Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 23, 1992, Page 6, Image 6

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Continued Irom Page 1
! hnicn. she said ' is tills freedom '
No* ' shouted the crmul r.is*• ir>
lhi;ir ciimiles into the air
Thu rights of women do hung tiy •!
thread, hut we won t «.u buck Linn
■■ i; i Oregon \\HAI. is on tie' mo *■
and von people ire the key players t
retain our rights "
President flush W.is rrtllCI/ed llV SI N
i r .11 -speakers for li is ant i • abort tun
(flush) tines not trust the women ill
\nient .1 tu m.ike (ii i ismns about tin• ir
uwti lives f.inri said VVe lion i trust
him to run nun minify
J tie events featured speaker was He!
ty Knlierts. iormer assix tale pistil e ill
tie- Oregon Supreme ( nurt and former
state senator
I join tins rally tonight with mis, I
eie it loos. s|ie said ! i am happy that
lor to years women have had lie Ire.
(him to t house
Huberts was one of the lawyers who
argued in court before Hoe that Oregon s
restrictive atiortion laws were uru onsli
tution.il A de< isiot, was still pending
mi her i as, when tfi, Hue ruling vs as
handed down
I shall, never forget that fiitunirv day
• ■ ■,- ... the W
M, .ms i omtn:ttee when some,am Odd
me the 1‘ S Supr- llu < nurt had handed
liuwii ,1 in,liui (h < ision on uhortion.
she said
Is.»i x rls iluilieiii.il- ly Went In a phone
to !‘ind out details
*1 ou vs in. she w as told
llovs mm h did We Will* she asked
You won every thing
Tonight she said to the crowd. I
am proud about all the pro < lion c advo
cates who have Im i‘i years fought bar s
ey ery attempt 11» dilute Hoc vs Wad.
Huberts said that the ( onservativc Su
preuie ( nurt majority is likely to make
almrtton illegal again
I am angry that the person who
holds the highest office in the land has
st.u ki d the Supreme t-ourt lor that pur
pt e.e.' slit- satd
A sign hold by Orogon Slate student Greta L amuso retlected the advice of rally
speakers to vote for pro-choice political candidates
rin' light (nr hi i iluni uf choice ••
■•.ml. will h.ivr !u I.iki new avenues
ll is cii-.tr to itn wi \vil 1 h,iv•■ to tli i!
without Ih«- ' 'mit'il St.!ii-s Supreme
(.ourt. shi s.iiil In l.ii I. it is t lisif th.it
v\ i will him- to <to it in spile of thill
Hubert* simI that attention should !«■
turned to tin- lower courts, and asked
tie i royvd t.i pledge ih.it they Will ask
usury prusidunti.il rimdidate who they
u il! appoint to the lederal judu tary, and
ask every candidate lor governor who
they will appoint to the state |udii iarv
We have lost the Supreme Court lor
uoyy . hut we must at t to rri la mi it in the
future, she said
Ilis .him it is likely that e.u h state will
de< ide its own abortion laws, Huberts
said every eh* ted oflii nil. from si hoof
txi.ird representative to president id the
t luted States, must he ijueslioned about
their stand on abortion
"Don’t he afraid of being an used of
single issue politics, she said "Being
for liberty and being lor freedom Is not a
single Issue
Roberts said llit! riglil to i host' .in
abortion iffri is ,i woman s access to
equal i,(lu .ition, equal jobs anil the
refill to have hi si 11 h v eh ild run
Km- \ ■. \\ .uii‘ is mui h like the l.man
i iji.itiun I’rm Lunation she said It set
us free
!t is time to pick up tin- i hallenge the
!' S Supreme Court has haded us, and
id vo n ) • : | u.
..ist win tiie battle tor all time
State Sen I rlt la Smith. D-Salem, ai
i us. d the anti abortion movement nl
(binding the abortion issue, and (livid
mg women against themselves
Hus isn't an issue about unborn ba
tiles slii' said ' t ins is an Issue about
p >w er
If we don't control our bodies, we
dun s control anything
I o represent ■ *.»i h year of Roe l't pro
(hone supporters each lit a uindle, and
said what it sv m bo I i/.i'd to them
We may lad lie here lighting 20 next
year Smith said Hut we will tie do
ing something else, like elet ling pro
chon e officials
force ‘optimistic’
TON i A !’) Tlx
7 0.0 00 ,i h o r 11 a n
: i fill I s lot's who fc-i t:i
I'tfii on tin* llMh .in
nivtrrs.in of the Su
jirt-mc (Court's tifoi
j sion IcgaIt/,ing .itmu
lion, expressed opti
mism lh.it ii won’!
he legal much long
M.ir\ Llien 1'uUori of Havertmvn
Pa , said she was very optiinislK
•iIkiuI ihc prosper Is for making abnr
lion illegal. and not )ust because the
Supreme Court has become more uni
si'rv.ili’vf since its landmark 1'ir.t Roe
vs Wade decision
A da\ earlier, tin- i ourt had .agreed
lo review a restrictive I’ennsvIvania
abortion law Activists on linth sides
have said the justices niav well use
that t as.' to under.mine Roe vs Wade
"There’s a ( hange m attitudes, e.spe
t hilly the attitudes ot young people,
sail! I'attori, an linghsh literaluri pin
lessor at Villanuva University i'hev
have a conscience like they haven't
had lor if) years The apathy has gone
Anti ahortion activists rallied m
dozens ot other < Hies Wednesday, in
cluding ri (Mil) 111 Atlanta who heard
Roman Catholic Bishop James l.vke
ilec hire that America has been torn
asunder met a law whir h makes life
i heap
Most ol tie- man lies were accompa
nied by smaller groups of counter
In Washington, c ounler-demonstra
tors lined a blot k ol Constitution Ave
nue. esc hanging chants, taunts and
linger-pointing with the abortion foes
Despite some hitter arguments no ar
tests were reported
Julie Koikluful Slr.issrr »\
i:rvi rnjn.i};r( in ) ‘MJ %h<
m,Kob S'r.isM ■ !’ . N r\r<
*iv<• v\ii() w.in Ph ! knicht s in P.oum
iounsri and clost*\t crony until he re
MjMH'ri in 1 UH7
l .tune Bet ktuiui
sfKirts ssfilrr columnist
arni reporter for lh<
past thiftim yr.ifv, slw
h.>v tk < n a si.itt vn ■ '
the / < s Aniytcs Times
Nile's hell-bent path to the lop oi the field.
B\ lulie Becklund Stwser jnd ljuriv Becklund
n uf'u-m,vk.11»U* Stanford MBA ,i controversial track
and held coach, a parad/etl former long jumper; a
former cm- rare- worker a Bunyanescjue lawyer a
large and .s m’ accountant these six men smart but
■ nexf)enei’-i erl kiinvcl a tight-knit brotherhood,
merging then jx-fvina and protesvona lives making up the
es along the way And with then w nn ng combination of vi
sion vv "love and k h'ev cm ven-d the exist successful
sihids c o npanv n t'.sto’v
front ng s'u -.sets out cit c a to >s to s.gmng Michael
A Ionian. Simnli till lows tOufXJe' I’’’ dp Kn and his
team ""Oi,.;'t the 'o coasU" de that was Nike Hanks threw
the »’ o..r ’at tones :..'”-ed dow*' the ' o' iters and sloe k analysts
a,.,giect n thee faces I heir reputation tor trending the rules of
o.. si ness ■ d sfrods and some*! mes ail out breaking them, led
" e o' ess to etui) N St the Saturdav N ght I ve ot me fortune
500 "
IiKiav \ ke Inc s a two hi ! on-do ar worldwide corpora
: o’- -V t yet trecause ot the .nrc’se-v private nature of the
t»!ave's a-d the-i unorthodox methods no one has been able to
•v te a txcos alxrut Nike -unt. now swoosh s a breakthrough
tx.s ness lx mix that reads se a nove
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