■ STREETWISE QUESTION Should the University Bookstore sell Playboy and Penthouse magazines? 'The contro versy is out of control The discus sion is overly ^ emotionally charged and people have a tendency to say Well 'pornography objtx tifies women so all pornography is bad David Ellsworth freshman math:major "I think the magazines should be there if people want them I myself don't think they art' a good role model for women and I do think it degrades women in general " —Tiffiney Schmohe sophomore, undeclared ’I think that it's kind ol disgusting but it's peoples own ctvoK a 'What they want to buy (Whether it « . ur.es men to kx:>k clown on women) depends on tiie pen.. .n some men it does viimi men it doesn't ‘ Kym Daggett |umor psychology major “If they lake it off the shelves it Would he censorship It s the women s choice they're not fore «xi to pose nude It tlwit s what they want to (Jo. tfull's what they want to do " —Peter Koong tne.hin.in political scient e "I would say it s OK It you want something like that you can go in and get ^ it arxJ it you don't, you don't need to (It doesn't cause men to look down on women) anymore than topeless bars ’ -Sean Russel freshman history major "I would like to see them make that i.hotce to allow people to gel them elsewhere and to promote literature and magazines rtKire positive in their presen tation of wi mien * -Maia Holliday senior, .architecture Panel: society a nightmare for blacks By Daralyn Trappe r ■■ • A ,r, i \'.i' ’ • ■ inpj M irim i i. thri king !r's dream ol Irttf ii ii in ii n d equality 1 \ today in .i nightmare m> C it-! * 1 h .i I iv ,i s the i i ill'J'lisilv i»f a |)«i11<■! u isc tiNSinn [ill* • 1 I lit Stall.* ul llii1 Civil M i» V i M11 r n t A i..) r I • . ;:, t < : I N ightmatr riir six member panel w .e. presented as [Kill ui ilia i lavi't i! \ s celebra I mu : king ■. d a \ Maial.il sji. m ill 'hr ha: i. la.: k Allil'Ill .IMS Clarence Npigwr. an asset t air professor al ihi* l-niversitv. noifil mi'n l;i mg ta iiaiit'la.if.!, have in-.ire i d a i ham a til i is trig In age liS than a man living in Hariirni Si iidrnl i r ii Wan! n In Spigm r's srnim.i n’» ► mg ui liii dis[irti|-i.ii11. !, lit i ! »- | ' : 111 gatlgs Certai nlv the i.ivil rights inovnment was never a night linin', but tin' sin lets it's had to rxist in lias in i T! a nightmare, he said Whrii hi- returns linil.i ' • the 1 .us Ai. irra Wald !mils most ul his friends in prison or dead 1 i an i mint on mv fin gi-rs flow mans are left In go home and talk to. lie said i'iii need lor hi.n k unity is trui nil. Ward said, aiding its not etiuugi) to get through col lege and earn a good living 11 d means ignoring the reallW ol injustice and not working to i hunge il An ami lent e member ask> i about the recent confirmation ol (durenc.e Thomas In the Su preme Court and about the schism in the black population that became evident when the national chapter id lhe National Association of the Advance Hi'-!.! 11! ( .11!. Iti-i! i Vu|ilt: ti ul III i! cndurvi' him *Hill, j If I Milt'll! ul ! (if A iJh!ii|. K.,!i.!f!jt!, insfihi!.. ,11 .i. i-f Kii i; ‘..iif i !i'i! I) r ! U. m : U ! it I liliii.i . Vi.rSv -f ' ' • : ; ! i ■ iilt.-ri-ii hi Ihitir piulu uuhsc* .iri. 1 in-lii'N, "but ftiiji jiirsun :, ,mr o!l I!. !nl! I itli ! li: ill i'tfr how Mnall. Hill KiihJ . » ]■■ ;ft ought («• i um rrtH'ii .itiout -r ' !,f[f .ilii! %% I. it iti• • v if s.ivmg. vml Ki'% lii'ii NlHiUl'-v.iorth vvliiic.ii foundi'il tin' Soulhi'rii (.linsti.in 1 ••!S*1 vv . nilrri'iu i- w .!!; K111jg ; m- j mid w i dso askud . i ik■ • dir it11 itn it rtm!) .’.siii'li ii'1.1 iht! audl i ; n.-is '.i b.-gm with In nisulvi's ■ I !: tf is mr.ifil to he . ii : ml Wf I.; !In 'Iidigs wi! i .in ... ’ i I ininlttrd to isiw , Dr hmg I . m : t king, .inyiini' • ; i.iifi wi- iirr il i’v is ins .msf Minittonti i'r i . imruiif djrfd, MilllfufH' . t ! si.tii. 11iif [rind U •.! .!:••! his .issfssmi'iil .’’I . . i k k i tfi.’ i ..’fill ; mi .1 [lamihsl , ' I .is!mn uf whiti* su 'i.i h!.if k man's l I.. ..i;d 1 dunk d wf ir minds, wr will sis' ,in : .■ ''ill salilf driMin 444 0996 Engine Service 1000 S Herltktn Kd »ti • l u^rnr ()K‘»7402 (>!>«• MihW north ot IV lllh • Nolan Iiul I’U/a Speaah/mg in German Autos for 32 Years • Morc.Vi.ie-.s • BMW • Volkswagen • 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts m 1 KAMPUS BARBER SHOP HAS BE F N SERVING THE CAMF’US COMMUNITY FOR THE FAST 69 YRS OF I F RING3BARBF RSWITH COMBINED BARBF RING F XPERIF NCI OF 84 YRS IN ALLSTYLE S OF M! N S AND WOMEN S CUTS $8.00 MONDAY I KIDA't H M)-SI’M* HAIRCUTS/ NO APF’TS 851 L 13TH 343/654 m i BUCKS m ON CLASSIFIEDS! Good on Classified For Sale items under 133. Place ads st Hoorn 300, EMU or UO Bookstore Private party ads onty please No refunds/credits (Sorty r*o VISAAAC •tinted W« hOODCZUJ THE BRETHREN Fishbone and The Daddies play the Ballroom.... but The Brethren play Carson Dorm Cafe FREE!! TONIGHT Tuesday, Jan. 21 at 8:00pm Bare bones rockin' rhythm and blues to soothe the soul. Sponsored by: Campus Crusade for Christ