Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 17, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Magazine removal
spells censorship
To remove or not to remove, that is the question
The University Bookstore held a meeting Thursday
night to address an issue raised by a certain few maga
zine's on its shelves: namely Playboy and Penthouse.
Since this tall, the campus group Men Against
Rape has lead a letter writing campaign to have the
magazines removed from the bookstore on the basis
that they propagate violence against women.
jim Williams, bookstore general manager, has
adopted the stance of non-removal, saying to do so
would be censorship
He’s right.
Though the magazines admittedly do offend a
group O! ill" {lopuiauun.
!hat‘s no reason to take
them off the shelves
for one thing, a ter
tain few should not de< ide
what the masses read; or
view, or hear for that mat
ter Remember the first
Amendment? Freedom of
the press' To limit the
as uilahilit\ of i ertain mag
azines or unv other form
of expression be< atise a
number of people disagree
with it is dangerous
Granted, those want
mg the magazines oft the
shelves have good inten
tions to address the vio
lem e against and ojipres
sum of women in this so
cietv but their method
is wrong t.’ensorship is
dangerous and that’s what
it would he in this ease
There has been no
study done tfiat ab.so/ufefv
links pornography with
violence against women.
Instead of working to t.ike
the magazines out of the
For one thing, a
certain few
should not decide
what the masses
should read; or
view, or hear for
that matter.
Remember the
Freedom of the
press? To limit
the availability of
magazines or any
other form of
because a
number of people
disagree with it
is dangerous.
public: s reach, tiHr.se tolks should lake a deeper socio
logical look at the root cau.se(.s) of the problems with
women in this society Pornography is only a symp
The people wanting the magazines gone .ire quick
to make the connection between these types of maga
zines and violence against women They need to be
careful in doing so Should we follow suit, the Bible
would be banned as well, people like gays and lesbians
i an no doubt attest to persecution they ve suffered due
to people s often unenlightened interpretation of its
It boils down to censorship, and that's st ars If it s
allowed now. where will it stop? No publication ysill
ever please ei t'none: this must be taken into account.
The magazines should stay .
(hc^on Daily
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Don’t you know that’s bad for you?’
I'm .1 smoker
. id mit ii I m ly Wit In ml
duress Ami I’ve ri .ii 1 .ill the
literature listing wh.il c tgarettes
will lid in mis so I know th«
! jttM have oi.t thing In say
(: f( ms l> i! k
Unless you'vi lived in .i
. .is. !..i tin- past 11v«* s. .its. sou
k;. iv\ smoking has been linked
: i i-st-rvthmg hut lepross 1 hi;
evils .)i si i nm!hand smoke
h .1 s i* been e\ha u s 11 s eIs ii e
Belles e me. 1 kie.ss
1 decided Ui vsrile llns col
umn at 11 JO |> in I hursdas .
ss i'.eti 111 dlle need of .1 ( Igaretle
;lead tin utille tit). 1 ss ent out
Ini .i c|uiet smoke mi the bulco
ns lieneath the /.meni/d off It es
It ss as raining Hard llul the
grim, determined person that I
am. I stut k it out, having ms
smoke a nil thinking evil
thoughts about the people ss ho
fori ed me outside to have a t ig
Don't get me ss rung I trs to
at i epl people s I Ighls not to
have cigarette smoke around
them I am considerate to the
point ol standing outside in
sub-zero ss ealher. bundled up
like Nanot.k o! the North, pist
si ! i an p.>und a Marlboro
risis isn't a gripe or cum
p un: I s i. .s as part o! the
iMM." kind of hke tin- anguish
.in.! h art !>i eak is-.. ■. cited ss i' il
rleing a t alitornia Angels Ian
Bar lor the course
But ss il S does e s t-r S h. d S
has e to detail to me at length
:e si: s .eg is t'.id
great land of
social status
Why does
everybody have to
detail to me — at
length — that
smoking is bad?
Smokers in this
great land of ours
now enjoy a social
status somewhere
below that of
necrophiliacs. Lefty
can knock off the
comer liquor store
and steal from
widows, but as
long as he doesn’t
smoke, he’s a
“good dude.”
Miniiiwhi'fo below that u(
in :iijli;;.: . s L.<*(1V i .in knix k
!i the i nr: liquor si. ar .mil
steal fniin widows, bul .is long
,i S 1,1 dor ■> n'l slurs. Ill’ s .1
gt mil li Heir
ii.sl lilt- .'.hr: . i .1 \ I WHS
wailing on llir i orner lor ,i bus,
hav mg .i i ig.irrtte A wunuiri
walked up lo me I have no
idr.i who shr wus promptly
grin.-u ni it mv ''I nIboro ami
s.i:.!, "Don't you know smoking
is li.iii lot you7
Yeah.‘ 1 replied So are
annoying strangers
A guv i an eat li) cheesebur
go: ■ .1 day. weigh more th.m u
Muut!. third world country,
dim on tin* Iri i'vsitv vv ith
out .1 seat holt and drink
■ : I to llo.it tin' Missmiri
hat if no .its mo 11s4111 one up
ho instantly ho, iiii-s tiio Sur
Hoon (.orioi.il
Don't you know that's had
for you ' ho' 11 sa v hot w eon
mouthfuls of a Ding Dong
All i..in smokers apparently
fool Wo smokers have never tak
on a look at tiro warnings on
i Ig;are! p.n ks
The little love note from the
s .;p at (o-noral used to ho so
i uto These are hazardous to
vour hi-.iIth.' it declared. And
it tiovor t hanged
Hut tin'll o! ( l-.voretl hoop
t .mu' along and evidently do
i Idod the old warning was pist
too blase Ho dei hired open
war on the tobai < o industry
an d the warm tigs hega n to
; hange pretty mm h week to
Now I'm wailing lor the one
that says tf 1 smoko my hair
will tall out and my fingernails
vs ill turn green I'll probably
frame that one
So smokers, sin k in vour
toes Ar i opt no further i'ii
croar hment Smoking Is dumb,
but the Constitution guarantees
us the sacred right to at t like
N'tnv i! sou'll (>xi use mo. I'm
gumg t.i h.ivt- .1 ci^arotU.’
Don 1'i-trrs is ,m Kmor.ild til
iton.il vtlilor
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