oorPF wor"rv Ol PAL V<'t VE~ GO”" 4'^^ ( HO.M£ R)(X vx • -T Vi ■ M LETTERS No show The Universily’s Survival ( filler arranged lor Bruce Mi Cain, a lawyer fur the Oregon Citizens Alliance, to debale Da vid Allen. ( hairinan of the Ad vocal v Committee of the (lay and Lesbian Lawyers Associa lion I looked forward to hear mg what the speakers would have to say in a debate entitled. 'Homosexuality Perverse Ai t or Acceptable Lifestyle7'' Mv interest went beyond w o n d e r i n g h o w Mi Cain planned to bring a group of University students around to In-, point of view Bn ,him’ I ,im ,i gav student < nncerned about him thi' (H A sponsored ballot initiative aimed at i ili/ens like myself may afflict mv at i i ns to higher i'(iucation at ,i state in stitution, I hail some questions lor Met all! I mti'Oilril In listen attentively to the debate. re matnmg silent until i|uesttons were inv ited hy speakers Allen lame down from Port land to present Ins i axe, and Mi ( him didn't show As a rep resentative ol a group claiming the homosexual community is unwilling to offer its 'purser sum up to ptiblit examinu lion. M i ( niii's rude snub s i! .1 ho!low , h-i:>;>• \ i i t * r V *>•! f