Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 21, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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You ,ii! might as well give
The simple fact-of'the matter
is that Lego brand building
hint ks yy ere pi pillar m 111! i
are popular today and will
most likely be popular !ift\
years from noyv
There's just something about
Legos that is timeless
Bryce Ingman
Real power
HI,ii k, white, brown. red or
yellow I don't i are Straight,
hippie. It * It right, [lagan, Chris
t l.i!' Moslem, ur 51’Mlal identi
ty. in the long run it doesn't
I have been judged so often
In lilt par kaging th.it 1 would
not dare judge you- In yours
Mine nest iloitr to me work
along side id me. marry my
i hihiren, but please stop tight
ing me
\ i luh ol rit h i riminals con
trols most ill the yyorld s goy
ernmenfs. mascjuerad ing as
businessmen and politicians
They delight in our feeling o!
separation and encourage It
U ithout it they kmiyy that
yy e i ml Id un lie and free the
world oI hate, pov er t y and
crime That is y\ Ii \ liberal
tbmsers inner gam real pinver
II they do, they are killed lust
i ike M l. k mg
So rememher. the longer you
hate, the longer hate yy dl con
trol \ our yy orld
Janet Tarver
Dirty laundry
i his letter is m regard to tin'
statement I lin.ini on tin- news
from tin- Universils s housing
ol In nils ii i ■(. 1.1 r mg t hut the it
itorms tire s.ilf
II thf dorms art- so safe. tlnm
w hv did .1 woman gel raped in
thf basement ol Hamilton i nm
oles w hile lining her laundr\
I l.ul to see how .1 hureaui rat
from our w ant-to Ini Isberal
si bool' i an go on tin S\ and
tdatanth' lie atiout something so
It is sad enough lh.it women
must tit w ur\ of ra j)i :. I a 111
•4J+ ’•«
touxTuIu n
1 • *>• ■% tv*
2 A 00*3 f.'u IU fc«3 i 'u* Own
3 Art you t#* »T«.'{?yt»*d';
4 A?t you J M -» ir W'lrtf
if you wcnrid »E$ !• i* . ' at* <»
fOUtr* fj/Hthl 9*f%or- w« •» » *irvy ?•}(*
At tn America* f'mijt C«»t« *•*
rvMtUtiW yo_ will t>* rmp- t tit f '
pitting *tfwl!t<ng on Outistf” toana*
Vex- wtll Jt*ohjvt *N» oppc'Vjrtf. • 1 w •»
on fTu/tur»;ng prog »m» toe tot ft
atAmsfcanf ip'ttt Ev/tJwxJ^M
n» •’*3 *A»n> ' - ji c.
Stay wift us • ng iflt» grxXa? - n E-•
mc-ft r.f'jf imSion tail of «rnt* us a? tfts
toSewtng *<*Jrtw
213 Wait Hams©*
Seattle WA Mill 4107
Mis liter dark i'll! It) It i! ■
i,i. ». ,1 wi'ui. doi.ng laundry is
perhaps I hi' i ampus police
sh..u|,| ..rn in do something
besides writing parking ti< kets.
• s- > '-Is . 1 r.. I k . king propie
mil ot [m s
in . 1111• r n ords protei ! us
ami slop harassingOur already
, e.j pui ket luniks .is well .is
Hi if Iree will
M \ i.e.irl gl ;es Dill 111 111 V t'-i
low sin limit win) w .is not onl>
\ ioi.iteil, hut I;lift us w i'll Mas
your rei overs he strong
In i oiu lusiuu. 1 is i el Id l ike to
s.i\ something to tiie little Inw
w ill I w ,i n ted to role It! the
vs i.men unis S.,i!er isIe ’. .ills
Glen Ketron
No smoke
In response to iton I’eters
opinion plel r (()/)/ Jail 1’i
I'l ters 1 won Ui like s ou to he
aware ul -I lew things I here IS
something people our age take
tor granted. .mil tli.it ;s iie.ilth
If SOU ever have been truly
Silk (hospitalize li ;. Soil would
understand So when vou
smokers pipe up about sour
rights, i get a little militant
Apparently sou haven't sat
in a i am er w aril w ailing tor ra
illation treatment. 1 have f-or
reasons unknown i was ding
n used w 11 It Is 111 p hum a So
when 1 see you i housing this
future, all I I eel is disgust 1 had
no choice I don't want your
sympathy. I want you to think
I have friends that smoke, to
them i give the same argument
When they leave to go smoke i
say to them, Enjoy your last
i ant er lilied years of life
The last and most important
point is. d or ss hen so. talized
medit me no urs I don't want
to pas lor your hospitalization
because you t hose to smoke m
the past
Sorry that you're addicted to
this legal drug
Eltra Wickham
l ilts is in response to Jordan
. li in! s opinion regarding the
JUS!ific at lolls S.deride slated HI
their rci i-nt upholding of the
w omen only rule
L.iii.i von Itavi- ii.i uif.i vvh.it
you .irr t.liking about You .1 ri*
upset because fur oru •• in your
fife 'you art1 told of .1 service
you cannot participate In. thus
V«>i; r.H v iour brain' to t ome up
'with irrelevant 'arguments" tor
lii.• ii to respond w ith
You h.iv*■ absolutely no iili'.i
vv ii.i! fur's itkr to b< i female
in I. shiv's sik lets You (annul
even Htort to i omprehend the
fr.ir vvr have id till1 possibility
of being r.iprd
fills isii'i just something th.it
Happens to ' someone else, it
iifuid and in.i\ easj-U happen
to voir girlfriend, sister, inotli
it or daughter ! i .in nii.lv pr.iv
tli.it the reality .d fins jiruhlem
never re.u lies a dose female in
your file hut if II does. 1 i an
. : > tu t th,it vi>t r
life, s' VV ’.I I | eg, v , J v .(pin k
i o .i large ni.ijuriiv of you
this is ail issue of etpiaj rights
111 s tr|H lies it : s .111 issue id
siirv iv.d uSo please if you feel
the seed In niasi waves ;us|
for Hie .,;se of brine heard. do
it on ,m issue with less Impor
tant r „
Kristie Schumacher
Give support
in response to the leaf of rap
isis and robbers on i utupus and
til tile d« sf Mis . . Vv . f f i ike ! i n
mind all lii.it there is .i instoiv
ol d on-, on ( dimpus
When I was .in undetgr.id
iierr m Intel living in Morion
Mall of the Karl Complex
Straub was (tie dorm used In
inmates from the Oregon Stale
Penitentiary, who were reads
to graduate
T tie V ll a li l derm rest
den! i uunsrlor. but vve ill bar!
i Ir uT.dlv and supportive a It l
ti.il!- Son o’ ini. i bn - n hit k > if up
for a long time and tills free
dnm and responsibility were
difflt ult
Sexual abuse and stealing are
mm ia 1 problems, needing so< ial
solutions not si apegoating .i
ininority who are trv mg to ton
form Please ji;.h !it >■ love. an
diTstumfmg and forgiveness
and give convicts support, not
Kim Martin
Comm Health Ed
U6 tfvuti
,*N4. s\ :il\|l./
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This Week's
/ luncheon Specials
Salav Chicken vs/Rice
( hit km jixI \ < v;rl.ihlt'\
w a Mnl f’rjnul Sjut r
Rit e w/Teriyaki Chicken Wings
Ir\ iHir (ImtH i\ too1
879 E. 13th • UfKUms, Noxt to UO Bookstore
I hi' I rh Mfniuri.il Union is ill hi* holding .in upon house
lor f.u h of thi* r> finalists lor I Ml Itirivlor 'ton .in*
i ordi.ilK ms if i*i I to .»Iff nil
11 ME: Il30.ini I ? U> pm
PI AIT.: ( fil.u I)
DAIES: l.inii.irs7, |W.’, |«imi.ir\ 10, 199?,
l.inu.irs I f llW? l.inii.irs 17.199?
I.inu.irv 31, 199?
Workshop for graduate stiklents on sexual harassment.
('ome to I'iikI out about
• What Constitutes Sexual Harassment
• What Victims ol Sexual Harassment ( an Du
• What to Du il a Student Harasses You
• What to Do il You are Accused ol Harassment
With Janet Wentworth , Omhud Ollicer lor 1 ol ().
Marlene Dreseher, Director ol Student Advocacy, it
1 lame (ireen. Student ('onduet ('oordinator
WHI N Wl-D.. JAN 22. 12AO 2AO I'M
OK let s start the enam Stinking caps on.
everyone stinking caps on