King colleague urges crowd to carry on dream By Rive's Janssen M.L.K. DAY 1 002 Kcmlm-.i t (il til s li.l v •> ItJ !hir i IVj! rights move tiiflnl, .1 i mn |> a n l n il u I Marlin I.u iher Ki|i urjji'H [>«•<>(>l*» M o n if .1 ^ night not to lure'll MH|t ' ilriMiii Ki". I rtui L Shultli'swurth. who vviirk.c(j t:lo>« ly with Kinn and Kwv Ralph Abernatln told .1 Hull Center audiere*- Mnp work has been fri-ju*-n11y ini', understood. and I hat jiear.e through non-violent r remain* hi* essential message Mlernuting his tune lii-twirn sermonizing .inti friendly dis. i ussinn Hhulllesvsorth toid o! .III ill* nil'll! between King utlll 11 while man in an Alabama ho le) King .uni ShiitileswnrIh were walling to register a! the jell* Is. ei Davis Hole! w hen the i .iiin up !o K ing asking h* *1. ;».*- his hand King agreed aiit held nut hi> Ii a ml The m.K without warning rear he'd ► . : p.iiu •.ki»»t; m ilu K.: »' ,!!'■; |.ii. !• U j:.i no .muct on his fat <•■ ittsirad he cal mis stood up, • S’d .f ihl’ Ill.ll) .slid ..skit! 1 >5 3i ii hcdp vou lo try .mil hurl mi-' Miutf iosworth um d this ox ::i:}s!i■ l i • mph.isi/i King’s lx in?{ ih.t! ov« morning peoplo In physu »l Ion <■ is no! llv vs .is If wr dun I destroy violent <\ violent f will destroy us -Shut l !t*s;\ i ,rlh s.iid I! sol!:.•one hi Is vmf io t!i> < his k. turn to si; one We mii'l lull’ i He .1 r n it l*<' r sm 'tilt said when asM'ij What the white papula hurt uf Ori gan ran do about t.K isfit, !u has a s.mpli' answer U ’hi' vs ta!i' riMjaritV Is read v li> has • • frr <-i jam, w r will have fteedotn in short order.' he dn lared Shutllosvvorth said lie whiter population needs In talk about r.ii ism for [he issue to he no ticed To pound home his point, Shuitlesworth added there has never h en a lilac h ku kltiv kIan nieinluir I'm Ait MEWSPRINT PAD \ rz qq J.7 J 1 * n • K< ■mbr«m< ll PASTELS 30% OFF i Slr.ithmoff k PREMIUM RECYCLED \ SKETCH PADS lil.l V ■ .-x St. , 1» ..! 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Ph. 3464331 Ktif imd is just ,i nicer word f< r segregation.1' he said "If wo ,1;i take a swing al the ball. w . . ,in kr. ■ k r.ii ism out of the I’trk Shuttlosworth said ('.od is an iinportnn! part of ins strength within tho civil rights move ment Despite having Ins home bombed twit e, being beaten on the streets of Birmingham, get ting arrested over to times for his behets, and f>omg sued for over S I 5 million. Shuttles worth perseveres because Cod has proven Ids belief in human rights "Despite the darkness of our generation. I'm still; glad lo as sert that this is rn v Coif's world, he s.iid America is hotter oil todav because in the middle of the gOiii ce.nturv while people like Birmingham Safety Director bugeno "Bull" Con nor sa id 1 in I he la w ,' while Alabama Coy Oeorge Waiiai i- ski id 'si gregation will live forever.’ it was bet oming ; l.-ar onlv (.od liv es lor ever i in crowd w as smaller than expected. filling less than hall of the S i j v a ( mi or! Hall Mod - orator Jan Oliver expressed dis appointment in the size of the audience lamenting that de spite all the tii kels being given aw av (tee of ( barge so few per> pie t 1 itise lo arrive. Next year, perhaps they should t harge. Ol iver quipped Then lire people wlro got tu kets would definite ly < time OSU player succumbs to stroke ! NULL WOOD. Calif i,MJ) Lamest killum, who dec tiled to play basketball for Oregon St.lie after lie was diagnosed with a hlood i lotting disorder, died . three d.iVs after suller mg his second stroke in six months Dr ( arl Orfuss a neurologist at Daniel I reeinan Memorial Hospital who treated killum, said that his death was not re ! ited to playing basketball It is the opinion of myself and all the phvsii tans who treated Lamest here that he sui Climbed to a disease afleet ;ng the hlood vessels and that he’.j.lei: ■' ! i k eth.dl 11: no wax precipitated the termi nal event, (Jrtuss said . la Jll \ eat old xophonion guard was prnnoum ed dead at t p in i'S'l, Orfuss said in a hastilx i ailed news conference at the hospital He said an au tops\ was scheduled lor lues dav morning killum. who iinU gained medical clearance to join the team in late December, suffered a stroke last I'ridav when he collapsed at a hotel He appeared to he improving, but lapsed into a (oma early Sunday morning, team doctor Richard Cronk said He was placed on a respirator after his condition worsened Orfuss said that over the -4 hours after he had gone into a coma, killum lost all brain function On liehulf of Oregon State DmversiH. we wish to extend our deepest and most sincere condolences to Earnest's fami Iv said Oregon Slate athletic direr tor Dutc h Baughman, who had remained in Los Angeles to he with killum's family