STOUDAMIRE Continued from Page 8 thf jump clown in competition that mnnv people itiink 11 is 'I don't think there's ii huge difference," hi- s.iid "To me baskelliall is basketball It doesn't matter whore* you are in the nation (tlSCs Harold) Winer. Kevle. (I t 1 A ■■■< Don Wat Lean those guvs are good players wherever you go Thev just haven't gotten the notoriety they deserve It the competition hasn't changetl tor Stoudiimire, tns role as a player certainly has At (ieofgetown I wasn I in that situation where I net tied to do the things I tin <1 to do here he said 'Wy job was not to ■ reale things myself, but here I have a lot u frit sponstbillly We lion t have the .)>kl lubes (leading NBA Konkin of the Year (undulate; or the Alon/os (Georgetown's All Ann m nn center) Being here is helping lo make me n mmi i ompletr plover i fieri •. no question (hut sun e Collier and Lvden urn! down with foot injuries lies t.een currying by fur tin heaviest offensive load for Oregon Sloudurnife is averaging just under _ti points and five refniunds a garne ut Oregon, hut more importantly he has assumed the on-court leadership of the most inexpen ent ed team in the Par 10 It's tough, to tome to and offer leader ship when von 'haven ! been eligible. Mon son said But the nature of fii.s"position, of ten pda , : g point guard that It rids itself lo lilt leadership role Despite having lo play both guard posi i umn and small forward in his short I irne in .1 Uni k uniform S:. udamin r (dishing.-ins leadership role 'I 'hat\ something I enjoy. In- >..1111 I : = i.iH I'vrn thing m stride i m u i.iirig In slop i;ji and take thal ehalicnge and hit that big shni or make rlulc Ii free throw \nd although Stimdamire is doing just Ih.d .mil pulling 'up all-c onforeni e mirri !mts ,ii tin .ini (mu' hr Is also extremely humble and sees mom for improvement in his game I've pl.iveii ,di right." Sloiidiirnire s.jiii i it, 'i'-i.T n .ilh a.ilishn! with nn perfor mance I inn [ilav heller, and as the season gins nn I linns 1 will piny bolter I :: .si now t'aa; So get hat k. into list im'tpel; Ils«' groove NEWSPRIN1 PAD K< -ml h.iih It SCHOOL SUPPLIES 3-RING BINDERS 1 i ir i i i.v* L PASTELS 30% OFF Str.itlmu >i< ■ PREMIUM RECYCLED i SKETCH PADS i:v s, ,-s («„,.*] I!,) t ,. ) ^ ' 2 X H ^ 2 K ( v; 'DO.1 MO Z.jU 'M1 ,^4.50 '» ,’n SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS 'Mihjr■< ! M< .i(j Uirnu Book »$ c bjf » ! t i \ Nowt<>n VINE CHARCOAL ' 3i 20%I OFF - ,0 s,. 25% OFF W m I'.itH-im.iIc ( >lln c I’liuita I »Kf ( V( l I I) l )|SKI Ml M( >1 [)[ KS f V( ( ) \i|t f n.Hivrv .mui > >! - * 1 • " ■ Kn m in} l U pf (n* ki v ;) 851 A OFF Dated N|i|xiinimcnl Hunks STICK PEN it* * * f 99 i H( )V IVnlrl l Juu kef ( la kef i MECHANICAL PENCIL L '• (’(> i N t • L 2.69 \ Pilot (‘let i si * \ > and \ ~ ROLLING WRITER H ( I' . .1 ii K»*( i’.M.lilcl Mfl.ll tit I )flnii Knlit-t' PICK UP OUR IN-STORE ART AND SCHOOL SUPPLY HOT SHEETS FOR HUNDREDS OF GREAT VALUES! LVAVAVAVA'JAV.MA».»A'.WJ.».TOI /V/c (*> Etta tive through 1/J5/VJ (JO BOOKSTORE 13th and Kincaid Open Mon. • Sat Ph. 34M331 STRUGGLE Continued from Page 8 l)u< kv averaging nearly 20 points ,i game Unfortunately, hi \ gelling little help as far .is st nrmg from the rest of the team Sophomore forward Clyde Iordan is second in,scoring -it 10 H a game and leads the team in rebounding with more than seven a game SKI TEAM Com food ‘rom Page 9 Oregon, which won the c viruli :ropln ,i‘ weiI ( Vntral's Nh <>.!t■ !'i-j!rSirrwon ihc r.u i! hy mure tii,in lour set onds w .,s ii vers long and difll t : .. .mil wI' here ski nig ; • -! ; :e it ' M ! '-st wi linen to tin' nation " Swanson said Bin dtiso we got time girls to finish boll; runs we field our s'..!tl