M). ,m
:ri* rt . * visitor-. Hur i . «-\{n i is t<> itinlimir m lin* coming
City seeks input on dog off-leash program
Hi* i iii ill l-nj4»*in- i-. .i-.kinn tin |n11• I:. i n input iin .1 pilot pr 1 >
vim : ;s without n Irash
in ili'sijjn.iIim! p.irk '.i!rs
! iii,'Mi . m snimg m-.il tiii- Mil -, iiini p . 1 p11• wlin iMlhi'r signi'il ii
in 111.111 < (i -1 . ttrr lo I hr < 11V i! .. i i tin . I li ,ish isstii' will
! . v 1! ; ri-.puiul in .1 m.iiIimI i|iii)stionn.nri‘
I. ..mi .: 1 p Mi . 11., lui sh U tv111 ■ Viiii ,!• K.im h park
,ii. ! i.is'Hi t.ilii.ini IVirk in l!" \\ 11l.ikiMi/U' ari-.i and ( kindle
iipiit I*.irk in the Ilethnl iiri-.i
V *fr. .1 put 1I1. Iii'.iririp; Is planned Ini I I 11 I I .it 7 p in In .11
1 • 1111 i s tri >111 tin- ‘ 1 mi 11 hi ml v n 1 li.iti* . n volt r ituiir opinions
1 IV if k -ml R. ; 1 m-i! n 1 ( mu 11 .‘.inn will ri'vii'W lilt
: ■ : :. ■ '' ■ ;>:: 11 n ! :,.;.im!': . .! 1,ii.i 1.11 is.mil iii• vrl
Macintosh Classic * System
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