Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 22, 1992, Page 9, Image 9

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    OSU postpones weekend game
egon Stair basketball team
will postpone its game s< hod
ultui for Saturday night
against Washington State to
attend the funeral of team
male Lamest Killum in Los Angeles
Coach Ftin Anderson announced the postpone
ment at an emotional news conference Tuesday.
The game will be rescheduled at a time that is
convenient to Washington State, Anderson said
School of fir nils said the game, scheduled for 7:30
p m Saturday at (oil Coliseum in Corvallis,
would he played Sunday or Monday
A definite dole for the make-up game lias not
been determined yet, Washington State athletic
director Jim L.ivengood said Tuesday nigh! The
l’aeific-10 (Conference must approve tile resched
uled game, he said
The Beavers will go ahead with, tlieir game
Thursday night at home against Washington
Killum, a prize recruit who had been'doored to
play in late December alter a mild stroke last
summer, died Monday in a Los Angeles hospital
He was with the team in lais Angeles last Fri
day when lie ml lapsed at a hotel He went into a
coma Sunday morning
A doctor who treated the ti-foot 4 sophomore .it
Daniel Freeman Memorial Hospital in Inglewood
said he ,did not believe Killum's death was pro
c ipitated by his return to basketball
Dr (Carl Oriuss. a neurologist, said Monday that
he and others treating Killum felt the 20-year-old
player suffered from a disease allot ting the blood
Scroll Haskin, Oregon Stale's starting center,
read a statement Tuesday prepared by the team
You will always he a part of tins university
and you'll always tie a part of tins team." tile
players lulil Ihi'ir lallen teammate .II the state
merits cum luMnn AVe love sou .md we will
miss you grnally
The players will wear the initials l.k over
their hearts in games through the rest of the sea
son. Anderson said
Thu players stood behind HnsMn as he read the
statement 1'hev did not answer questions
"The Oregon State haskettmll team would like
to send Its deepest condolences to the klllum
family and friends. Haskin said It there is an\
thing we can do for you. please let us know As
for I k. he was more than just a basketball player,
he was a friend to everyone fie came in contact
Id a voile often i linked with emotion. Antler
son said his players would he ready to play
Thursday tan ausr I guess you could say they are
i lass peopleThis is y%n.it 1 artiest wouldvvant
kilhun the lull'll aliforma r> A prep hasketball
player of the year at Lynwood High School in l.os
Angeles loved basketball more than anything
else Anderson said
He slept it, fie ate It. lie talked at and he played
it to lus heart s content. Anderson said I yen
more than a great play er, fie yy as a great person
Anderson said kllluni had experieili ed prof)
fetus with ciri illation in his legs sinie joining tfie
team shortly after Christmas
He said hi' told kilhun that lie still had (tie up
tion ol sitting out the season as his redshirl. hut
the player yy anted to stay on the team
Anderson remembered that Kllluni was great at
helping others
He yv.ls unique in that lie y\as a superstar
without the ego part of it tfnit warped fits sense of
values," Anderson said
Brand rejects ethics commission offer
LUGliNt; (AIM University
President Myles Brand has re
ps led a settlement offer from
the stale Government lithics
(Commission to end a dispute
over free trips to a football
bowl game
Instead. Brand has filed a
motion asking the ethic s panel
to reconsider its Dec 10 ruling
that he broke state law by offer
ing tree trips to the 1989 Inde
pendent:!! Bowl to tile wives ol
lingerie's and Springfield's
The ethic s panel will consul
rr thf motion Iridav in Salem
Ur.iml invited Lugene Miivor
|rfl Miller and Ins wile Mnrv
•Hid Springfield Mayor I'lll
Morrisette and Ills wiln. lanue.
to watch the Ducks play Tulsa
at the howl game in Shreveport.
La The cost was Sl.ltSH per
(ou [ile
The etliu s panel claims the
mayors' wives were not ollii lal
representatives ol the si hoot
Joe K i( ha rd s oI I.ugene.
Brand's attorney. rejei led the
ethics commission's settlement
offer bet uuse it included .111
admission o( ethli al violation,
vvInch did not 01 cur
Derek Johnson a Ku^ene law
o r who heads the dhit s panel,
s.iid he remains hopeful lh.it .1
negotiated settlement < an he
"The commission has not felt
there was any malice or dark,
underhanded intentions in the
president's at lions and we tried
to make that t lear in the settle
men! ollei we've made. John
son said
Analysts: Bush using
wife to climb in polls
w ash ini ; i on
(A11} i’ivsidimt
Dush m.»v In' t.ik
mg ii liiMtmg in
I hi- polls hul tn- can still win
over most crowds with a sin
gle won) Harbnru
With Hush's approval Ml
inns plunging in the l.u i’ of .1
st,i^n.ml economy. political
analysts s.iv lie mn use .ill the
help ho i in get on thu domes
tii front I'lt'ii il it moans
hopping .1 rliln on fils popular
wifu's < o.mails
Some recent examples Irom
the Now Hampshire campaign
I ru t I
• A lot of fauiilios aro
hurting I lu> artsw or llarhara
rari's ulil I lari'." hr told 111
suranrr workers last week in
Dovor Nil
• I m prrttv proud ol her.
hr told a t tvli group in Ports
-mouth When stir hugs a
baby or trai bos somt'liods to
road. whs shr s sav 1 ng
• With hrr mtrrrsl in litrta
< y. she's ti ird to 1 tilprrss
upon proplr thr important.!'
of trading to kids hroadi'lilllg
thrlr hori/oiis. rxpanding
ttinr young minds, fir told
an Atlanta audience last I■ r 1
No onr knows whrtfirr a
lost lads tan liuvr political
i oa t la 11 s hul analysis sa s
Hush c an li,mils' go wrong bs
c ailing ultrntion to his ss lie
"(diicirls onr ol the tug ad
vaiilagrs hr tias is Ins family
tint particularly hrr That svas
reinforced lis hrr bravura prr
form unco in Tokyo said
Norman (tmstrin a politic d
an ils si al Itir Amrric all I.liter
prisr Institute rrlrrnng to
M t ■, Hu sli s tak mg over the
podium al a stale- dinner alter
the president collapsed from
the llu
Democratic pollster Mark
Mellntun less (heritable
At tins point, (leorge Hush
needs something. even it It
means liiitmg behind her
skirts It s an attempt to link
himself with somi'oriii morn
popular than Ins is
I In- president invokes I'ar
liar.i [tush's name whenever
hr dismisses difflt lilt, sensi
tive issues like unemploy
ment or health i are, or on is
sues with will! h lie feels un
i omliirtahle
When Hurbura hohis an
AIDS hahy in her arms she’s
Irving to express the rumpus
sum th.it Ixith ot us leel he
toll! a town hall meeting in
lixeler, \ II
Sometimes he even makes
it sound like hi- anil Ills wife
a! least on domestir polit y
have a jot) sharing arrange
The answer Is we’ve got
proposals that will help,”
Hush told the Dover, N II , uu
dienir Hurhara and I are not
isolated Irnm the feelings of
people in this state who are
Hush has no trouble going it
alone on such applause win
nmg tope s as the Persian (lull
War Hut when he turns to do
must it issues. Ins leadership
often het times a family affair
I know the heartbeat ol
this state he told workers at
.in auto trim factory in south
ern New Hampshire And I
know the people and I ( are
about them, and so does Her
bare Hush
"She’s a great asset.” said
While I loti se pol it it a I it I ret tor
Kon Kaufman Kaufmen sug
ge-.led Hush Il.is been Invok
ing the first laity at speeches
lor years and didn't just start
lining it now for the cam
Students for Sexual
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Cold hands,
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Oscar the Freshman
Neal Skorpen
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Weasel’s World
Kraig Norris
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8UXt’ 15 H 22"ANNU»L
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POR r:» C MIA* *.v :