Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 21, 1992, Page 11, Image 11

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Oregon goes to dogs
in home court match
By Doug Carter
tr ! u C. • !r•
Kvorv b.isketba II game c on
s l st S of IlU) Iwrlllv millllto
h.ilvi's In order to win v ou
ll.lir In lir awake for both ol
Oregon du/.ed oil .it interims
sum .mil let ninth r.inked
iV.ivlii!i);'i01 ■'.sjiiuI the Dinks'
upset dre.mis s,.itunl.u night,
e \ e II t >i .11 I V tailing to the
Dun : on hi front ill
Mi ,Vi tlml t i ii.i! ■■ t Dili s|u-( l.i
lollovv tog (he game. (Jregon
eo.n li tilwin Ifeini: tried to
COUMte.r.K ! the somber alums
jlilere outsii ii tie .. her I mm
in se.iri lung lot ., bright srde
Hut he i ou Id n h'ip bat think
ol vvh.il niight li.ive h. en
!! VV .is .1 game We ( oil I. j v e
won,' II. Ml V SO,I U I h : 1 h 1.1
tii.inv union ed lumov-is ,ind
missed a lot of easy shots
Two misses on the front end
ol one and oncs in the final fiv e
minutes (Mist the Dm ks dearly
T h a t a ri d the lai! I h e v
couldn't keep the Huskies oli
the olieilsive glass
They go lo tiie h ,.irds hunt
er than most i’.u 10 teams.'
sophomore guard Mis%\ Stow
ell said "They had more oilen
sive rebounds (eight) than de
tensive (m\) in the first half
Sei:ond cliunr is enabled the
Huskies to stay in the game, as
t he v rebounded liter, illv
from two first-hull deficits of
eight points
Oregon coasted ahead in I t
on the strength of a six point
lull and enjoyed Its biggest lead
al M 1 -Jr> with the aid ol a IS 1
burst, highlighted by four lav
ups and a bomb for three bv
Stowel I
Despite the huge difference
Hi held goal percentage for the
half (lo gon shot ’ 1 pen enl
(17 ol i; to Washington's 17
percent S1 1 o! id) the Dm k-.
had pis! a shin four-point lead
g.iing into tli, to, krr room.
\!ter staffing the second halt
with a three-point play by so
ii, guard St.m i \\ a,;mdiorn
the Dm ks w enl flat
Three minutes later tin- Hus
kies |,'gained the lead 1 ! <2, in
the midst ot a Hi t) run The
hustling Ihn ks who pushed the
ball up the floor for easv shots
so elleclivulv in the tirst flail
nev er returned
We need to work on coining
out strong in the second hull."
YValletiborn said. "During tin
rest period we (.in lose some
intensity It happened e.irlier in
the tint against it's.is \>*M
.in.i Washington State
i lie Din e were utile to re
rover against the Cougars, hut
poor seiond half shouting (It)
(it Cl lor t 1 pen ent) anil tun
many turnovers make it hard to
he.it a lop ten natio: d power
like Washington
i lies k : • • • w w Hal to do
when tileV; eel ill*' Ki el III op
portin', i tries We gas • t hem
II. :m s lid v\ Illi dll-,: exjien
i:in . the v know hrw to turii it
iui a! the end
, Olii' s . h 11 risk •, ■ \v ho a ll
swi-red the (all was junior
I i..: . Mo., who was
three of; Mx IfOMe '.tllee point
land and 11 na she-, j with I t
We weir supposed to guard
h. | [Moor the 1;j i ?,.. 0 sli
Walked Ml the doof, Items'
said She sliuwed Us he! ama/
mg range "
Wallerihotn finished with a
game high lf> points tor the
I )m ks. and iiinior guard \ anes
sa Seidell added It points and
nine assists Sophomore lor
ward Kelli Iliair also rvai lied
double figures, finishing live id
seven from the field lor a total
ol It) points
riu; loss is the Due ks tilth
straight to Washington, whuh
has won It) ol the lit t! n < '
mgs lietwe.'ii the sc hoots
So p ll o 111 O re ( enter S a I a
Wilson, who collri ted a game
high nine rebounds in spite ol
,m injured loot, pul the game in
perspei live
It s a tough loss hue ause we
planned on winning our home
games Wilson said 'We
know how tough it is to wm on
the road ill this i oolerent e
And this Week It s 1)11 to till
road lot the Util KS w I op. i
three-game road-trip at Ui/.ona
on Thursday Oregon won t
;, la . m Mar C u" III' : Hi
1 >i.:.: :• - aga ill until its let, t.
date w ith California
If. in thinks Ins t. am will he
up tor the ( ha linage
We gas- Washington a good
gam.- and had a r ha m t
win. lieinv said I think
we've learned something that
will have us better prepared
next time
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