Poet Giovanni to speak Monday j "Princess of Black Poetry" featured as keynote speaker for King celebration week By Karen Engels i •’ • •'a ! Reporter Nikki Ciovunni. who has been called the "blat k purl lau reate lur women and sensitive stabs e\ ervwhere," said she U; licvi-s in the poii nti.il ol human brings Giovanni. keynote speaker for Ilm Martin Luther King |r Celebration Week, is the .mlhur . f n.orr lli,in ! " books of poi-lrv and .'ss.is Also long known .is liir 1‘nnccss of film k 1’orlrv," sin1 has been willing books for .’.I W ars Shi' will speak ill '> a m Monti.i\. Ian -If), m the I,Ml Ballroom "Pin really proud of the 4l) slab's that ret ogm/e Martin 1 -a ther King I)a\('.iovaniii sard, when asked ahotil her un(live in,-lit in this celebration week Ari/ona is tlie onl\ stall' that doesn't recognize the dav as an of lit i.i I bobdaA f \ iov a n ii i ’ s busy speaking soiledule during her Kugene slav inc lades visits to eleinen larv schools. senior (enters, l ane (aariniullilv Golioge and a trip up to ()teg! 'll State t'mver sdy Giovanni said her message doesn't v an, in tit h. is ell w ith r hot audiences varying ages She said she talks about the i hullenges of the future arid how w e get along with each other We ran all do better she salt! When asked what strategies she offers her listeners on how to .change, the world, C.iovanm slid. I don't offer strategies I rti not a politic ian I try to ol fer hope " Wi diiesdav. mans admirers stopped In her book signing ,n the University llookstore They i ante lo Inis her books get the in autographed- and .'!• tha ’ i k tier for her inspiration both in 11. r ss riling and speaking Si s important lo trs in make itie world a little better. said a lin'd, set animated (h.iy.innt as sin' signed books (viov.tnn: cites- maior prob leins ss iili the United States, in r hiding health i .ire housing and unemployment, but added, C.eorgf Ifusl. is a big prob !e in it she loll Id name a sc: olid biggest problem, she would add ( ongress ' she said, sin11 dig (bosanni is an l.ngllsb pro tes>.. r ai Virgini.i 1’olvtei hnk Institute and State University She was named Woman of the Year h\ \/././e;rio/se//e maga /me and l.inlin.s Horne Inurn.il n; the early t't'tK and was hon ored in I'tHH when the National best i v .il of filar k Storytelling Nikki Giovanni ;n ;! i.iti'd in award fur young \ It . a: \mrni an sUirvli'lli'p. in lift n.rinr .11 > unimg to .1 jirrv. raleasr (liuvanm w ill dsn giv .1 |><> rlrv Trading Saturday for .ill .igrs .it Whttrakrr Klrnlrntun SilitHil. ! \ (.randSt from I to n p m and .1 jUH'frv rrading and (tlnVrrs itiiin Sunday at tin' Willamalanr Si-nior t Vntrr, I '1 Ui sti Springiudd from !in to ^ 1() Her books mi ludr 1 I'imUii lliju.ilmn I hr 11.1/inTi and f/ir \fiTl. and S.k rcr*w*lrt1 t% Prumi JFWFLRY OF SIGN STUDIO 1502 WiOamefleSl 343 2298 Regular Business Hours lues I n 9am 1pm 2pm 6pm Sal 10am 4pm Engine Service 1000 S Ber1el»en Rd II iugene OR I7*02 One Itoch Norm of W lllh MoUn ind ft*it Speculating :n Volkswaqen Service For 32 years 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts EMU CRAFT CENTER I THERE'S STILL ROOM IN THESE CLASSES ^ 1 SPINNING A DYEING BOOKBINDING PAPE BMAKING FLINTKNAPPING BIGINNING PHOTOGRAPHY COMPOSITION A LIGHT CHINES! BRUSH PAINTING JAPANESE PAPER MARBLING UKRAINIAN EGG PAINTOHO REGISTER TODAY! WORKSHOP’S Hf GIN SOON LOWER EMU iNFO:346 4361 BAD BOWLING TOURNAMENT EMU REC CENTER i cht,iivt! is iu mu