Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 22, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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Continued from Page 1
Wilt thru appealed to llii- US
Supreme (.'ourt
That same year. In Doe vs
Dolton. llm Supreme Court
struck down u Ceorglu law re
(poring all abortions bn per
formed m hospitals with thr
approval of a hospital commit
too and three doctors
A recent blow to Roe came in
I'IHU's Webster vs Keprnduc
live Health Services. which up
hold a Missouri abortion lavs
prohibiting I ho use of public fa
c tlitms and employees in per
Infilling abortions
Pro-choice activism boomed
alter the Webster dec ision. said
Debbi Webster ol Students for
Clinic e
Wehstei and other student
members of the’ National Abor
lion Rights Action League do
tided a pro choice student
presell! e was needed on (aim
Attendant e at Students for
Choice and NAKAl. meetings
grew during the 1W‘KI election
period, she said. In reaction to
two state ballot measures re
striding abortion
"Students have always Itad
(the right to an ufxtrtion). and
they don't know what to do if it
is taken awav," Webster said
I think it's going to be the
young women and the older
women, the ones w ho remem
her wh.it it was like when itltor
lion was illegal, who fight the
Ironically, pro choice leaders
have dec ided if Roe is going to
be overturned, they want it to
happen now before the
elec lions
A national coalition of pro
i hence organizations has pett
tinned the court to hear tile
Pennsylvania c ase tins session
so that Ceorge Hush ntav tie
field ac c oil III aide lor this dev.is
luting blow to women's rights
before the nest presidential
election.'' according to a
NARAI. press release
Webster said NARAI. would
father have Roe overturned at
one e than c lopped aw av
(inlv once it's overturned
do vve have the ilia nee to pass
the I rerdom of < hole e Ac 1,'
W ebster said
Lite Supreme Court agreed
I'tiesdav to rev lew the c else ol
GUAM Legislation was signed into law in Guam by Gov
| Joseph Ada in March ot 1990 that outlaws abortions It
contains no exceptions tor cases ot pregnancy by rape
or incest In August 1990 a tederal district court ruled the
taw unconstrtu?K>nal and unanforceabta
LOUISIANA A ban on abortion was enacted. despite
Gov Buddy Roamar's vato on Juna 18. 1991 Allows
exceptions where the pregnancy would causa the
woman's death It also allows lor exceptions for vctima
ot incest who report the crime, or victim* ot rap* who report the cnme
within seven days and receive medeal care to determine that the
woman was not pregnant belore the rape
MISSISSIPPI In March 1991 le^slators overrode Gov ,
Ray Mabus' veto to enaci a law that requires a woman
to receive what pro choice activists call misleading infor
mation on abortion and then wait tor 72 hours before
having one A preliminary injunction Diocmng ine law s eniorcemem
was granted
| NORTH DAKOTA In April 1991 Gov Georg* Sinner
I signed a law that requires a woman lo receive informa
Btion on abortion, then wail lor 24 hours before having
one A preliminary injunction blocking the law's enforce
men! was granted
UTAH A law signed in January. 1991 by Gov George
Bangerler. prohtiits most abortions unless the abortion
is necessary !o save a woman's IHe, i( the pregnancy is
a result ot rape or incest or it the letus has grave physical
or menial deformities All cases, the woman must be less than 20
weeks pregnant
Graphic by Jell Pmtmy
Source NANAI
Planned Parenthood \s ( uses,
involving ii Pennsylvania law
placing several rvsirti lions on
almrtion, including walling [«•
noils and spousal noldiiallon
Tlic (use will In- heard in
April, Willi a dm ision evpei led
in July
I tie justices didn’t address
the broader constitutional issue
in the I uesdilV statement, de
spile nspiesls from both sides
that the Pennsylvania iase he
used to dec ide d Hoe Is still the
law id the land
Susan Low Illoi h, a George
town I'niversitv law prolessor,
told the Assoi latisl Press she
doubted whether the Court
would use the rase to reverse
Hoe because "the i use doesn't
require it
There .in- i.ises from Guam,
I tali and Louisiana that will
reach the c ourt in which rev.s
iting Koe w ill lie unavoidable,
she said ! don't think the
i ourt wants to re,a h out unnei
, 11S 111 ttm case 11)0 way
review was granted confirm*
that intuition
In iho years fxrtwoen Koe and
Webster. tlio Court invalidated
several restrictive abortion
laws, including laws nxpiiring
women to obtain their hus
bands' consent or wait for a
spec ified time period
In lttHb the Supreme Court
struck down, by a V 4 vote, a!
most Identic al regulations as
those in the I’ennsvlvanla case
However three of those five
(ustic es in the rnajnntv dec islon
have sine e retired
The Court has also upheld
parental notific ation laws and
restrictions on public funding
of abortions in those years
Last July, the Court upheld
government regulations that
barred federally funded clinics
from discussing aUirlinn with
patients, a decision affecting
about 4 000 clinics serving 4 f>
million women
RU ready for RU 486?
By Hope Nealson
Em#r#td Rapcxtor
An Oregon represent®!!ve
who wants the "abortion pill"
to lie legally tested In the Unit
ed States is working to make
Oregon .in RU IHI> friendly"
Oregon Rep Ron Wyden has
introduced "The RU 4H0 Regu
latory l-'airness Ai t of 1991."
whn it would make it legal to
test RU *tHfi In the United
The hormonal drug Kl 4Hf> is
an abort ifactonl. or abortion
pill, lh.it li.is boi'n used to ter
inmate .1 woman's pregnancy,
treat breast cantor, meningioma
(brain tumors), entlometriosis.
Cushing s Syndrome, ant) infer
Widen s legislative assistant,
Joan McCarter, saiti the task
fort e has been formed to have
KlJ 4Hti treated as any other
tirug woo It) Ixi treated "
Turn to RU 486, Page 9
Continued from Page 1
.ilxiut abortion She told the
crowd of approximately :t()()
that she had been raped m
California when she was Hi
When stie returned to Oregon,
she discovered she was preg
she saiif she was confused
arid frustrated until C.od
spoke to her “(tod told me
that I am so sorry for what
happened to you and I give
you this baby to love and care
for" Trie iu said
She kept the baby and now
has a beautiful two-year-old
boy, she said
"I'm here to toll everyone
here today lh.it all alxirlion is
wrong,' she said, no matter if
the woman was raped or a
vIt tim of incest
Charles Hoffmeister, a neo
natalogist at Sat red Heart
Ceneral Hospital, told the
t rowd We have decided that
some human lives are more
important than others, mean
ing that lug people are more
important than little people
When the sperm and egg
, time together, the entire ge
nelii makeup has been deter
mined. that human Ix-mg has
I . it programmed,' he said
\\ . are talking about a com
p.ete human being at the Hash
m..merit of i one eption, it is
► : polaroid. sou take a ptc
Sure and s\ ait lor It to devel
Hnllmeister said 07 pert ent
..! the abortions that occurred
nflur the 1973 Hoc vs Wade
decision w.is passed have
been for convenience and eco
nomical reasons
He rejec led arguments that
alxirtion on demand reduces
child abuse "Child abuse has
dramatically risen in coun
irii's that have passed permis
sive abortion laws," Hoffmeis
ler said "When we decide to
devalue one human life, we
devalue all human life "
One speaker who had a
slightly different message
than the rest of the speakers
vs as Kathleen freemen, the lo
cal coordinator of feminists
for Life
Our society still values
men over women," she said.
Abortion is an example of
tins discrimination against
women Women feel that to
he equal to men they need to
fie able to rid themselves of a
f reeman said, "Instead of
trying to solve tile problems
lf 1.11 c ause abortion, the wom
an's movement made abortion
its central issue
However, she said the
short term, violent solution of
abortion is actually antitheti
cal to the women's move
Women and children are
not adversaries," freemen
The energy trying to keep
abortion leg'll should he put
to rear lung a point where
motherhood is not an obstacle
to being fully ac live in the
community, she said
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