' **y#o It> Johi 9toot* Oregon s Pal Hirai outmaneuvers Cal Stale Fullerton s Jason Roberts to the canvas Hirai won the match. 8-7. Wrestlers stay perfect in Pac-10 By I nek Studerucka ! c . '.i : C • : ;Si.i (Inc streak ended hut another tcegah as (lo gon's wrestling l> .mi met with muni sin i ess over the weekend, ItHiing In 17th r.inkeii Fresno St.tie, lull defeating conference rivals ( .il Sl.ite Bakers field and (..|| St.ile I nliertun The victories over Bakersfield .ind I ■ullorton raised Oregon's record it) the I’m tin-1(1 (inflict Cine to I II Wills Qguihsl Boise St.ile .Mill Oregon Sl.ite, the Im.il two I'.h 10 si hoots rem.lining on tile Dill ks schedule, would t 11 III h tile league dual meet title for tile Dinks for the second sir.tight year The 7V11 loss to Fresno Stale Friday snapped (Iregon \ w inning streak ..t eight matt ties and was the first loss for the Ducks at home situ e lO'gl (Iregon began well against Fresno State, ittinp mg out to an li 0 lead lu liind a let him al fall hv Dan Vttllak ami a ma|or tlet isititt hv larrett ( lark Hut after that, it was all Fresno Slate as the hull dogs won sis straight matches ami budl an tnsur mountable 22 H lead Vttllak and ( lark wore to remain perfect throughout the weekend, t omlmung fm a t. o re cord Vittlak. ranked tlurii in the nation at ItH pounds, improved his retort) to 17 1, and ( lark raised he record to It i Scott Myers also re tallied hts perleil dual ineel ret ortl hv winning alt three ol tie. mate tie • over tile vv« i v nit Saturv evening's match wdh < al Slalr Ba kersfield was tin- closi si of tin- weekend Oregon uni i- again dominated tin- lower weight classes, on mg oill In a II) 0 leati bill Bakersfield slowly t la vs isi l i.i i k and after the Koadrunners' Brian Malavar dii an rurd On-goo s Solomon itilp. the Dm ks wen up only dime points. 1 I in After Oregon's Si oil Buzzard and Bakersfield's Kevin Langley drew the i rur l .i I mail li In-i ame die 1 ‘Ml pound meeting Ullveell Dill k Si oil My i ts and Koadrunner jasseii I ruelii li I roelith stored first on an esi ape bul Myers got two takedowns ami finished vs Oh a i> 1 y u lory giving the Dili ks an 1 H 1 J lead Bakersfield i nuid have lied the Ihiiks yvilh a pm :n die heavyweight division. but Oregon's i dir Andeison. despite losing 1 yvrestled ivell and ptesery eii tin- ! H 1 a Dm k y K lory Despite llle seemingly lopsided linal si ore of J " IS. Sunday s mail h y\ itil ( .ll-Stale lullertoli was . a i lose bat lii‘ \Y ithoul I lie Id jiomls firs gun in rani from an injury default ami .1 forfeit, die final tesuIt 1 ou Id ' 1 si Iv hay e been a Titan y 11 loiy One of the biggest wins for the Ducks on Sun day came from Pal Huai. .1 !-id pounder filling in lor lason Jones, yyfio had moved up a weight das -.dilation In rep In 11 an ailing Pat Crmg fiirai. wrestling fur the first lime Over die wi ekeiid, de i isioned Jason Kots-rls it ? lam 10 WRESTLING Page 13 USC thrashes Ducks; Lyden lost for season By Dave Chafoonneau ■'t~mof aid Sfx;#!s R®poft#f The Oregon incus basket bail le.im was humiliated Sat urday ii\ a tough CSC team Hfi-Mi. proving tile Ducks .ire in trouble i he loss droppedOregon to ii H rsver.ill and 1 t in Pacific 10 (ainferent e play And it s a sate bet'the win column will not:change much as the team learned ! ridav injured sopho more Jordv l.vden will lie lost lor the season t SC c r 11 Isc'd to an early 1 1-0 lead, and the- tone lor the rest ol the game was set Ore gon could do little on offense and nothing on defense as the Trojans went into the locker room with a 42-211 halftime lead The’ Trojans pic ked up where they left off in the sec one! halt, building a memo ries of Montana lead at oB- i'i with more than eight minutes remaining in the game I'rom that point, it was just a matter o! running the clock oul for both teams ) ti n i o r g u a r d A n l o i n e Stoudannre led all Due k scar i rs with 10 points, and sopho moret’lvde Jordan pitched in If) despite having the unenvi able task of guarding DSO's hot-shot Harold Miner Neither jcinlan nor am of the Due ks could stop Miner as he sc orihI 22 points m only 27 minutes ol play - .ill, Trojan s coach (ieorge Kaveling thought Miner's game was a little oil I never thought Miner got into the flow of the game at ei ther end of the enur!. he said He looked a little it! thatgi. " l.ethargu or not. it didn't mil tier vs i Ih Oregon shooting a paltry 40 pen ent from the field in the Inst half while the Trojans shot over NO pert ent Offen s i ve I y , we pan u m >! i Hu k . ,u h Don Mon sou Vi;-! We took tun main ill-advised shots in the first hail VV lu ll thi' shots aren't dropping ami thorn's no of IciiM it s iiki' they thfv say. i rt •, jus! throw thi- ball up thorn Ur worn swimming up stream the rest of the game t SC. jumped to 1 l-;t overall and tt in t he I ’at ! u and seems to lie making a strong case for the eonlefeni e title despite losing to An/ona fist weekend Oregon, on the other hand, is going nowhere (.1st On Saturday, the Ducks had two .freshmen in the starting lineup point guard Johnnie Koer e who scored only three points and had one assist anti forw ard Jeff I’otter. starting in ins lirst game had five points and three rebounds You don't know what to expert from inexperienced teams, Munson said "Teams are watching us on film and know that we play freshmen that are tentative players They're going to go after our freshmen more aggressively injuries are catching up with llie i)u< ks too Andre (Jollier and l.vden were the top two scorers be fore their injuries, and now both are out ior the year Stoud.umre is tiie only player who has si ored consistently for (Jregon file Dui ks are hoping to Irene lit from the home crowd when they return to Mi Arthur Dour! tins weekend for games against Washington State on fiiursd.iy and Washington on Saturday for tiie Ducks, tiie return home i nines not a moment tiMi soon TIME TO PLAY! • INNER TUBE WATER POLO Sturts Jan 28 Entry deadline 3 pm Jan 23 • INDOOR SOCCER Starts Eeb 1-2 Entry deadline 3 pm Jan 30 ENTER NOW! 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