No matter how you slice it, Monson’s team is hurting FROM THE SIDELINES BV JAVSON JACOB* There's .1 disease running rampant through the Ore gon nun's basketball team tiiis season And it's one of those pesky ones The disease's symptoms and their results are obvious enough, but there just doesn't seem to be a cure The disease is. ol < nurse, in juries They come in different shapes and sizes but cause de press! ngl y similar results blowout losses It seems like it's becoming a chronic disease to; I Jut ks m general Hack in the lull you'll remember the I no (ball .inti vol leyball teams were let! .10 battle the lough Pat ffit 10 llunferem e competition' without Mini- of their top players Both of those teams bad pool seasons, and Don Mohsott s Ducks art- t aught in a last -mov ing whirlwind ol losses, with calm water beyond the horizon The men's team started tire season vs ith long odds, anyway Oregon bad only three return ing players with much Pec-10 experience, and was pit ked in most to occupy the league cel lar But .tiler an embarrassing de bacle in thi- season opener at Montana the Ducks showed some potential, handing a l-'res no St.tie team its lirst loss and puking up the championship trophy at the Daiwu Ball in Ja pan by handily heating hast Tennessee State an NO. A A tournament team last season and losing to another tourney leant Northeast Louisiana by tw o points Then, Georgetown transfer Antoine Sioudamlre gained his eligibility and responded by leading Oregon scorers with l‘t points oil the bench in his lirst game against Oral Roberts Dei _'() Suddenly the Ducks Were looking hk'' the surprise team In the Put 1 It But then Oregon had to play co-host with Oregon State at the rejuvenated far W(lias su in Portland The Due ks were blow n out by Minnesota in their (llassic opener, hut that was just a non league loss to a solid Big It) team It wasn't something to he proud of. hut tl was certainly something Oregon could allord But the next night against LaSalle, Oregon lost something a lot more important its point guard Junior transfer An dre (Jollier broke hts foot in the lirst hall of an eventual l()rt-7f> loss and is out for the season Collier had heen progressing ra;ilci 1 v .is the Dm :ks' floor lead rr. and Ins aggressive p; loss, itiis'time In seeond ranked ! 'OLA tie- Dili ks got the rest o! the had news they hoped to avoid Ih.U l.yden was out Inf the rest ol the season tiregoii responses! vvtill Hi third-straight loss, a go-pomt defeat it the hands of US(' Sinia- (milter s injury vvhtrh is starling to look 11k>• the little snowfiall that became an ava latlche, tin Ducks have lost si\ of srvrn hv an average of mono than iif> points Hut possibly thr v\ . rst part t this situation is nothing i an hr doin' to fix s! Udii-n you losr two id Vviur top three players tor the season helore the toughest part of the s< lied lilt! the I'm 10 season even begins, it s time to start some serious head si ratchtng bven with ( oilier, Lvden and Stoudaniire healthy. Oregon wolds! have had a tough time in thi' Par It) It's pretty frighten ing to consider playing lit games ill .1 league where the ms enth ranked team itl the s oiiniry Arizona ■ an lose ti U ashmgt.m. h: !: !h .! only two Uivision I learns during its non a (inference schedule Hut to [ilay In that same league yvliu h also happens to include second ranked and undefeated I'OLA ami defend mg NIT chatnpion Stanford, whir li has lost just oru e this season without two id those three players, well, that's the makings for a top-notch horror rnov ie And unfortunately for the l)ui ks, it isn't all happening on the fug si reen and the lights won't come on at the end to make it all flutter / ltnob\ is a sports re porter /or thr Lmer.dd WRESTLING Continued trom Page 12 rtiu bout was licit 7-7 when time ran out, but Hirui scored an addilional point for accumu lated riding time, giving him a narrow victory The Titans closed to within 17-15 with two matches re maining, but Scott Myers deci sionnd John SuncJiez 12-4 to up the Duck lead to 21-15 l-uller ton had no heavyweight, giving Anderson a forfeit victory and the Ducks another six team points, making the final score 27-15 Head coach Kon l-in ley seemed pleased about seeing Ills squad remain undefeated in ihr I’m 10 bill In: could only shake his head when .1 ski <>Vt HP AM* MEN'S CLEARANCE SALE Poi.Of k\l I’d !.\l MS SPORTSWEAR 25% OFF ENTIRE FALL STOCK M.i ,?«*,*< .inI TOP COATS WOOL WOOL & CASHMf Hi POLO RAIN COATS ALL 50% OFF SUITS..... 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