UNIVERSITY AuCoin accents trade, education By Gerrit Koeppmg '•E.mof aklRfcPQftc* hits lost ns w.iv, said Rop Lcs AuCoin. nl a speech Tuesday in the KMU Gumwood Room AuCoin blasted the past two Republican presidencies fur a skyrocketing national debt, the S Si l. scandal, rising health < are costs and a stagnant econo my "The median household in come is today what it was l'\ years ago, ” Ati( loin said Hush's trip to Japan was an embarrassment All Co in said, and is symbolic of the entire Bush presidency "An American president, hat in hand, all hut begging lor eco nomic concessions,' AuCoin said "A Japanese prime minis ter offering his c ompassion o v e r A merit a 1 s econo m i c plight, as if we’re a charity case AuCoin said in light of the col lapse of the Soviet Union, the United States should cut military spending by 00 per cent, which he said would save SI 1 trillion dollars With that money he said we could commit ourselves to two critical areas trade and eduia lion On trade, AuCoin said the administration needed to uttai k foreign trade restrictions that were unfair to American Indus tries abroad and protect Ameri can industries Irom foreign countries dumping their prod ucts in the United States AuCoin also condemned the Mexican Free Trade Agree ment. which would allow lor easier trade betw een the United States and Mexir o It's pist a ipm k way fur corporate giants to pull their m.inufai luring jobs out ol the l' S and exploit low vs age workers and lax environ mental laws in Mexico.” he said Pnmo t>y jot'!' Rep. Los AuCoin criticized the United States lack of commitment to trade and education Tuesday in the FAtU Gumwood Room On the udui ulionul front. An Coin said one-third of nlui.i niomn should come from the states. .1 third from lo cut uuvtirnniiint and a third from the federal government AuColn proposed transfer ring as mm h as a $100 bdlion a year from defense to education We can spend $2 n billion on three ft 2 bombers, or vse can spend $2 1 billion on providing Mead Start (a pre si bool pro gram) to every kid that needs it, Au; the I’ell Clrunt program ami creating tax free savings uc counts for college This country l settle for public colleges that close de partments. c am .el classes and see their educators iioughl off tn a bidding war with private md ustr v . Aul aim said We need to build the best minds in America, and vve can t do it b> destroying our colleges and ig noting our educators POLICE BEAT The following itu idents were reported to tin' Office of Public Safety from Jan • A University student turned himself in for robbing the Alder Street Market. 7WH !•: ! nil Ave . on Jun 10 The man told police he had been drinking at a party and was intoxic ated at the time of the robbery According to police reports, the man took merchandise to taling $74 and left the store without paying for it He said he took the items as a prank and became scared when the store owner started running af ter him The man said he fought with the store owner un til he got away. He told police he turned himself in because he knew if he didn't "it was only going to make things worse " The stolen items wen- dam aged during the fight and had no recovered value Police said the store owner wax in a lot of [lain after the incident and was taken to Sacred Heart General Hospital bv his wife The extent of his injuries is unknown • A m.m arrested lor pub Ik indecency on |iin 10 A University student told police! she was crossing the street ut b lSlh Avenue und Agate Street when she saw the driver of a car looking at her and mastur bating within her view, accord itig to police reports The man told polite he vs as attempting to get dressed tor vs iirk He said he vs,is just tmk mg in his t shirt and denied masturbating ut any point in the University area according to polite reports The student told police that when the man drove by she had seen his penis and that he had an erection. She also said the man wasn't wearing pants Police reported the man had an erection yvhen they approached him. • i’l.lue arrested a 10-year old University student tor shoplift ing from the University Book store on Jan H Bookstore se curity observed the man enter the bookstore carrying a guitar case Thu man was then seen I,liking .i fiinin pai k. .1 hag nl i hips urui a i iin nl pup mill put ting thorn in Ins cail pm kills .mil the gulliir c.1 mi. according In pulii c reports Bookstore security saw the man leave tin; .store without nl fering to pav for the merchun (lise. according to polite A se i urits offii er identified himself anil asked the man it lie may have forgotten to pay for some merchandise The man said. "What stuff'' When asked aboil! the pop, tile man look If out and gave if lo security Me fold security that was all he had taken The man was taken into the bookstore lor questioning Se i urits seart bed the man and found the fanny pack and hag of chips, according to police The man said he had intention ally and knowingly taken the merchandise because he need ed it and he didn't have any money A liugene police de partment tiffu er issued the man a citation and University secu rity banned him from the hook store RIGHT ON TARGET! \ WO'<£on Daily. w CALL OUR AD DEPT: 346-3712 Emerald EMU CRAFT CENTER THERE'S STILL ROOM IN THESE CLASSES: ^ BEGINNING PHOTOGRAPHY ’ COMPOSITION A LIGHT CHINESE BRUSH PAINT WHO SAMSUNG A DYEING BOOKBINDING PAPERMAKING FUNTKNAPP1NG JAPANESE PAPER MARSUNQ UKRAINIAN EGG PAINfMO PS BEGIN SOON LOWER emu »NFOi346 4361 I CALENDAR BLOWOUT * i i ■ A 25% OFF ALL 1992 CALENDARS * 150 kinds to ! choose from Lazar’s Bazar ‘ S7 W. 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