in APTS DUPLEXES Newer, ipacioui. excellent 7 bd""s • 'ii bath* appfaamoee garage '■**' * '**$>.** a t**'vod yd H<.u I -j* '<» Area V*?*> 344 ' Prospect Park ? bdrm apt* available now, country iimoiph«r* w convenient city location Other features include pool tennis basketball count, tec room A playground Might past 2 5th & ChamN'i Call 484 6563 v>TU0CHt mi a;a 94SE 19th • &drm ap: r r>* to campus C *m ’-4m pOi”! laundry A pork rvg J »*V 344 2682 Studio and 2 bad room apa/tmanta POO* ^sundry '«v ' «*• weather .*«s I v* &u.*x1s now pa*nt & carpot 484 6693 or 34? ?4?5. Joann _ . ____ UNIVERSITY AREA APTS 1360 •840 Agate Si move • bonus l arge f bdrm urvt* OH si reel p*v * < g JL T Invastment Sarvicea 485 6606 Vary clean and spaoou* 2. bdrm. • , pain rownhouso Good ipcaion on t» $4 « . 1«K* 34 s 4S4 Very Small 2 Bdrm 7 blocks lo campus Off-street parking avail $395month Ballco 345-2255 Would you like a - really'mca'room all to yourself with a private bathroom clot# to campus, in a new building where your meals are prepared for you? Call tha j Collegia^ 343 1251 . . __ 1 bdrm unfurnished >- •* \> ,»mpy5 % i7* ~-o ’ 364 3 .”'8 ' 1 bedroom apt ’ li*.' P.vum, G 3 !4 .• ,t , And'cm 343 759’ 7 111 DHOOM $ 19 10 blocks to campus ’65 C l«!h V . $. • ' ■ SOUTHGATE APTS l arge 2 bdfm tuwnhouse 1 bath fenced backyard, pool sauna on site laundry near campus and busline 145-44 71 2345 PATTI MSON on? tas? momr * rant 344 644J 2M CAMPUS EVENTS 240 Two w*«fc■ f»M • • of 92 &•** *»ck^ cam put * * «*s £•< >4j ’ * ’6 Want lo Mil dorm contract .*»> fOu $50 C a >4 •o'./:>•-V-«*1 Quad* * ^ . ;VO f ‘.I W ‘ ' t • «» -*»•’' l fl Ai -OTT * ' $*' • y ‘ •'. «H»4 If ’ OS ‘ Mck':" '.) Mo •' !<»•' -v - > ‘ O'-.*» Ely *• *50 lityartL - .» •>•» i 74.’ R«rt fv * «* Hor' *' *f« ■ 14 I 4 * ) CLEAN CHEAP CLOSE 1360 ALDER ST. ALDER ST QUADS Clean, quiet, furnished rooms Utilities paid On-site laundry $219 month. 345-5949 2 Room# to houM $’80 $'90 '*x> .* V D*jn «ndry 'no' tots of ' ;»gfir fUr o«, 1L>r> - f\& ’ ( }' 4 tv *f ' *■’■ v.-;; ,,xo Room for r#nl • hOu*«» w.« • cimpOv-* Wt*h»ng you *'■ t * «>• >> . t •* >» WU ' «»•* •»* . • • A ■ yo*.,f o*r L>.i • • .*/•' W« .. **p.v« ^s yu * « • >> d'Xt •*» «» ■, mV y #V '' t'Me ^ '..^1 "■* udg« of ca ’ pus a ' W' 4 A*)o/ !'**.. ,>**,]-o' >4 3 T?V> 250 DORM CONTRACTS Do you want $t>5 t » t .1-* U -i. • » 1 W# tail you «■* • ' • d’H] v >•• { v t ■ «» n t- p 44 ."*15 Student# looking M) ru 4 tx: ’ •.« . " $ a«i V' >4 ■ .»- ■ • » ” W 13tn 34 5 i )?4 290 CAMPUS EVENTS "This is no time lor apathy or complacency. This is a time for vigorous and positive action. Martin Luther klntt, Jr. Celebration Week In Here! Friday, January 17, 1W2 •'V Mian o< Ui L Blty' B*h* I ( »*pui Club. IML »«n UnAr Boo* I JO p m *'lrm On the frtjw* VidwU) H»JU. A«Ubu H*il 730 p Bi ALSO Sunday Bert** Berry, (. omadietm* Mull l •*»*» 700 p m Mowln Mlk. Jr Human B>*ht» M»«*h imad bp *•» itml Shuttle*worth LQfSIHS to Ml bon 2.00-*00 f m rh* Dm* Uvw (hi Jubilo* wrth B«* *ro«l shunl**wonh Hub C «*rt«y 730 p m T hehet* A r« ► roe! V_J 770 CHID CARE imJ a b4t>> '•.or a^M' :* , *»! ' *v V a ? rfl# MM ‘•ft Jan# ( «» . ' > < * >ptjfl&i ♦.y Ho« u »r. 14 * 4 >\«airty CMdcar# m nurturing homo '■*«» .'4 —. Ktetaftr »%«> . on*onng Dr Stephen Hawking Student Tickets $3 ! for IN# Jan , \ k#cfur» at • 00 at ; lha >Uil» C#nt*j Ttcfcata ivnUbW i in lh» CwRwnl Forum oWnra fwarta The Fables l rv ■ at T ay lor • 'iatuf <.1ajt Jan t ilh Willie Wonka and tho Chocolate I actory III r no j in i V' for slmlrnlv, V' *0 nlliaw^r • The Gold Diggers SuihIjv J*h I** * 00pm. I HO IM < ART CINEMAS 493 E. 13th • 686-24$# 0»V #«’ >»•*» • *»• ft* jMr ,.**■** 1 RU f t « 'AIK |Mx W T .*> a ■>•«. ft*** «*«’ fw •t EURO PA, EUROPA^ ".” & r m i*tl » * . *v» *10 i>V«N- »t*» # >* St.AMf.Ji 'If ^ THE RAPTURE hnMli»li«IU / b, »lA»4i *><* oint Break • £ * 5 i i • « r THE RAPTURE ki i s», ii i-1^ 290 CAMPUS EVENTS is r»it-: navo o> .m: mi rm: Mnr;m tiik vir\. . sat* I ItK MEDIA I UK COVE HACK OF ISLAM An E»p«**Uio« by /.AFAR HA.N'OASII /-jlar Har.,*u*h i* the rdil<>r -f ( r« wriil Internals >na: the ( an.-*>har. t>av d lie w» and commentary oewnpapcr Hi* t«- ar 1 d-irntj; < hu.r. aU transformed the Crescent lot from a l *a! cKiim unit) paper into mu that presently enjoy* worldwide circulation He ha* Wlur.d throughout the world n\ issuca «m] *ubjc*,»<•? >• 300 FOOO t DRINK JANUAKY SPECIAL HOT FUDGE SUNOAK $1 no 1 9th A Agot» M f II II 5A SU !2 II I Willumoftu t •»f' 4 it*** r«**ii*m«|L>»'<» lo 1«i-* !0 IV-O' I 'vi*> .1 MM4V1 Do you > IN.A Nv lAi Alt) f 0Ml. PMt PAM A1 K)N .14 v 4 .’62 IOST ti!NlacT'iTn 14 3 1 1 13 HlAmwd F'*r#nlhoo•'** HEART HEAT CROSSWORD By Eugene Staffer ACROSS 4 Ho ;; . i •;*’S 12 « .*> 11::.-. 1 J S' I ’ Ml i !-'■1 l • > 1 4 f time oil#* 1 *» i• > !» *> 1b H » 18 r 19 ••• tV«MWj 20 1 2 2 H*. . lam 2 J t 27 Hot i 29 ■ i. J1 »■ J 4 > ., V> : »*«• J/ m : w \) ■ « r» ()a , ' \; r« Ui I !;«» Moino* i>-;' ■ s .% i '>(> 1W- ■ ’ %; < . ■ ilMif '.a H •, • m , DOWN 1 N> ’ *• i «* I •• •!*-■• • J f t»Ml •«< I • A| , b r ti 10 I 1 I' t • ■ • ‘ I / w '»uUj!K»it Inn© »’'> itmi’i I i i h%|«hiJ.iy . • ‘«vi»r ! i ' f «>«);:1 k;J • 1M I ! • K : i . i ! , ;»r» i., jh ■ * . $U M < i 1 1 1h *■ • • i i \ r . n> t. * U ( • .1 . ■ * jr.f. 4U , 4 I ll 1, •'«• • 411', . I •r» i 1 ,■. • 4f> I . * 46 i " ) 4 * '>0 I.' • Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson i * ■ N Mil V, * ' • " ’m.V r'A i . » ! r,. 3UDGET Good on Classified For Sale items under $33 Pise# ad* at Room 300. EMU or UO Books tors Private party ad* only please Ro refunds/credit* (Sorry rvo VttAAAT rncrrnptm •«*> SWt ortx)