Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 22, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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    Conduct code changes get hearing
Hy Colleen Pohhg
(acuity vn on if i have .) greater
role in determining the out
c mill- of acadtmili dishonesty
cases under a proposed change
uf (In- Student (fomfurt (aide
f he proposal was .iirtiil al a
pulihe hearing for i ode amend
merits Tuesday
I acuity would have tins rule
ill Mil ll ( Uses h\ -being appoint
i'd in pla< e of a hearings offn er
to un At adeitiK Dishonesty
Hearing Hoard The board
,\ aid .consist of fiv< faculty
iiieinhers and two students, ap
pointed t. \ I’re M dent Mil's
brand and the ASI O. n spec
Tlie majority of people who
spoke .it tiie bearing about tins
proposal opposed it
People ate laughing at tile
Student ( (induct ( ode right
now .p> il portions lo iH iitlomii.
mlngniy (.isos Ix i iHiw sludonls
who gel i might i hunting am lnl
ti! I *.1(11! froe.' s.i 1 <) SI u ,i r I
Thomas. assistant In ,iil of tin
muih iti fiiirtmcnl
Marinin- her- tiir« < iur
.1 tin Off it i* u| Stodont \dvo
i 'ii i s.ud sin! lii hi'M-s tho pro
j’lo'i-i) rhnngos would' l»- ili-lri
mental in students' rights
'This rulo is tin first ruin on
.i slippery s11.j i ih.it winilil in
Mil l siudl'fVtK (Ilji! pri'l I'll
rights .tnd disi iplinurs hour
mg’- six I Wr might .is
well, kiss il l’' [mu i-.s goodbyn
In; students if this ruli! passes
I In existing i <uidui I i ode
suggi-sis tlx f.ic iilt\ has a small
fill- in i nloretng guidelines, do
spite Sin !.ii t i i:ivi i-..t\ I.it n11v
an- n-spdnMhle for establishing
•ii nli-niit integrity .spoliations
.mil guidelines
Mu- sri.ond proposal would
•i I low tin- I’nlyersity .idminis
(muon to impose penalties on
students who I.nil'*) to respond
In ii not It '• sen I by the conduct
Midi- ioordmatnr lu arrange .1
formal hearing to- resolve a mi
nor 1 n f r .11 11 o 1 1 oni p I u I11 i
ag,iInst .1 studenl
i he existing < ode doesn't al
ii iw. resolution o! minor infra<
lions, sui h .is cheating when
tin- student fails to respond to a
The third change would de
lete the word-'"significant'-1
from the set lion of the code
i oven ng f 1 r <• ha / a rd s I f
changed, tile i ode would read.
'Tampering'with lire lighting
equipment,, turning in a false
alarm, or engaging in behavior
constitutes » fire'hazard
The hearing Wiis held only
to hear comment*, and a de< 1
slots will he made upon further
notice! said hearings officer
H.trhara l!dw ards assot late vi< e
president of Public Affairs and
low-interest loans for
Ikii’shtM vtxir.uufiiml.t M*int<*Jf
iMii il u xi <uni .itiiml.1 M.k murJi
(,Hulihinu slukiit>. | uni its!«>m nsing
I XI tvtult I 4 sllkkllts. .11KI t.k lilts .11Kt st.ll! I1K11I
klMKltll .Ul .UlIHUl SlluA i 4 .It k".N Jl\t<l>,
i an | Hin Ium’ .in A|nik”* \U mtc islmxiijkitii
Ustliittlir \p)4r (i xnpuki li un |m mr.iiti
\p|4v till* xn m In xn $ 1 Stiltojlil.tm
llX tlK itXll|XHtTll(lk1 \j >j'll" |Xt xllk ts
ilk Itklini; ilk" V|>ki wir’cxtnkkil htmit
I Am. ,uk I up in thnv m 4m;ur |ik ktpi'
II vt xiii" .i stuktH, uxi II lv .ilk- tu
ik tn |xiiklpal |UMikiits h x upUi -i* ilk Xiths
wink-in v In«4 nuktiy miniNxxiH ju\
ttkiiLs until V) i lavs aliit \nu ^kliutiu* i
k-.iu vibud Intm-st rail's ,uvstit]»rMngh
l< >w .uni v mi t .in t.iki up li night \rars
iiia-|u\ *
Saw big if’ynu buy ikm
h m .1 kmtiul tinv. u mi ran w
IuiimIrmIvi mi qualilung Mk intiish (lawn*
MutUHttsli 11 .11 kI MauntirJi ILsi swam-'
s i Mop In .liul till i hi! .in \j*|>k
(i mijHiiff hun .ijij'lK .iitt mi it »Ln Vmi
uMiklk-timing aur\ (unu-rfiil iiu him
vi MKT tlLUl VI Ml think
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mj rnv a
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if jirtfpfmjtfj n*, • r fi^ht «•• ? in
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H h i ir m alrr Hiaoperi « * •«* ' w •
; v. K m . * ■'< +il »4*V4*«r. for
Inllumt p of Ihr M#dia »n l)t*i i»i«n
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Kt-'uiin v%in V*hu|> vs .*•
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group ntis img v» 'v!...: *.. .
A summit rinplov im-nl vs in k shop vs
■ '•* i i<- r. J: 11 ks
f ip undid \i 4<Ii'ium imici 1 ulnftal
sfc ! the kf; k- ■ ! shrary
1'KSs t I'jv;*-tnak<*t Morlthup vs, ! *..4k<
* «• • i at •• »o in k, rn jin Allen
RU 486
Continued from Page 4
Atimding .1 report by The Feminist Majority Foundation, the
• ini(4 - !<■>;-.! ami [11114; used in (■ram i'ami Ureal ISritain, with one
mil • ! stun' women in France choosing Kl -tK(i over surgical abor
l ion
S' if than (10,(MM) women in -Id different countries found KU
1 hi» i tken m pill form, to !«■ '-.all' and ellei.iive in terminating un
,\ anted pregnant ies," at cording to the report
MariKn Helton, Planned Parenthood (limit. Director, said KU
tHl. e saler than surgical abortions bet a use there's no risk, of infec
tion. no dilating til the cervix, no use of lot al anesthetic and it isn't
invasive (no surgical Instruments used)
Helton s.od the major side t'lfet t was heavy bleeding, hut one
death has been reported in connection with the drug
Judith Si ho.ip ot the National AUirtion Rights Action League
said two states. ( aldorma and New Hampshire, have already
passed legislation llldii ating they would he all 'Kl -IKIi friendly
stall meaning they would tie open to chilli ally testing the pill
i In- point of this exert ise is to give evident e to pharmut euticals
and K, usm'I (tiie distrdiutor oi RU IHti! in Fram e, and despite the
:■ str.ition, not to he discouraged by a yix al minority." Schoap
Continued from Page 1
martial .iris arid would prat
ii • with ii martial artweap
in t lilt’d .1 Islit k t.ook said
Kvan niton talked iilxml light
mg but Johnson s.iui he never
saw him behave violently
A man who livt'ti on Kyan s
lluoi s.iid In? Inui .t If|nit.ditin
for loud ji.irtifs .ind extensive
inuriju.inn and hashish us«;
One assoi late said he saw
Kvan snort cocaine and anoth
er said slie knew he took l.SU
ont t
Johnson disagrees
He liked smoking dope or -
(asionalh but lit? wusn'l into
heavy drugs, ' he said burli
er in his life he'd been into
heroin and that was what had
caused his criminal behav
bur that reason Kvan limit
ed himself to alcohol and
muniuunu. Johnson said
Ont of K y a n s closest
blends was a woman from the
same dorm a*, tin- victim She
(in lino! lu lie named, tearing
i c I r i li u ! i u n !ru m h e r
ll.mrmates, hut said Kvan vv.is
a generous man who < a red for
die safety of women
lie would offer girls vsalks
home or teach them self-de
fense and they would take
him up on it.' she said
She added that Ryan had
passed up several (flames to
has r s. s vs ith women
. s' .s of cases when girls
vset stoned and they could
have (s en taken advantage of,
hut he didn’t." she said
Kv an also had quite a hit of
money and vs as quite gener
ous with it. sfie said Sgt
Mike tdine of the Kugene po
lice department said some of
that money may have been
obtained h\ pawning items
stolen from University dorms
over winter break (dine said
Kvan may have been at least
m some wav responsible for .it
least ne or two burglaries in
I mgle
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