VIDEO GAMES TRIATHLON TOURNAMENT 1st PRIZE - Double Dragon ($700 value) Full size Video Game 2nd PRIZE - $50 GIFT CERTIFICATE 3rd PRIZE - $25 GIFT CERTIFICATE SIGN-UP NOW AT • u» Details Given At Registration 595 E. 13th & Patterson 342-1727 Prizes for UO undergraduate and graduate student* Humanities Center Essai/ Prizes 1992 Therm*: America: 1492-1992 I hoi an versit v ol l )riy/1,11 lumanities C on Ur annou nil's t he annual essay prizes lor I t) undergraduates and graduate si in lonts All students are im ited to submit an original essay or other piece ot work on the.innual theme I he I hinwnities k enter exfvets to award one prize lor the Ivst essay by an undurgraduateand one prize lor the Ivst essav by a graduate - student I he prizes eai h will provide S25QJML and the ; awards w ill bo announced in the University Spring Awards I (. eromony program and the I lumanities l enter Newsletter ij I urther information alxnit the annual theme, and guidelines , and a required eover sluvl lor submissionsareavailablenow in the I hmumties ( enter, interested students should puk up this inforrrujtion as stk>n us possible. Hie deadline tor the 1W2 Humanities ( i nter hss.iv Prizes is .1 February 149; Final decisions will bo announced by IS Mareh 1*W2 clous $ & monqui PRESENT i»/\»< r 01 /\ INI EVENING & W I I I I JONES TUES . FEBRUARY 4. 8:00 P M HULT CENTER*SILVA HALL Recycle. It works, (it you work it.) Lifestyle can help decision when choosing birth control By Tammy Batey f •• cot 5 iUtpctU" ( nllege students f.ii c a score of decisions about r lasses, careers and control us in birth control When ( homing .1 form of birth control, women must make a number of decisions, not the least of which is whether to have sex at all. said Col Icon Jones. Student Health Center nurse prai titloner "Women should realize there are a lot of emo tional factors Involved In besoming sexually ai - live." Jones said Abstinence is a choice for them " Couples should make dec isions about birth ( onlrol together. Jones said Ilirlh control is the responsibility of both poo pie Jones said Unfortunately, a lot ol forms of Inrib f onlrol are fix used toward women Hr Coraid I leisi fill health (.enter direc lor. said fie agreed dec iding tint to have sex is a Infill of birth ( onlrol Abstaining is a method and a choice.' I k isc hb said Women shouldn't feel pressured into entering a sexual relationship il it's not something they want to do l! women choose to become sexually active, they should first evaluate the type of sexual rela lionsbips they re having said Cheryl Long Planned i’.ironlhood of Lane County c cmimunity health edu> ator A woman in .1 mutually monogamous relation ship will prohabls make a different dec ision than .1 w ■ iirian y\ itfi many sexual partners. Long said I. mg s.uil some women say they Just want to gel I.nd and don’t want to talk with their sexual partners alxiut birth control II you're not worried about your emotional safety then yon should yxorry about your physi c al safety she said I r women yvith many sexual partners, con doms should he used ynth a spermic ide suc h as Monoxyn e o Long said \0110xynul U tx-en shown to k; I the !ll\ virus in lalxir.itorv tcsls and yy hen used yvitii a 1 iiiiilum can oiler some protec ■ lion if the comic an breaks Women uuisl d c ide yvhal would really work yy uL iheir lifestyle, said Sarah Chart/. I’lanned I’urcnlhood of Lane County community health cduc alnr f! s important to figure out if they re al risk lor STDs .sexually transmitted diseases),’ Chart/ , i ! 'Almost everyone is at risk for SIDs We enc outage the Use ol 1 undoms Women request birth control pills more often Ilian any other lorm of birth control at both I'iurined Parenthood and the health center Hoyv cut. a lorm of disease- control may be needed as mui h as birth control. I leisrhli said When xvcimen request the pill, ' well also rei ommerul using condoms lor STI) protection, ' he said It's surprising how often people forget that " Ifu- diaphragm, the cervical cap and the sponge require insertion into the vagina and may not he the right i hoice (or women who experl cm e disi omfort touc lung themselves. Long said Wfu n sells ting Inrtli control, women must also consider hoyv important spontaneity is m their sexual relationships. Jones said Top 10 condoms Condoms arts ribbed "for extra pleasure.” lubricated, (time In a variety of innovative colors, and even glow in the dark. Condoms urn not created alike and some are more ef fective in protecting against pregnancy and disease than others. Consumer Reports tested 37 brands of condoms for its March 1989 issue, putting about 10,000 condoms through a battery of tests. In (he standard wator tost, the condoms wore filled with about 10 ounces of wator to spot pinholes. The overall leakage rate for each model, projected from the failures, fell well within the government's tolerance of four failures per 1,000 condoms. The condoms also were given the uirbursl lest, in which condoms are inflated under controller! conditions until they break. Condoms were also ruled on lubrication, spermicide, texture, contour and variability. Two condom brands received maximum failure rates LifeSl vies Extra Strength with Nonoxynol-9 and Life-Styles Nuda IMus The top 10 condom brands with u pro jected maximum failure rate of 15 percent or less are 1 Cold Circle Coin 7. LifuStyles Extra Strength Lubricated :t Saxon Wet Lubricated I Ramses Nun-Lubricated Reservoir End 5 Sheik Nan-Lubricated Reservoir End (> Exi itu Extra 7 Kimono 8 Sheik Elite ') koromex with Nonoxynol-9 10 Excita fiesta Are thev not going to use something il it inter rupts spontaneityJones asked for women who prize spontaneous sex, the pill, an Intrauterine device or Norplant may tie more appropriate Junes said File 11)1) and Norplant oiler effective protection without requiring a woman to remember to take a full every day. said .Sherie Slaves, women's health care nurse practitioner Cost and effectiveness .ire also important is sties. Mayes said A i timlimi costs as little as 75 i ents at Planned Parenthood Norplant, six thin (apsides inserted into a woman's inner arm, costs Iron) $450 to S500 Tile eilci-tivenuss ol diiierent forms of birth control also varies Wyeth-Aycrst Laboratories rated birth control and estimated the percentage oi .u ( pregnuni irs women have w hen us mg liiat form Norplant has a lowest expected (allure rate of (17 l'lie typical failure rate lor Norplant, taking human error into account, is identical bet ause the method is ruit dependent on the Use! V\ hen no birth ( ontrol is used, women experi erne an incidental pregnant! 85 percent of the time MU'; ;\(-s SIKticiil I Hi.jivI 1.4 |)u«« lur» » ■ !:.;■/> J it) » ui j. n in j NT Djitic » • •♦*•! .1, ’ 2 M) * j - ns lit ffuni i.i f Koom i • i ( .hi i s n jn-i V ■ . » ( Oftftlllulltill t 4»Ul1 X. ’ j »■ *>* v 'S', (cnlury Km t C«|i *i* l\ 4 1 1 •- ift?• *: rn,. . I hr tint lijlr .> . . :r mi!! be **• *■ ■ ' V *•! ' “i m ;• K. ft- j so i mu mb i a i ati iht Chlnttf Huidvni A * v . j ; . j 14 0 4 1.-; !,> r n- ,>t a inloi m<»ui>n n«. M«'»!u ami ihr (ci a^r ul !»lain * • ■ '* til*' t"| '■! a .S; w wii. 'll 4: 5’Ml- Bi*n ! ;n lct K. ■rr, ( all Mw. tartt Stud*•!.: i *.« » S3 2*. mjtr» ihlomuiuon Audition* |t*f a student pii*lu<»-d IiUii * -iki' .^h: 4' S i/i K* - "i ! -HI (ttilwi 4'»4 .**•! I f m.if* • • Sh.iv* on mliitut > j;.;» 4 %./t j . *• .; 1 * j%\- :t to ‘Jfc* pi.* < h ' K' '# VO at the Alpha Ohu'kj M u u id (.«!i • , S: .,««•- V I .* • *!.*;: \ a: * *f.,p Suiljiiultlt' I ofr*ti > n *•« , 3 J Hi p ni in k r** idWie/kti 3 t oluliun and (ir <1 ii>n uni Pcr»nptlnr»' to,. hr ! hr t- p, f a ! unuLablo difeu*kiu« unlay at 32 Ml pm J'M> ( ury Kuoft A I'.t. U'l 4UJ4 !.-f more in lot/nation Student vs ’.4kr ju-». «• Salu.'day a; - pm 4/ivi Sunday t jiui 3 1 am and l,i p ftt A Wv»T::.Uk l j ub VS \> 4' « a! M4tJ d « »t> J’ ( .1 . '*'• 44«vfl { r m .;«• informal . 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