Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 23, 1992, Page 5, Image 5

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    Bookstore braves bad times
By Carr e Dennett
trrw.i c: Associate F chior
A drop m .1 mversitv onfuilmeu'. •. rim'bined'
with !i Hi ('ll rnmomii times have i ,t i " '
vets !\ It . k store i rut one s,r
sotne lull tittle jot) positions
it iks.to.fe tlener.ll Manage; join- U-litis
s.iui the proper adjustnyenls h ive been made giv
en the t hanging emimnut i Innate and that lie
pelts tie' *1 perrer:!' student hook ’ *
main set ure
I he bookstore s doing fine 'r
The bookstore is not subsidized ip :h* tuyet
s11v. so nm revenue problems have In bi- dealt
w ith in-house
We re flee stand trig ati.i :s5>i■•}•>•:.. 1 • : a rid w
neeii to keep oper.ittuns under i otilrol W; I: nuns
said- We re making sure that w keep tin• . nt
mg expenses in line with ohr business
A sales report dated Jan 1-1 showed, a 1 . I per
lent drop in sales oyer the hoihtuvs. tnui ii less
Ulan Wilt;.lifts expected given tin- den -
fori i ast for mere liants
\V : .! so in! J lull 11 • j H>s I Hi' n ** li.iv i
■ 1:- r, .;i layoffs and Mimi1 In leay
. ■ i■:>,i; ■ Is He s.iiil siudrn! job*
V w i■- s satellite Mon1
; V "U, , m'.I be<anise its over
lu. id '..'’vw [!■ :, nimiifi fur Us dropping suit's
U i1111; k.s poor fooshall record
tins , hU/SMbuti'ii' li1 a drop in sail1'
■ . - , p‘ ■ ! !i.i I i I;. J : r. i-a ! overall.
■ t\s i ji."k Hit was absent
lias veaviai'
. i, f a ... -a v.i'i , in !’ :I land vpo
rrcuoed i..'i i ! 11 drop .u saM Item tins point
' ■ '
l.'i :ts s I.';':-.,' : I,. n; ' 1." : a a! ■
i W:... O... . : :.. ilia' ii: 111 nicon; u tii, is.;.:.
I..:ii 1 i t: a: - ..if ai i i n: ar.\ s .no:. !.jo
lv. nl; it;r I. jilaii i . . a . . , : ' . dl Ilf and
die enrollment drop w on t t* too larpa
e>. • ■ r. s .'I'iViu; w'i.-. ' 1.; i.i v\Iv !. w t'..
Panel: News bias has many sources
j Panelists say dead
line pressure, space
constraints cause
slanted news
By Sarah Clark
[ rr .. •',1 ■! Conlfil „!<
Chough the media isn't i on
spiring to lie lo the fiu111 iibias
in liic nows is iru'v liable .i |*<iii
< i oi three ioi.il journalists .uni
,i University professor said
Wednesday night <t !li< Now
man i "enter
Deadline pressure is tm<i
■ a u r n e ol i) i <i ■> s.iid Alan
Sipuiin wiit. hosts <t radio talk
show on ki l l ami reports lor
National 1‘uhiu Radio (liven a
limited amount of time to I'm
ish a slor\ . reporters i .m l do as
lli.ueugh a job as they would
Ilk.- he saui I he result a thin
story that . a ks pn.per perspin
11v e on issues
Spai e constraints also bias
the news U ire services deliver
thousands ol stories each dav to
a in u spaper said I kin Itishi if!.
.. column.-.1 lor the lugenr Keg
isirr-Ctitinl Only a few stories
. in lit into tin- newspaper, and
fU: ’■ rs must d.s lie which art!
lie- ari worth printing, iiishof!
Some stories gel higher pro
In i .e ol ’ uning, said
|. 11 I’o w e 11. a reporter for
Kl./l-'I'V !• ir example, the
problem of the homeless,
vs:,, h is til issue year round,
li i',e-. !.;: in,ee coverage dur
mg the holiday season, she
hut Carl Byh.'i University
.i...slant piotessor in telecom
ii i a ! on and fil m and
speech said there Is more to
(lie media's bias
Although 1 believe journal
ists on the whole are interested
in conveying the truth and
have concern atioul their com
munity. Itvbee said, "there is
a systematic bias built Into the
media structure because oi its
commeri ial nature
llvhce cited one recent Hty
I'.ti'r-Cunril headline that an
nounced a corporation was
planning job cuts
II that headline had been
from liie point ol view of the
people w ho were going lo lose
their jobs, it would have been
very different," he said
The media are corporately
owned and tend to perpetuate
the ideas of other corporations.
By bee said Many of those
ideas come from slit k publii
relations brochures that are so
' *\j l>1 *>> - N*UCj|»
Professor Carl Bybee (loti), columnist Don Bishott, KE/I-TV reporter
Jean Powell and KLCC radio talk show host Alan Siponn discussed
the causes of media bias Wednesday
Ihu.M'MMMl 11vi' .uni work in thr inugnin. ent (.ranil Trlon
S4ll011.il i’.irk in |ink«on lloli' Wyoming ()nr of I ho mint
.[it', t.ii ilnr .in.,i» of I ho . nuntry il a uIimI for hiking, i .imping
ftthing. and other outdoor ai Dvitirv
i for Kf.Nt )R l ofr.'ri .1 » i.lr i .uirlv of pmitiom in .iristi mi. h .11
• Hotel Sertlre* • I'aad A KrtrraKr
• Hresri Srrtlren
• limiting prtivuleil for moil pmti 10111 • Minimum ngr of 1H
Intci view ingot) Cam pm
1 mil * 1 SiU.I. ill I mpl.oneni I .’ II- ihIih k< Hall 1.1 11* 1<- mlottiMtion
cram) mo\ i odckcompana
P O Boi 250. Moran, Wyoming 1)013 An I 4*41. fay*.**.
Velcro Jumping
is here!
Every Thursday
The bar sport of sports.
13th and Alder 343-0681
WedhrMlay, January 2‘»
Take a break from
studying and
stick yourself
to a wall.
u.! vij in tmn' \ W.ill
.V/-er( ftmrnal study reported
!]■.,it ! i!l ol .ill front-page arti
. ir> 111 !hi' paper ort>*in.iloii
1 r.>i:s public relations reports,
r.il!i■ ■ r lb.m from rep'*iter Inilm
l)i.■ audience member sug
i' '.| tii.il the i ni pnr.ili- media
.. ■ . tis,itiunall/e br.nl I nil's
,11.i! stories in unlrr In Increase
a paper sales nr television
t ilings Btshoff hullv denied
I know of no instance In
tl.i 11 years I've worked «l Ihr
l\ ■ ' Miiiuni wiltin' someone
b.is i .own something out id
p: .poiimn or sensationalized u
!. sid 1 more mm spapers.' Bi
t. ho IT -..nd
A reporter mil. t|(sloft the
iss ir . .him: br didn t under
sl.md l! bul mil to sell papers.“
Journalists nuril to ret ogni/e
Ur it prrsnn.il biases wbtin cov
. ring a story I’nwrll saitl One
wav In milliml/r these biases is
In keep from tincoming person
ally involved in organizations,
she said
"As soon as you affiliate
with anything, it affects your
judgment ol the issue.'’ Powell
Siporm said reporters need
lo be close enough to on issue
lo gel information, but they
can’t Is- so close that they have
a conflict of interest
An arm’s length is an appro
priate distance lor reporters to
lie III order in avoid bias. Bi
shoff said
By bee disagreed
"1 don't think it s possible to
be an arm’s length from any
thing.' be said "Bias is a mis
used word because it implies
Thai there's t , ! 1 ,s "
SfAStil *S
THURSDAY 8-11 pm
$rxxux) \V( )RI II (>1 I’RI/I S (ilVI N
AI SO IX )N'I I ( 'R< .11 ( OMI 1 M
y «*s
T-n 4rU-22221 rnlriinidl Blvd* 1 ugriH1
, National Sti den i Exchanok Program
\ «4
' v I;riday, January 24tii £
I {MU, C 'l DAR K< X >M C
1 2:.M) pm
>> ^ c V
Visii Ac adimic' Advisinc; ok cai i Sandka ok Joi
at 346-321 I