Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 17, 1992, Page 5, Image 5

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Oregon shoots cold but wins big
By Jake Berg
Basketball teams don't win
g.lnios shooting if! percent from
■thn Held.
Bui don't tell that to thn Ore
gun woman's basketball team
!'hi! Ducks did shoot th.it. but
Washington State shot IS fu r
cent and lost, (><)-54. to Oregon
Thursday night at McArthur
It was pretty the whole
game joked coach IMvvin
Heii.iv. whose Oregon team
missed lav ups and committed
1-1 turnovers in the second hall
We got sloppy, but the in
tensity was there lie main
thing is a win
Call it an upset Alter all
W ashington Stale Jo t overall
and M in tile I’m ifit 10 ( -. >n
lerence) garnered more votes in
the latest national poll than the
Oui ks. whose ri -I arid Y-'l rei
ords are bettered by the Cut!
Rars :
Oregon looked sloppy, but
Washington State was l.ir mute
mossy Bv game s end the (o u
gars viciimi/ed themseiv ;es
with H lurm^ its As 'in' hall.
the ( ,eugars mistakes s! tow i I
!)n t:5»• ir. jri liffii i! thev lu< ed
bill it ( flanged quit kl v
W ,1'itI hgtun Si ,i! e shut k ed
tile [>ui ks bv starting the sri
ond half on t . run th«i! gavr
the ( nug.its tin-ir ,inIv t«n
leads of the game, but Oregon
sunn s'llctit ed them by going tin
i it. I. : . 11 t > I its own The
[)nt ks ( ! Wised the res: u! tile
is ,i\ ie.idtng bv ws iiiiii h .is 1 7
[lelore the fill ll si ore
( oug.ir iO.it h Harold Hbotles
blamed bimsell Inr tile loss
\\ • d . in i jir.it 111 i v ester
d a V Wild Vve phi yed like It. "
!\ hodes s.!,d We left late filth
ef th.lll pull them (Hit of I hisses
i Vm the motiving) We p hi veil
like ,| te.itll lii.lt didn't jll.lV tile
d.iv before It was -iny 'fault
It was also till’ twilit oi several
W .... ti.ngt.hi natives , m the (ire
gun team - lour of the 1 )u. ks
trip five orers played lugii
:, . ' ' SS ' ‘ ; ;H t *:r Stilte i ll
f' reshnuui jessh a S< hu 11 a
V\ ish ' i." ■■!. native ,!•• her
!:rs! g.ithr .is .1 t hi s Ithlshtng
vs ll It eigii I j11). nIs "vi hut: \
stumer h vnlt'rliiirn il l>m5ti• ri 11>:s
before tin- game but .liter she
oreii til.;r 1 ’! I >r ••i; s !:: ■■ ’ s'
points there \\.is hu problem
I vs.IS ,1 little nervous before
tlu* game, St butt soul. but
unt i- I nut on the i lUirt. e\ er\
thing w.is (lire
Kr i I v Blair. ,i tele ns VVasli
ingtnn native. leii the 1 >uc ks
with l l points
N i n t ii r a nkeif V\ ;•.! in gt nr.
v isits M.n ( unit S.it iv night
tit '>
()iie pl.ivi r not .een tin the
t burl Thursday w .is (In n s
lesh.i Smith Ihe s.ijihtimore
h.is been hospitali/oil Min e
i nes.hiv in irttimsiv e t ,ire with
,i ii.li teri.ti infer lion .mil high
fever, but she will likely leave
in three to live days. Heim
s.m I
UCLA too much for Ducks’ good effort
By Jayson Jacoby
Emerald Sports Reporter___
Oregon's young arid inexperienced men's bas
ketball team didn't play like they were intimidat
ed against second-ranked l Cl.A Ihursdav night
before an announced crowd of 12,1(12 in 1‘auley
But the Our ks did (day like a 5 2 team against
the undefeated (11-0) Brums, putting on a gutsy
neilormam e before hilling uu ’ 1 to the Put dir 10
Conference s most talented team
The loss, Oregon's fifth in Sixth games, dropped
I he i) ,, k". Pat -10 ti > old to 1 2 UCLA improved
tc .1-0 and g,lined a share of the conforenr e lead
with Stanford
I hey're so confident and they 're shooting the
hall well." Oregon coach Don Monsun said 'It
yvas list too much firepower
Antoine Stoudumire again led the Dinks fin
ishing wilh 2b points and six rehounds
I r.u y Murray p.u - d the Brums yvith a gaim
high 2! points, including 1 • > points and three
three pointers m the tirsl hail
()ri -gun Was about as oyennaU bed is it Is l:xe|y
to tie this year, till I the Dili ks proved ig.i ir: , h u I s
day night that they won't ti.uk down 'nun any
UCLA came out looking like the, team that has
already I eaten th- likes ot !.!" ranked Indiana
and seventh-ranked Arizona in.-. season, storing
the t.rst eight points, im lading treys hum Murray
,md . iarru k Martin
i he Uni ks didn i give up though, and
Stoudamire s threepointer brought Oregon bui k
tu w itlun three .it It II)
Tim Bruins then embarked on a In I run to
liriifl -H I I .nul (lo gon never got within 1.1 utter
The Ducks diii play with intensity m tin tirst
halt, forcing several turnovers .mil handling
f'Ct.A s aggressive pressing defensi without
mm h trouble
Oregon just t ouldn I lake dv aid ige nt it turn
overs though, and it Was tin i he ks anion ed
giveaways that led to several easy t ( I N haskeO.
and a In gw halftime def'it it
The Dm ss were is « lose e. in points m the it
nal half after Stood.imin's tiiree point pla\
brought tin* store to 71 ah. hut (begun never
made a serious run
The Brains did a lot to help their ow n 1 .110, as
will, hitting 'ig pen ei,t troiii the field lor tin
game, including eight iif fM from three-point
Oregon, nuailvv ill i< managed as! \petient
from the Hour, and only seven of g I three-point
M :. kl.ew 11 a Ids ho- nil la i ■ a..:.,'
into Thursday’s game
The way they were playing, no matter how
Well vve played and how hard we trot »v w mi id
have had trouble heat.;..; tin in tonight Stoiison
And tie knows th Shuns will have to come
> .. k vv :n • d or l etter intern ,'v n itur lay
afternoon against t'S( which whipped Oregon
state 1 hursduy night
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■ '■ * i f>y jo*r Si<x*»
Washington Stale s Kathy Weber blocks a shot by Oregon s Kelly
Blair Thursday in tho Ducks win
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