Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 22, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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Do your homework before you’re up Cheat Creek
II has been brought to m\ at
tention that portions of last
week's column dealing with
snow camping mas have had
the potential to encourage nos
ices to put themselves in dan
gerous /positions bv attempting
a trip based ■.■only on mv sugge ••
This u as me ot c nurse! m\
mtee.lion ! would like to c hin
ts what I did intend to order to
preuepl ans further mis
|-list. the c.olumn ssas c iearis
not meant to serve as .c final
■ juipment list for the prospec.
sue sruivs tamper Mns would
seem obvious. considering I
rilin': men 11on ss b.i t sluisv
i .itnping atluallv entails
Katlier I onus intended l.
sjiur interest in the experience
,inii in inform people that snow
( .unpmg is not for experts only
i fnllv i'\pii( tisl readers who
might tic intrigued In the
thought of ( limping in tin' snow
to suck professional guidance
- either through various hooks
on the subjects or hv ( (insulting
with experienced snow r amp
ers themselves before at tun!
I\ embarking on an outing
Although 1 ieel tills was
( learlv staled ill the column as
it was printed, due to space
limitations a paragraph that
might have made the point
even more clear was omitted
In that paragraph I explicitly
slate.) snow camping should
no! be attempted w itliout lak
ing eiihri ot tlie two steps I
mentioned earlier
The inclusion ol that sci tHill
might have made nil purpose
to interest people in snow
camping and to entourage
them to find nut bow more
clear than it was
And finally, the clothing sug
gesiions Were clearly incum
plete and wa re merely spin die
''i,ijgs i have I. ■ an! to w ors H%
emphasizing the need (or pro
lesMim.il guidance before at
tempting ail actual trip. I ex
pel ted that otln r ideas and re,
ale: ■ datioiis would be avail
able to ensure that novices are
fully exposed hi the lull range
ot idias concerning proper
snow i .imping equipment
\..w tuf those (d Villi win
runi taken those ps and
;e, ; ire,! tor , trip, let's look at
utie that’s not too dillicult and
ts also a lot ol !un
\V h i ii opt inr snilvs
camping .irr aUnit as unlimited
.i-. those ftsr summertime i .imp
mg it's always nii e to ll.nr ,i
spiM tin destination in tivriti
: w hen planning a trip
(Ini' i- \( ill I oh I dust i nat ion
that's not too lar off tfin In*.ili'fi
pal ': Will), t 'lira! Mr idoVV a
10 .11 n opening m a dense old
■ grow 111 Douglas Hr birrs! along
Cdi' a! (Iri'i-k. in thr Willamette.
National fairest southwest t>f
Ml i ! Ii-rson
In get In tin- , ( .heat ( ar.i s
.trail, i i r i v *• m High was .is!
:.(! Sa li'tn lo the U III tew aler
road .vy hit'll Is liioul lialfvvav
I 1 !vv. .-li I dahlia and Marion
I <i: ks H i mi go [fast tin' high
VS a V "■ hi id gr W hi!i is .tier
Creek vs hieii is tilso !hi! fniutid
atv ii! lv\ i ii I mn and Marion
counties; vou've gone loo lar
i oiinw tfln -Win lev's aler ri>a I
will! Is Is lint plowed ol snow
lo: ah.nil four iiiilcs. keeping
In I he I ri! (uphi 11) a! a V "
junclion a mili; from the high
vs a v I o ! h f well ill a r k ed
(railhead jus! before the road
crosses (dleat I reek and makes
,i sharp right turn ‘Inert’ is a re
markable view lit the west side
of 10. t't'i fiiut Mt lelferson, ()r
egllH sei Olid highest pe.lk,
from ttie riMil just .1 lew hun
dred yards before the tr.nffie.nl
The summit of this impressive
pe.ik is ne.ir IV U.ooo feel .linn e
this point, .uni this view of the
mount.on might be the best
from anv road
As of last Saturday. the first
In lie ui the (dle.it t reek tr.lI i
was in tllv free of snow This
delightful path winds steadily
upward roughly following
t;. I’ilV ( dieat t .reek while t !: e.s
ill}' several ol its smaller
spring ied tributaries and a!
w a vs surrounded by big trees
\ 11 along tile trad af- ev ei
lent splits to stop and photo
graph the numerous small wa
serf,ills or the many downed
Igs that o iSS the ( reel.
At ah. mt the two mile je a lit
the trad swings away from the
I reek and ( lllllhs gently until
re i. hlng the meadow
ill1.' Wide expanse if Spar
kli-* g inbrnki n snow mak -. a
g.Kid stopping point, and there
are good camping sites ail
The last mile or so of the trail
before the meadow Was snow
oveted last weekend, but the
!: ni is weii-bln/ed and because
of that and the varimss animal
prints, it is not difficult to fol
Mrn » lljakribaii
t hunttljv j -u> lb
Si ■>/*». I t'-tif »•**
; H«U l *;i 1 d ' fu.,r . r-n ! *} tu
4 4
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i'k - \ i ku % Hh..
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There arr spectacular views ol Ml Jetterson from the lr.nlhe.nl ,il Wild Che,it Creek Hikers I,icing th,
Challenge should he lolly prepared with the necessary equipment and Ml vice
Thl* is i l.nrlv strenuous
hike. though, grilling ni.irlv
I {Oil h-i-t on tin* u ,iy to iho
mi*.iil ivv Kill the m <-nerv is fisi
son onmigti to nosi* your tirm;
getting up there
U imIIici i t >■.ili{itiii,!. n.itu
r.iH v, quite v.ir htiiie in lhit
mountains Aiiyiuii' intmi sli'it
in milking liiis Irtji should in'
sun- to fully prrp.iri' fur .my
tiiifV|U'( tisl n i'll I iii't . i ■ 11 i . I
mi-ntnun'll tmforn, tonsull .1
prutii-.sion.il snurri' U'lnrt' mak
ing this ur any othiT snow
1 imping trip
/aI'm 1/1 /.n nby is ii s/mris rr
/1. it iff tut thr l'.itiimild
• 1
JANUARY 20 - 31_
All Sales Final.
No Further
13TH * KINCAID. OPEN MON. - SAT., PH. J46-4331