ET ALS Miimw.s f hc ( KIr |Vr *rt»ij)«wnl n luxe information ■#* (anight •nil VS Viljy j! ? j» »ti t.; I ► Thiftwra' vtwdenu **ili b» hilt'll in* ;f,« 1.■ Suninnt *t*ff < jmpui Wad mi *• ' ; i havr a fn»«r . r n . *' »* in K -»?• . ’*4 Ml*-;! (-*.; J4I> «Wj l-r mr.-HMR|ft|m*U' ( iHitl»lulh>4« < «nur1 »• •■■«»' f H!l' ■»' Ct Ml in lh» lii-iil* ( <»UIU* -*»• ; « M*«d in the .4 M M h i I .■< |/1 1 S Sitlef I rmrttil) f r I ** ii.itU < **n»ury Hwffl 1 Sluit^nl *wnalc «a-i! r <» ' >i1 1 a’ '*> in H >*itn 22^ f fimdJy Mi Jkl 1 ASt <)■'• S [hr Mirlhr rn a r ■ » ■ # r J i y 11«!T a r bin. * tail; *ivn 4 ff»w> • • "• »#t ‘ .*» I «( I in llw* (a*fv>n I jir>S*in* Sluitmli fur Sul out ai«- t|>' r *■ '■ * a h today at n i n n in the i Mi I H .tn (... m». i / . 4 int. m. j« vm s N»-w ( N H>yul«lKmi *» ! ' Ml *ff« • it ' J f.l/Jp-M* M U*r t «f • »■ j» n>4«> f? •• - Hi.tiling [**# llvr (ulliiMinK . imi|wi«ir» Ml _i». J. r la) a- -S ' ' ■ n in, M*. r, *. • •• “ir int->im.iti • • * V ' *. j.: i • - r '• '«» • I • • '• »c , ' K "•••■••*• }> . r * A ( .*rt«o» Planning I*L»i **m Ml *■• 5 >' ’ *’• *, « *U i {r KKMGKJfe ( «m|iu* ( rwwl' fix I ht i»l « ht» lijjnm iimf I mrttM v» ' ■ 9* ,v Hcini; |rw ith ttluf » Ihf fumf' »* ; ”, , •, y M i ( '?t,W tv H :>m I c 4;: •. 4 > * •. *4t» 4 »*r. f - - mifttultiftg f i a:I l.> ffte t ■'» - 4 : ! ’• f,W' S I*> %S*t i» fi ■ — t^«- Ja* //ufrin jiituti t i Alt rut, the *4 I ' 1 * r t-. r r. ’<•% » : S<* 0 inf) I talri {"# . .V'/ xr -»n S In n : ficvifj *» h a .1 rial n j/- : ■ * j »- M i /*. 4 > i .rit'./tu* i-rffiti *mi v nwnttM . ’■ MU' W '*• * .* ■ ft l *>,*> 1 hr' : *• f * * I .-1 met* vt he r fi hi ht edit RALLY Continued from Page 1 pri j.itors -lik.*' ■-pit ulators and rip off artists." the Oregon Derm* rut mik! U •• have i pritiiirnt with .1 new world odor that smells of Ins racist uri.i si-sist politics Di-f u/io viui S |j r i n g f i«! I ii Mayor Hill Momsi'tti' said King found and invoked ‘i fundamental nolle* live morality in all Americans Dr King did his part to stop the KKK now I'm asking you to ■ in your part and stop the ( X .A. Murrlsette said Marion Mali olm of l lergv and Laity Coni timed had the women in the audience sell EMU CULTURAL FORUM & 95.3 iln KAVE PRESENT PRIMUS Love On Ice THUR FEB 6 8 PM $ 11 UO STUDINTS $ IJ GENERAL HILTON BALLROOM & THE FLECKTONES MON FEB 1 7 8PM li:U(l Ml I IK VI'S H*4 liKNKHAI. HILTON BALLROOM — robyn I hitchcock n » »• 1J * j V i Q 3 a 5 o o (0 < T3 ? 3 (A plu» Matthew Sweet MON FEB 24 8 PM SI I IU» SIUDI.NIN S| I (il.NI.UAI. E.V11J BALLH(X>M BRUCE COCKBUKN plus Sam Phillips tues FEB 25 8 PM $ 15 UO STUOCNTS $ 17 Gt NEPAL HILTON BALLROOM STUDENT TICKETS AVAILABLE AT EMU MAIN DESK ONLY! ALL GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS AVAILABLE AT EMU MAIN DESK CD WORLD FACE THE MUSIC HOUSE OF RECORDS RECORD GARDEN TICKETS FOR GRISMAN/FLECK & BRUCE COCKBURN ARE ALSO AVAILABLE AT BALLADEER MUSIC frrnJom'" and "just ire' ' t- 1 ■ sun- ' the volt i' of W :. v\ , heard She praised King for recog ni/.ing that rat ism, militarism anil poverty degrade humanity Mali olrn s,i id the t est w ay to honor King was to liernme at live m the t nmmuniiv I he s[)t‘.t ke r s at! ti ress.eti i t rowti of more than .10(1 peoph at the t ommemoration The mart h started simultnne on si v at p m at both the KM! Courtyard and Soutti hugem High St hool Both marches eventually united at 1 1th A\e hue and High Street and tin ishetl with a rally at the hugem Hilton Banners lor Queer Nation, and Mid h.\ -anil placards dr t rying tlie Oregon ( ili/ens Alii ,mce were carried, among the diverse mart hers loitering the Hilton mart hers , h.inted. What do we wan: instil I ■ When li We V\,;!lt. It Now!” ABORTION Continued from Page 1 rird .ilimil ulhi'i abortion rights eases in courts around the country that pose a threat to lit. 1 vs Wade It seems inevitable tin Supremo t imirt is going it» ovi i turn Hoe vs Wade Si in .ap s.tid "It not m one overt ges lure, then pil-t e bv jdei e in prejjiir.ition lor the pwssi bio overturn. jiro-t.lioii c groujis are trying to get the Freedom of (dhoil e At t passed ill (iutigrrss Thill would create a federal law dri hiring Kue \ s U ui tin law of thu land. Si htiaj) said Ih.- act was subinittfd in both the i1 S Mouse and Senate I :'l‘l() and tom all I Mint lies to gather sponsors every year. Schoap said Although tins is a slow jirot ess to i reate a i.e.s. she said it s the only was to go Miilravri she said pro i i 1 o i i e pi i p i i ale '.sols:;1.; elect jiro-clioit e legislators at every level of government and on getting the controversial abortion pi!!. Kt iiU> legalized Graphics CONVI Nil NT I-AST & Af l-OHI )ABl t u f-l(. •! K‘i| Vf f