Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 21, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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Sponsored b» the
l niursit' of Ori son
and the Associated
Students of the
l ni'enit) of On^on
This department no pain in the neck
j Students find relief
from aches and
pains, sports injuries
at clinic.
By ColieenPohhg
f " ik.i r: Reporter
Are those painful shin splints
ailing up again'* lr\ a different
shm- What about dial ac lung
ncf s and hui k ’ Tty studying in
a i hair dial (its (hr body lielter
These art Minn' comments
students may hear from die
physical therapists nr alhh’llr
trainers if they use the Sports
St i-dir ini- l‘h ysn a I Therapy De
jiartllK'lit ill the basement of the
I Diversity s Student -'Health'
( enter
lie department started 10
years ago solely as a physiial
therapy sei lion of the health
center, hut has 'since’branched'
ini! into several different areas
id the medical profession
With lour physic al therapists,
two athlete trainers and a part
lime massage therapist, the de
p.irtment caters to sue h medical
needs as aches and pains,
sports injuries, orlliodic (foot)
and posture related problems
Students are treated on a refer
rat basis from either the health
center's physic ians or the stu
dent's hometown physic tan
The department sics many
i ases td posture relat' d prof)
le III s . depart III eri t dir lie t or
Duane Iversen said, adding
many ol these eases stem from
poor study habits which con
tribute In a c nnslderahlr strain
on the hai k and In i k
'The transition in amount ol
study ing Irom high si hnul In
college can contribute' to a lot
of poor study habits, Iversen
said \ lot ol times we’ll see
liai k and neck pain, and lor
those people it ts a matter of
posture edm ahull
Usually, the physical ther
tiso Sherry. a graduate student in dance experiences pain in her tett knee when running, but not danc
ing Dr Duane Iverson, director ot the Sports Medicine Physical Therapy Department at the University s
Student Health Center tries to determine the cause ot pain through toot examinations, videotape analy
sis and other methods
apist will go iivrr options the
student has to i orroct the prob
ill the I ■ISO (if net k nr bin k
pain, the therapist will review
correct posture techniques, us
lllg Mil h studs guides us the
"lumbar roll" {a roll to put be
hind someone's tf.uk in a i hair
that helps cortei t posture prof)
lems), or boss to adjust the
i Imtr to torrei tty fit the Itodv
In addition, the massage liter
apist hi is vsoik w till die patient
to relieve some of tile tension
111 the alfel led areas
t he department has m entl)
lidded an orthod i< s lah in
who ii the athletic trainers
work with students who are
having problems such as shin
splints or foot jiatn which
lould he related to the kind ol
evert ise shoe tllev W ear
Ill*- ihi'iaptsts will either
sugg* st several types of shoes
th.it would he ideal lor that in
dividual. or i I possible, tliev
will mold the shoe with .irr h
supports to ( orrect the prob
The orthodics lah was help
ful tie* ,iuse when 1 had shin
splints they suggested types of
shoe- that would he right for
my foot and my shin splints
went away after wearing them
student Ann Swanson said
h. .,!*!.tin;,. Iversen. who is
• a physical therapist and
. ■ in tratrier h.is recently
.1 rteii videotaping studenIs
who I e»e proliiems which may
to the wav thes even Ise
Iversen will then review the
tape with the student and de
termme ways tlu-v tan elimi
nate their problem areas b\ e\
pertinenting vvilli different
ys ay s ot exercising
The department also has .1 re
hahi 1 nation 1 enter which is
mostly used hy pi'ople with
sports injuries The Stairmaster
and whirlpools are popular
yvaVS ol keeping lit while lie
< teasing the strain on the in
jured part of the body
We try to find alternativ e
ways to keep up their fitness
lint also allows them to heal at
the same lime." Iverson said
The cost ol the lacihty yvorks
somewhat differently than the
i ost ol the health center s lacili
ties upstairs Instead ol a fixed
initial lee to see .1 physician,
the Sports Medicine Physical
Therapy Department c harges hy
the amount of time the ther
apist or trainer spends ywth tin
■ ■■I