Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 21, 1992, Page 9, Image 9

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    Critic claims the media
‘demonizing’ Muslims
By Hasan Jafn
Emerald Contributor
I he American media is help
irig propagate the image that
Muslims have replaced the So
viets as the new enemy, the isi
itor of a Canadian -bused Mus
lim newspaper said I’riduv at
the University
Ze fa r II a rig.i s h , editor of
(resort/ Inlrnuilintuil. spoke to
a small crowd at a lectures or
ganized hv the Muslim Student
Med la takes die line I: an
government policies hi sa; i
"hirst, a scenario is paint.',! imi
then in si i fu atio.'i is pi i iv ided
(by the media j to su pp,irt ;:
Bangash cited several esanf
pies to support his pill!:!
The Western nveiim s i >vt
age of the first lie,, elec in,if, m
Algeria provided the iirsl exai'.i
pie, he said
liven though the one i.nstitu
tional army coup ousted .the Is
lamiI Salvation irool that
formed the government in this
North African country, the me
dia has projec ted the coup as
" saving ilemorr.il v from the
hands of fundamentalists
"The hypocrisy is mind-bog
glmg." Bangash said Here the
argument is being used that de
mix racy is saved hv subverting
The ISI- is projected in the
media .is an anti democratic
party disregarding women's
rights and banning alcohol,
even though the predominantly
Muslim Algerians voted over
whelminglv lor the party,
Bangash said
The media are ill the proc ess
ol "demonizing Islam just as
thev "demonized Saddam
Hussein during the Persian
Hull War. he said
During the war the U S gov
eminent painted Saddam Hus
sein's image as a tvr.ml and
ruthless die tutor and the media
promoted that image, he said
Bangash stronglv added that
he dues not support Saddam
Saddum was demoni/.ed to
change pubiti opinion about
liii; h.i! hr said On Nov 1
,i CBS New ) iTh. I'inu>s
poll show I'd Americans vs -n
not in favor of war to force Iraq
mil of K u w .Hi Hu I In J <m .
lour, public opinion hod slid!
rd in luvor ol using force
(Ini' I'vcnl who h c hanged
putilu opinion was tin- leatihio
tn ol i is yi'ur old KuWuitl girl
N.ifruli: whii claimed Iraqi sol
dir: m Kuwait w• o- killing b.t
bi'-s Intaking th.i'in old of ini u
helots wild lea ving. tliefn to <i le
I’rfsidfiil Bush cited this in
cident ill several sper hey to
underscore tiis support ! w war
Several senators also t (ted the
seine testimony in lIn- i :in la!
war resolution deb.ite us (tie
reason tor support,,'),: she use ol
fort e, Hungash said
Hu 1 the A me r 11 ,: mod ! a
made: a deldx'rate ei'or! not lo
reveal the identic nl Nwvirwh,
wiio was the daughter ol the
Kuwait s ambassador Sheikh
Nasser Al-Sahah. and had rim
er been lo Kuwait during tin
time she alleges the incident
oi i Hired. Bangesh said
Furthermore, later investiga
turns bv the organizations Mid
die bust Wati h and Amnesty
International revealed that the
incident never oi curred
On Sunday. HO Minutos aired
a similar slorv about the alleged
Ir.i.p atrocities It showed tin
Kuwaiti government Indirectly
paid S1 1 m ill ion to tin' putiltc
relations I i r rn Hill a n d
Knowlton to sell the war to
the American people 1 ho same
firm also helped NayirahN tes
timonv to Congress, the pro
gram rev ealed
Bangasti charged that ttie me
dia. mu oni ert with ttie govern
men! || e ! i tie r ate I y misled
A merit .ins into a w ar whii h
lelt more than - c)0.0(10 Iraqi ii
Viituns dead
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