Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 22, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Happy birthday
Roe vs. Wade
Depending mi your point of view, today marks the
anniversary of freedom for women, or state-sanctioned
Strong words, yes, but in the emotionally charged
debate over abortion, no others will do
linn iv \Vii<lc. the court'decision legalizing abor
tion, turns tU today, and pro abortion advocates are
worried the legislation won't make it out of its teens.
They ire correct to be worried
Since onlv one Democrat has occupied the
White House Justices from the liberal court of ('hief
lustii e liar 1 Warren who favored Woe have been re
plated The country tilts ever more to the right, and
conservatives have their eves set on repealing Woe
IromeallV- in light ot
the iit.mvers.m. the ,Su
pi cum* (lourt will (In i«l«*
sometime tllis week
whether to hear Planned
I’a.enthood of .Southeast
01:: Pennsylvania vs. (
si's whi< h troth pro
i hoh c and anti abortion
advocates think i ouid be
the i ase that will oveitmn
Should l\or be thrown
out, abortion would not
i itoniatu ally be outlawed
across the nation The
landmark case legalized
abortion under the (lonsti
lotion's right to privacy
clause Bec.iuse abortion
isn't mentioned for or
against m the (ionstitu
But have no
illusion, an
overturning of
Roe vs. Wade,
while not
catastrophic, is
damaging. Once
more, a freedom
— the freedom to
determine the
course of your
own life — is
being threatened.
turn, enfon cmeiit and intri prrtatmn of abortion rights
would revert tu tin' states if Rnv is overturned
Abortion in Oregon appears safe lor now The over
whelming failure of anti-abortion ballot measures 8
and 10 in toot) aeotirutely reflected Oregon citizens'
mind set
Hut have no illusions An overturning of Rov is
M.idf. while not catastrophic, is certainly damaging
Once more, a freedom the freedom to determine the
course of your own life is being threatened I hat s
something we ail t an ill afford.
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words. lee.ibie signed and the identdit ation of tfie
wiiter must Ih verifieil when the letter is submitted.
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tfEy HEy foiKs get y^o/ts 73oAy
it Vices it slices, it munches and it crunches,
it CAtN Reduce: A once PRoud industry
So CoaiPlFTE Ru/i\j Mo state
■ Mil3!
Break down
in response to )or<1.1 n Lund's
letter (()t)E, Jnn it.) Not all
women hate men Phut notion
would get us nowhere You say
we. .is .1 gender. Imply that
[lien lire responsible for (alls
mg le.ir in some women be
( uise of their .ippi .if.mi e and
conlimie to ponder reversing
the statement, saving that
women 1 jiisis lust in some
men justifying legal rape lie
1 arise ot it
Let s break tins down No,
not every man is the cause of
u a in every woman, but let's
tit. there art Ml k people in
Ihis world The fact still re
mams that the vast majority of
: i u i .11 ug.i inst w omen by
ill!!, whir tl bads illtl) III V set
olid point
IH fie very blunt, rape is not
about sex or lust, it's about
power and control it's about
violating another individual
As tar as instilled fear in wom
en is concerned. that is not net ■
essurily such a bad thing
I nr a iol of people*, it opens
their eve-, and makes I he ill
aw are W. don't live in a Puri
tan sot u-tv (although Pin sure
rape and other sexual assaults
happened among them also), so
h'.ir It,is Is'COIlie the result of
• dot ation. knowledge, and lor
solllt* expet let'll e
Let's keep in mind the object
ul tfie game is not to pit w omen
against men. it s to have every
.in as p, pie. v\ ei k I. get her to
reduce the instances of violent
1 rimes
Mavhi tins will gi v e us all
something to think abi ail
Staco Pi'T't'
Woolly bully
1 was horrified b\ the recent
snow camping arte !e in the
j.in 15 I'nu'ruld h\ lavson Jaco
hv His ide,is on winter clothing
an- not just foolish, hut danger
ous It is not unc ommon to
have free/mg min in the (Lis
! ades whcro everything gets
ttH, then freezes, ii dear hypo
thermia situation
Jacoby got ihu layering con
< epl right, hut to recommend
cotton blends os the first two
lovers is simply idiotic and
deadly Cotton holds the cold
moisture to your hods and In
comes ven heave You're hot
ter off naked underneath than
wearing two layers of wet cot
ton Avoid It I've never heard
of goose down underwear, bul
most folds use 100 percent
cupilene, polypropylene, or
light -wool
jacohv continues his incom
petent suggestions by down
playing and confusing the im
portance of an outer shell
W i iol does not keep ou t the
Wind even less so when wet
Woui ilwt'S keep lllost ol its
therm.i; properties when wet.
hut why would anyone want a
'.naked t alter yvnol layer th.it al
Jew s underlayers to gel wot. Is
comes yriy heavy, and freezes
at night Wool makes a good
middle layer So does pile,
uhu h is lighter, quic ker to dry.
and is very i ommon among ac
live outdoors people
A good outer rain- and
windpt.ii)! shell with a hood is
n latively light and not only
hi. s-. the wind hut keeps out
must moisture Wind will cut
right through a wool or pile
cap w imi i omhined w ith a
free/ing rain renders a wool hat
virtually useless Jacoby doesn't
even mention an outer ram
proof layer for the legs
Dan Geiger
Outdoor Program
I am extremely alarmed by
some of the arguments made by
Mike Colson in a recent com
mentarv in the Id [ODE,
iali 14) While on the surface
he argues the United States is
to blame for its trade problems,
he continually refers to Japan
One of his 18 references to
Japan fa-gins "The villainy of
the the Japanese and other for
eign interests
There is no reference to
these other interests No rider
dice is made to the lai t that )u
pan is neither the largest Amer
ican trade partner nor the larg
est foreign investor in America,
positions which are held by
Canada and the United king
dom, respectively
What mason would we have
for focusing more attention to
ward |upan than toward (Ger
many or the United Kingdom?
Can we so easily dismiss rai
ism. as (ailson does '
"Second, the all too tumillur
chime of 'racism' (Colson's
quotation murks) is utilized
to blunt crilu ism lor Japanese
influence peddling The rare
i urd is a familiar gambit used
to discredit concerns of Ameri
cans over policies that aflect
their lives Obviously some
Americans .ire still racist, but
legitimate issues are denied the
opportunity to be dist ussed l>e
cause of this stigmatizing la
bel "
To whom exactly is the
chime of racism all too fumili
ar? What exai tlV does tin- race
card is a familiar gambit"
mean7 Hie Implication appears
to fie that r.u ism is not a lrgltl
mate complaint However, 1
think it is the argument put for
ward in Colson's commentary
that is not legitimate
Steve Masat
Political Science
Let me get this straight The
NCAA is raising its academic
requirements lor college! ath
lete ')IH' ' ' ,ii i Lisa
Lawrence of tin; Black Student
Union says tins is a form of rat
Is she saying ttl.u k athletes
aren't as capable of getting
good grades as white athletes'
Where s the real rat ism here7
Steve Johnson