COOKIE Continued from Page ^ do the plumbing jol> in Iter ga rage lur free, Cookie said off! t mis have told her won't work, heiause her garagekllrh en is ilttar lied to her house Coots sanl he sympathizes with Cookie s raise and rec ng nt/es the inflexibility of the law. hut salt) there is little lie r an do "You ran take almost any rule we have and find ext ep lions out there to make it look like a stupid rule." lie said (Hut) I don't have the flexibili ty to make the rules Hut wherever her hot dog i art may take her. it's "-clear Cookie has a loyal following that doesn't seemed concerned ttboirl her lar k of a legal kill h on Dave Gibson, owner of kinko's Copies on tilth Avi um-. t alls her "one of the hard est working people I know 1 see her w hen it s blow log and raining I like her value system anil I support her Milch C aldwell, a student P?vq*o tty Afy>» Hr*' Judy Cookie" S/akaca, who hat operated her hot dog cart at 13th Avenue and Kincaid Street tor 12 year a. may toon be out of buai neat who has bought hot dogs from Cookie lor four years, said the whole nature of the business ext hides stud like” truth rooms in .1 kih hi ii It s i|uit k, it's handy and the price is right. Caldwell said Moreover, another student rushing oil to i lass with a hot dog in hand said I just want a hot dog After tier lfiOchn, license ex pin v ( lookle sold vie W ill keep selling although "I'll probably Het .1 lot nl fines in doing it People have been supportivt of iier. sb.e viiil. which is win she wants to keep selling Hut s why I want to stay.' t ook to said "Believe me it A not tin- memn OUR WORKSTATIONS HELP YOU MASTER EVERYTHING FROM MATH TO SCIENCE TO MUSIC. BUT COME FEBRUARY, OUR DISCOUNT Wll BE HISTORY. Ni'Xl'.lit * ■'-|hiIi'■ if--• ' r' : ;iv,' " '.i^ • Hu! . - Mvi'!, !• :.!••' • ' ikf.i'j.,!' \lgr ' H.- .[»'! !• lay •.!. !*• jus* c!Kj January 31 si I VV Alt! ; »l\ • :■ I‘ "’>'*• A Jr !.:! it’YW Oft'-1’ the i’tdv.K T!1V *•-'f tr.!’ i't» f- in p.i , -MH f RAM ■ ’ !#v : : \ ■ :* mC . . ' ’’ • ’ t.isR".: i'km IhMIR' • PI • !”*•, \ " n ■ ‘ ■ a" '• .• ' . • •" * •: ’ i : :: ’ : ’ ■' At ■ i i. ! A s .''til* : ’ i ■ ” ■H![ ■ itllKw ' -M* if .if • J •* ■ ■ ' • ' ' «v' \, ■ ' •:' ' •-.!'/ ■ : 1 Kit * pkiftty ’.' : . . " r : • 1 ' !', • .!!'; . *!V« I ’ '• • :•1 ■ : • Improv.’ Soft PC' arid a gre3t mat i>, •>- v > . Us: mi ’ i • ivi t! ■ ;)t* If <■ ■■r'\ A A*- . ! ,■ ” • i ' • I) ■ : N:.V.- 'A' ' ' " ' V, )■ 'At->tn :, . . • . *' •• !(■ - >tVr txx an cnf • ,| a Microcomputer Support Center 202 Computing Center • 34(>-h02 Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM SAVE $150 v •i. ( • • SAVE $200 ■ i /.; • • *. SAVE $100 fiijT 4Cl ixJSc* P'irte' HIGHER EDUCATION UPDATE Professor to speak about sociology for women Dorothy Smith. professor of mm io!ogv in education at the Ont.irio Institute for Studies in Ldm ation, will present .1 pub In lei lure titled 'Reaffirming a S ; mingy for Women, al i .10 p in 11 Ki.iv in the l.Mlf (.untwoi >d Ki 10m Smith is a visiting professor at the ( enter lor the Study of Women in Society and in the Department .of Sociology dur ing vs inter term Smith s work focuses on developing a sot mingy for worn on. ijegtnnlng with a fundamenlal critiipie of the conceptual practices of the six ml sciences She is widely recognized as [he leading feminist theorist in North Ament an sociology Friendship Fund to grant tuition scholarships The Japanese-American friendship fund will provide spring term tuition si holarships to two Ament ans speaking the Japanese language Raised by the t’niversitv Alumni As six iation of Japan, the fund is to assist students who will he able to make contributions to improve Amerlcan-Japanese re lations Ai ademit excellent e and Imam 1.1I need will lie the i riteria tor selec ting the si holurship grantees Any student who wish es to apply for this scholarship should pit k up an application form in the office of the Department ol hast Asian Languages and Literatures, Kixim 1()H friendly, the deadline for apply ing is Jan it State continues scholarships for minorities The Oregon Stale System of Higher Education plans to continue its Underrepresented Minorities Achievement Scholarship Programs lor freshmen and juniors in the 1 WI2-'ll si bool year i he purpose ol the i urrent minority programs is to encour age and assist underrepresented students of color to enroll in stair system colleges and universities Underrepresented students include African-American. Alaskan Native Amem an and Hispanit Ameru an students Thu l 'MAS!* scholarship, worth about S-’.'uM) per year, is renewable for up to five years lor tin freshman program and three years lor the junior program Students must he Oregon residents, eligible lor regular admission and demonstrate ai .1 demit merit and achievement Apjbi< .1 lions tor the freshman ptoginm are available at high si I tool i mi use] ing oil 11 is, and have .1 March 1 deadline Apple alums tor the junior program are available at commu nity college 1 ounseling oflir es or tin admissions ollice at the -.1 i,i)iil the student Is applying to and have a May 1 dead line Muil* ll* 11 UJv Smith i.oun** * ( hi \tj.hj * • ••» ► * ■ .. . &A1Q t A 4*‘» 44 « tnlulffUtUi ’ \ l|ih j I ami*I a DrlUVhi Ha Sijjnu * Save j w • • : ati ■ an J g* * • , , r H i .1 . ■ , *. H» ! 11 th« \ Ml s!: s< ;• . \M;oi s K« alliimuit; u Stu iul«nj> fur Wimmi !’ ho the ' fa pubiii !m tulc \ i>» ; 11h> Smith ;■ -lay I mi p fn m ‘1 ■«■ - Mi t.uinv* : K * vk I |i {ull b«J t! r ' - v: H. m*. i . ( him’ li-iii* l hi-n Nn*» ir* I he f uturv ■\ < jim I’lannnii, and PL. «fiwnl (ruup n»««‘Ui»|{ * - : -JuS m: \tipi> H- v*n \ Kn»u|i »■ ' * i S »*. .»* • ; a. • lay Uum *•• ; :/ ■ ; VS . • • A u t.. Mil \ |»nt;i4int «: s- ' 4 « . » v‘. y 1 lay . » to ■ I i > <• bluttd |*n hit' IM *S and VVklidoto* .s .* i * . , ' sr. K- < rn Il< - KKIH-ION Inin V al »»l> ( III »*l Mil t »‘lk» m 11> • to in k rn 2Hi A!!*--i hutiirii(tlt)fi hi 41* !• v* t V( SujI» *k) .» Super Bowl _Sunday Two KMi screen T.Y.s 50 cent holdups buck pounders & you dfiJlQl have to be 21 to join our super bowl party!! Guido's 13th and Alder 343-0681