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JAN 17. 1ft 19. 23. 24. 25 1992 ROBINSON THEATRE 8PM '• 4 • . .M" -N ♦ ■ . v r'.* *. , 4 5>M d iio% OFF'ANYTHING! * IN THE STORE J I I I Regular or sale Price I I I j POSTERS i CD'S [clothing 57 W Broadway and 957 Willamette Downtown Mall SHOEST CARDS J GIFTS * GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “29 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene, Oregon 97403 (?a// ftutf ,IK«# N\ 2l»Mh/ \ Ml isi, mu,, \ 11*#5 INI S y »t. - Intel 386 486 CPU - 12MB FD - 40MB HD - • 2MB RAM - VGA Color - 14" VGA Monitor - • 2 S P Game • 101 KB • MS DOS 5.0 • AST t’lrmium II VX6s\ ?OMh* Hi «%o AXt* 1 *• Mb/ \ulk**n:ed lUaUr Twin Hoad 386SX 16 Note book Loading Edge 386SX Note book . 4 ■■ ps ? •- • ■ e •• \ ■ - i ■« • * ' t ’■ * ■ • \ . >?• 11* C <>M|H I i l< I Vixll ( IS A Si Dolit ' I v . mu mm 10*» SW T#yk> P©f1L*r»d 0«*’305 knon# 7ii Wil »». 22*0M1 TOOt Fr*n*J»n B*vd t ugmn* OH »740J Pt\o** 34S-33M Fft* WVJJ’t v?——. Mun hi 10 6 Sjil 1 | 4 ENTERTAINMENT Comedienne fuses laughter, lessons By Ming Rodrigues EmwaW Cof*tfb-.4ot Bertiee Horry is cither the Bill Cionby of sociology or the doctor of t onus! v Or both Voted tool Oolitic and University Contortion of the Year, Berry holds a i’ll U In hik lology .tnd Is u former pro fcH-jir one who jus! hap pens to be futmv Knowing exactly what to make of her hasn't been easy for anyone Site is either a) a comedienne who happen* to be scholarly, b) a gifted leciur er/spe.iker with -l colli It edge, or t ) a i omit with a serious message on stage It N hard to fall this BertUe Berry Profile Quiz Isa au sc there are no in eorm t answ er. "Site has a i timed it intelli gence that s liard to comet In said Irunk Gellner. fatuity advisor lor ltii- hMt t ultuntl i-'orum She's able to lose the gap la-tween cultures Near the conclusion ol tier f\ s high, si I it Mil t areer in Wtl mington. Del . a counselor told tier she was llui college material Sim e then, site's earned her doctoral*- and won over the hearts and minds ol a odium is across this country and t an-iiia with .1 comedy routine that reflects her at a demu bit kground Ml ol the stuif I do is about peoph coining togeth er," Berry said "I am a spokesperson for everything I believe in" As prool of this, -.pints j> kes that I 11(111 1 nosiitve images about living nappily together and loving , , li other regartlless ol rat e or gentler Berry's t omedy t hums hi layers tin the top is the easy laugh Near the bottom lies the message During her act. she works over the stereo tvpes ul men and women, lilat ks and whiles speet h and action a veritable etjuul op* portunity tornedlenne At It, she wo# a t leaning woman At Ul. she worked as Cour«r«y Pt>oto Bertice Berry has been breaking down stereotypes via comedy tor years now and she'll continue to do the same in Eugene on Sunday night. i i ounselor in .1 shelter lor buttered women Today. llerrv is ini the verge of <1 who knows-whnt career Though si:, isn't certnin whit It direr lion her t.trrer will lake, .site is convinced it will not re main on the sane irnt k for ever I never know from one day to the next what s going to happen," she said So tar, so goml When she (Jet idod to attend graduate school, she request ed catalogs from dozens of schools They helped, hut not in the obvious wav To decide whore she would apply, she tossed the catalogs across her room i'hosi: that landed be yond her blue throw rug would receive applications The first to accept won. That was Kent State Although she said she was always funny, it was in the i lassroom that her comedy ca reer took off Mike Veneman. a friend and former Kent State counselor, met Berry at a doc toral seminar "You," he told her, "are funny "That wasn't a compliment to me then as 1 was trying to in' a m hoiar,” Berry said. But «v«n 1 or studmiU found her funny uni told hor that if she could aiii thorn over by mak ing il m to loam, sho could win m ■ r comody uudtoncos Bin Lining a tomodiunno (ms also earned her unothor bonus When I would go homo bo for (>. my mom wouldn t lot mo toll jokos.” Berry said. "Now when I go homo sho wants mo to toll jokos to everybody " Bern w ill portorm this Sun day, Jan tw. at 7 p in in the Hull ( enter's Silva Contort Hall The show is free ‘Pretty Hate Ma and Sting-gone Nine men nans Pretty Hate Machine TVT Records 1989' . ★ ★ ★ • p - i* * .* • i •%>+* • • • • * ; • '» »• • • , iu 'j /if' :rv Us' V? <.hitu\ t-11 >■ lirvi ,iml only ill • : I' im h \.iiK. was released ;n !‘ttei it bus never been more popular than it Is (low ! lie Video for :’llead Like .1 He e has received heavy airplay M; V ! V m i He -album soared to noodiC* 111 on /);//!>< ufd's chart lor those iin.ii i lined in industrial musii the first few listens may lie more annoying than enjoyable 1 he i haute, beat and schi/uphrenir synl hcM/ers Will seem liiSiiimteii at best A w mult listens, however. and it laet nines adtle live For those unaccustomed to industrial music, the first few listens may be more annoying than enjoyable. The chaotic beat and schizophrenic synthesizers will seem disjointed at best. This is one ul these albums that grows un vou At first listen, it will seem men* bothersome than anything, but give it time It beasts a musical style that takes tldie to get used to, but OIK e you’re used to .!. it bei nines a favorite The vocals by brent Ke/nor, the hand's sole rnemiier are passionate and convey a sense of rage as he lashes out at the world In Terrible Lie " Ke/nor condemns chine’ addicts •jazz annoys thr t ontfti.Ik lions he mv' hi religion, hul m Ihr same breath In’ u!n% |n-rs. Dorv'l lake 11 aw.iv from me. ! i someone In hold mi to His nigo-boils mil hi is su.in si : ii' -n: the s.mie words in .1 Iri'ii. i n! imhii ,i!cnt .in guisli I’lrlli H.tlr \f. . is. indeed lutt ,;[ h.itr hoi it fi’iiitlHis ■•!islurhm.’ls ul dicttvo - The Bob Belden Ensemble Straight to My Heart: The Music of Sting Blue Note Records 1991 * ★ ’ 2 Some enthusiasts might he please.! ss l f tl Stl.i.f;!!! to '/v t/e,;'' which contain* renditions to Sting rompositums but Sung fans mav actually b« repulsed tunes, lull Lleiden opted ter so. ie. • >n tour lit tile l! 11 k .e,.! ■: ■, .1 not work It is nia ■ : ' s ,ii poor, OnlS til,It tie . ■- e[u , iiii .;:, -eels .mil out of place llie version o! the holme eiassu 'Rosaline is paintue,\ .: i i Umre like dentist olin ma/ak A' I '•!; ; -.n 'I ' lie i .111V trie k :n ,1 la.a sin i: i 11 Us predei essor pie i Mint surpris. ■■ in i sv» set mi u I *' •|)ream ol The Him I urtles ' win. ii slightly niore expansive than Sting's, and Tin V Ualn •• Alone," win. h ;s emotional hut lost without the sun pinaii* u! Brant.a '. V .: . he. who pt f.> I on the original Hie nature ol this pmier t invites mm parisuns. and Belden simply d< es not measure up By f ron W Ve KINKO'S More Than Great Copies • Report Binding • IBM and Mac Rentals ^ • Instant Passport Photos • Next Day Typing Service • Fast Self Serve Copiers - with Auto Feed • Next Day Resumes • Next Day Business Cards • Custom T-shirts __— ’ § 10 Vt0€0' ' GAMES St* STOUT (Is PUWCIUH«Tw luMM ff>3 1111 VIDEO ADVENTURE I hrf vAurrMvnpuu ■AM ^ CN«M TOuCilirr RECYCLE THIS 37.V.-V. PAPER VAW/AV EMERALD TAXI r686-2010l 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT'/1. D. AWAWA What Skied-out Skiers Say About Onsen hovhut hoi ru* mni*l Call 345-904* for 1663 <*o>d*n Ay*.. 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