Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 21, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Speakers attack status quo at MLK rally, march
jKing associate,
elected officials com
memorate slain civil
rights leader
By Gerrit Koeppmg
S pc .ikl'fs
assailed ihc
SllltC of il (
lairs in the
U n i t c 11
Slates at a
r a I I v a n d
man h Mull
(lav tom
M.itSin I.uiht : King It 's birth
Aggressive reform is needed
in ihc nation. s.i ! Kev i’rod
Sinillli's-iV.it!; vvi know and
•v i . ki i! vv i!h K i live i n il
rights nun mient
i.et s set some limn tables,
let's gel si im ^ ,:;s and gut till
with m.iking America what it'-,
supposed lo be
Shultlesworth told the lifti
tious story id voting mail who
wanted to know what made
lightning bugs light, so he
asked his father His father, not
knowing the answer, tried to
distrai t his son bv bringing up
other topics
But !::s son kept asking wh.it
made lightning bugs light until
his father simply said, "the
stuff s just in them "
i here's enough good stuff
in us to light up the world to
m.iki Aun n a and the world
tie belter Shuttlesworth said
S S Rep I'ete Deha/io at
talked tin Republican presi
d< i-a .. . of Ronald Reagan and
(feorge Hash lot their brutal in
lifleretice to human Rights
i)atitig the | units. two t vni
i al administrations have aban
doned tile American people to
!urn ! RALLY Page -J
More than 300 people commemorated slam civil-rights leader Marlin Luther King Jr
afternoon march that ended with a rally at the Eugene Hilton
ty A -l o U
a Monday
nape suspect commits suiciae at i exas roaaoiocK
j Michael Patrick Ryan
shoots himself after leading
police on 60-mile chase
By Gemt Koeppng
\ i 'nurbitv student ( harm’d with the
rape of an IB year-old t:nivcrsity Irtish
mail killed himself after leading lev,is
pula i in a 60-mile ( base i'ridav night
Tlie i hase began in Abilene'. Texas
when the 10H5 Honda Accord driven hv
Michael Patrick Kyan, it strui k a c ar
belonging to an investigator for the Tin
lor Countv District Attorney’s office,
said Sgl Mike (‘line of the Lugene po
le e department
Kyan sped north, beginning the ( base
that (ended at a rnadhlm k in Haskell,
Cline said lex.is police shot out the
tin s of llit- our K\ .in vv.is driving after he
ran through the roudbtoi k Kvan then
drove u sfiort vv.iv hetore crashing into .1
billboard and a ji.irked eur
As polue approached the car on foot,
K\an shot himsell in the head with a
tj i aliliei automatii pistol. ('Ime said
Hi vv.is taken to Haskell Memorial
Hospital where lie was pronounced
dead on arrival
It is not v et known where the gun vs as
purt based. hut a receipt for the weapon
vv as fount) dated Thursday . ( line said
Kyan was wanted in con net lion with
the rape of a University dorm resident
assaulted a! knile point in the basement
o( the Hamilton Complex, and later with
the rape ol a 22-\'ear-old Boise. Idaho,
vsoman in her home
In hugene. Kyan allegedly approached
the woman as she was wait lung televi
sion sometime after midnight Saturday.
Jan II. and persuaded her to at compu
nv him lu .1 weight room in th<> (.(im
plex The worn.m reported lli.it when
she entered the room. Kvan pulled .1
knife, then raped and sodotni/ed her
Kvan look the w Oman's keys alter the
assault, ssiiuh prevented her from pel
ting into her dorm without first going
outside ai cording to polic e
Kvan then borrowed the car Irom an
other student and left town
According to Boise police'. Kvan
showed up in the Idaho 1 its at around
a ill p m on Jan 11 at the home of a
man w ho had given him .1 ride from Hu
gene in Dec rmlier He spent the night
and at around l p 111 on Jari 1J. he left
and drove to a female ac tpiailitanc e's
home, .u i circling to polic e
The woman reported tfi.it she let him
in after lie said he was there to tape mu
sic for tier Once inside Kvan obtained a
sharp instrument and raped the woman,
police said
Tuesday night, j.m 1 1 a H . i hler
( olo resident reported seeing the i..ir
Ryan u as driving
R y .HI spent (lull! Seplemb i ! *iH(S ; .
September 1‘i'il In the Oregon Suite
1‘enitentiiirv after being convicted nt
rubbing .i wtiiiniii .it gunpoint lor S10 .1!
.1 Medford shopping III.ill before th.lt he
spent p.irt of 1 'lit-I in .i California prison
for .into thrift In l'litl he spent time in
gill lor theft
loan ( opperwbe.it. ,i supervisor lor
the Oregon parole and probation depart
nielli, said that prior to the 1MHH rot)
berv, Ryan had no history ot violent
I'.ugene police now suspect Ryan
might also have heen responsible for as
many as a six robberies in the Tingle
dorm that happened over Christmas
break (lline said
students bring a
world of experi
ence to area youth.
Sm WORLD, Pag* 7
Are those painful shin splints acting up
again? If so, you may want to consult
the Sports Medicine/Physical Therapy
Department at the Health Center.
Ninth-ranked UW
spoiled the Ducks'
upset dreams
Saturday night.
Set SPORTS, Pag* 11
Roe vs. Wade anniversary to be honored
j Reproductive rights ac
tivists say this may be
the last chance to cele
brate landmark decision
By Rene DeCair
EmwatcJ Assoc.iie EcMnr
1973 - 1992
On lho l'Mh
annlvi.Tsury of
Koe vs Willi l!,
pro- c it o i t: ••
groups urn hold
ing a i undlolighl
i;cI i;bra t Ion to
honor vvii.it Ihev
s ii y * 1 s t ti e last
yuirr abortion
may bo Inga I.
the ll>73 landmark legislation giv
ing women the right to privacy, in
cluding abortion, could he over
turned by the United States Su
preme Court if it hears one of six
eases currently winding their way
through the courts
This is possibly the last Roe v
Wade day we'll have," said Dnbi
Webster. co-director for llio louver
s i l v s Students for Clinic e
Tho r.illy is m heduled to take
plme hi Salem, 7 pm Wednesday
Jan 22 ul 555 S f. Liberty Si
Speakers mi hide Butty Roberts. for
mer Orogon Supreme Court justicn.
stain Sen Trie :ia Smith, and Diane
Linn. dim.lor ol Oregon National
Aborlion Rights Ai lion League
Car caravans will leave from
Smith Lugene High Si hool .il -1 [i in
Wednesday and from ihr Crower s
Mark.nl .it 5 15 p m f or information
on obtaining a ndt-. or on driving
others, call Dehbi Webster a!
087-0920, or stop by 1-All.1 Suite 0
and leave a message
Il seems real appropriate lo have
a pro-choice presence in Salem he
c atise it has tx'un wav heavily repre
sented m the other camp." Judith
Schoup, Lugene NAKAL organizer,
said of the groupss plan to lot us
their attention in Salem on the an
niversary day
"I think it is time that Salem saw
there is a pro-c hone presence."
Schoup said
"(This dav) draws people's alien
non in tim fact (li.it iitxirlion can In
come illegal (his year if the Su
preme ( uuri hears tin- Pennsylvania
Case, \\ ebster said
Tills Week (In' Supreme Court is
eXpei led (l> release |[S lift ision
whether (u hear dm < use Planned
Parenthood nl Southeastern Penn
sylvanin vs ( vises
Both pro choice .ind .inliabortion
.ictivists want (lis I’eiins\lv.mi i
i.use to lie heard, Webster said, lo
find out il abortion will continue to
be legal in the next few years
The Pennsylvania i use is seen as
(he most likely case to overturn Hoe
vs Wade It challenges a statute
signed into lavs by Pennsylvania
Cov Hubert Casey in November.
l‘MW which could prevent married
women from obtaining abortions
without first notifying their hus
The statute also requires that a
woman rei five counseling before
an alxirtion and then requires her to
wait 2-1 hours before obtaining one
Pro-choir e activists are also w or
T jn ‘o ABORTION Puqe 4