Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 21, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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New NCAA standards
mean better students
Seven years ago. the NCAA instituted Proposition
*18. which toughened the standards for incoming fresh
man wanting to play intercollegiate athletics. Last
week, the committee took the long-awaited second step
in putting the "student" back in student-athlete.
Beginning in 1995. freshman will l>e required to
have a 2.0 CPA and a 900 SAT score, or a 2.5 CPA and
<i 700 SAT. In addition, students will have to complete
13 high school core classes Right now, Prop 48 de
mands a 2.0, a 700 SAT and 11 completed core
The tough standards have understandably upset
some people. They charge racism on the totally accu
rate claim of disproportionate school funding between
upper-middle class (usually white) neighborhoods and
poverty-level (mostly minority) ones
Hut by labeling the
new NCAA standards as
rac ist, and thus dismissing
them on that basis, is no
solution The NCAA is
truly trying to upgrade its
image- Currently, intercol
legiate athletics appear to
be little more than minor
league-, tor the NBA and
Ml. Hy stiffening cm
trance requirements. the
NCAA is hoping to get
more true students cm the
playing fields, and tore e
the1 ones already there to
take their studies more se
As a comparison to
past NCAA accomplish
By stiffening
requirements, the
NCAA is hoping
to get more true
students on the
playing fields,
and force the
ones already
there to take
their studies
more seriously.
n;i-i5t . on.' needs to look no farther than Prop 48.
There aro mans who have boon forced to sit out a your
tier .iust* ol at ademu s. only to go on to su< t oss not only
in athletics, but oft the hold as wull Georgetown's
Ihkembe Mutomlio. Cal Herkelevs Russell Whitt? and
closer to home. Terrell Brandon, are but a few Prop
48 s w Ito have gone on to hotter things
Hu! the \l AA cannot stop at entrance require
ments Hv the tone student-athletes get to the college
gates, the damage ol inequitable schooling has already
been done The NCAA, d truly committed to helping
students all students — must go into the high
schools, lobbv Congress for equality in schooling and
spread some of the vast television revenues around
In short, the NCAA must do what many individu
als have already started The power of the NCAA can
be a great help d used properly.
And let’s hope it doesn't take another seven years
for the N( 1AA to at t
Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than
2SO words, legible, signed and the identification of the
writer must In- verified when the letter is submitted.
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‘Playboy’ today, Malcolm X next?
Ill battle to remove /’/.IV
boy .uni I’onihouM' from
bin14: wag'd vi:l again
Ai .1 jiublu meeting tin Jan
in tin- i diversity Bookstore
Board 11I Director* heard mm
merits tin Imih Mill's 11I 'hi- is
sue i in- mi 1 vi' in v.n.k ihi1 mag
li/!!. s liillll ill in I. I ksturi* 's
shi'lu-s Hits brought n> lilf by
! I: 1 ' ' 11 1 V >'f SIC > IIIVII Mill
Against Kil|«i Imi hum1 ol iIs Ive
lift that tin' material m thti
111 a g .1 / i II i* s leads I u t li i'
obp-t tifkrallon and di'h.isr
ini'iit uf is..mi'n whii li in turn
t mill -> mine violt iii !• against
WOtTlCl 1
I a 1 l s and Iig u re s vs I- r 1;
thrown mil by advocates on
both sliirs ol the ill'll.Ur I here
vsi■ n• m vi'i.il einntioii.il testimo
nials o! sexual abuse and i*v
ploit.iliiin .mil tin' deep phvsi
cal .iii.l I'mouon.il si ars tlmsi*
tniumas 1 .in leave lui survivors
Anvorii' in .ittcml.ini'c hail to
linin' ivs.iv with .1 clearer per
reption tli.il violence against
vs..iiii'ii in our soiu-ly is linin'
common ill.in tin v uiiiv havi'
originally believed
i In pi'tltiom-rs m.nil- 1 on
v lining arguments that vio
lent i' against vs omen is some
thing this count!v needs to at
laik ssith .1 sincere vigiir The
cause is .1 good one and the
people committed to finding a
solution should continue In
their eilorts to educate the
But. they did not make a
strong enough case to justify
1 ensuring the magazines from
the store Yes, I said censor, lie
cause it is censorship No mat
ter how forcefully and emotion
ally tin removal advocates may
have staled their case, vvh.it
else can you toll it when one
group wants material they find
offensive removed from the
v irw ol the rest of society '
Those people seeking tin re
mov.il ol the magazines from
the In kstore need to step hack
tr. :n this particular event and
I'Klend their logit to other is
Tile removal advocates be
lieve /’/.iv/iov and l’entht>use
. .n.se liar:u 1,: w omen and this
justifies the 1 ensorshin
But wli.il il .1 group of slu
.iiHU ip; r >a< hod ihe board
.uni a s k e d tiu'in nol In sell any
I.ter,Pure corn eming Malcolm
X lie: ,|U‘,r o! Ills ratlil .ll \ low s
Malcolm X is ,i man very nosy
; i. admire bee u use of Ills
strength .11111 integrity in the
fan* nl staggering odds, and his
1 ommitmenl to net rr ha< k tig
down from the truth
Trin- he mellowed a hit after
his pilgrimage to Met t a and Ins
realisation that a blanket in
dictment ol all white people is
as wrong as when whites make
blanket indictments against
biat ks " But tor 12 years prior
to this. Mali ulm X firmly he
lleted and taught that "the
white man is the devil (//re
. \io/.'/i ii,Ta/)/rv ui \f.i/i 11/m .V)
Malt ol m X ■ rerniiv a I advo
cates could convincingly argue
Ins earl) message If at led
upon is harmful to whiter*
bet 4use it could provoke vio
lent outbursts among the op
Thai argument ( uuld he
much' |ust as powerfully as the
anli I’Li v hoy I’l'nlhonse one
Should anything containing
Mail olin X s message be forbid
ilen (ruin bookstore's shelves'
The Oregon Citizen's Alli
ance continually misconstrues
the message of the Hible to |lis
lily Us campaign of intolerance
agamsl the lesbian and gay
communities In 1‘WB. the (X A
was instrumental in passing an
initiative rescinding Coventor
Ooldsr limidl s executive order
prohibiting job disr runinution
on die liasts of sexual orienta
tion At itus very moment, the
(H A is using the Bible as the
foundation lor its attempt to
pass laws forbidding rec ogniz
mg ga\s ami lesbians as having
equal rights under the law This
certainly causes harm to that
So, should we ban the Bible
from the bookstore Ixrcause one
small group is negatively affect
ed fiy it'
The same argument can he
made by Palestinians against
the teachings ol Judaism, and
In lews against the Ixiok of Is
In the pages of the Emerald
on Jan 15, University student
Krii Ward wrote that "Neither
the Bill ol Rights nor ltli’ Cion
stitution h.is ever boon protec
tor.lies of the Black, people
the majority of blai ks .ire still
suffering from the mental anil
physical abuses of white su
prem.ii v belter known as the
I anted States "
II the (ionstitutton am! the
Bill of Rights aid in the oppres
sion of lilai k->, should they be
ban tied from the ' ill vers: t \
Bookstore '
One way to list the sound
ness of am argument is to put
Its litgii m a different i ontext
II it still holds w it*a , and still
has consistently good results, it
is probably a good argument. 1!
it doesn't then you probably
should abandon it
One argument used to link
the two magazines to violence
ugamst women uses the stalls
tit: that /'> percent ol serial kill
ets and rapists view pornogra
pin In no way is tins proof of a
( ause ami-effect relationship
be< .nisi1 it blatantly ignores the
remaining percentage of people
wlio view pornography
Ill their I'tH.i book 7"/ia Child
liners, resean’bars Glenn 1)
W i Ison .uni l).i v ill \ ('ox
found tinit 71 percent ol the
male pedophiles they studied
preferred young hoys Using
Ilia logic from Ilia argument
ul>ove, you must conclude that
h o m o s e x u a 1 i t y lauds to
II you lind lli.it assumption
ollrnsive, tin'll you must find
tin- pornography-leads to-sexu
•iI-utilise conclusion equally of
fensive hei uuse fioth rely on
Ilia same logic to reach their
Once ag.im, you can't prac
tice your logic m a vat uum. or
only when it is useful to your
chosen point of view If it
stands m one context, it should
stand when applied to any situ
Those supporting the remov
al of I’luyboy and 1‘enthouse
have not looked beyond this
particular case to examine the
larger issue at hand That's why
they didn't make a convincing
argument Jan lti It is also why
they can't make the statement
that this is not an issue of cen
sorship when it clearly is
/’at Mulach is managing edi
tor ot the Emerald