* * P*0lo The basketball band has finally found a more stable home at Mac Court that doesn't disrupt as many fans as their previous seats The basketball band had played this musical chairs charade three times in the past three years Basketball band shoots, scores big with new seats By Jayson Jacoby t *’ > ci:fl S j ; if ’ f, H *jper • or The Oregon tiuskeilialI bund is known for its mtisu .1! uiiili ties. Hut iur lhi* lust lew years musical (hairs has been the turn tor this group ol students wh entertain Ians at \h -\r!hur ( ourt i lie hand lias been moved three times m three years in an effort to ensure it doesn't dis nipt Ians views or piuv over the Husks1 huddles during timeouts finally, though. ;l looks as it the hand has found a home where tt doesn’t seem to he bothering fans or the basketball team That new home e. in the end /one seals at the northwest for ner of Mat (ourt which were tormerlv reserved lor students The spot puts the hand far uwav from the Oregon bench hut 1! is almost direi tlv across In;;n tin- visiting team S.in.iv W alton. the l ulv ersi tv's senior associate athletic di ns tor said all the moves have been the result of a variety ol 1 omplainls Irom students and other tans concerning prev ious hand localums It's |ust an effort to try to do what is best for the most peo ple Walton said. hast vat the hand was lof at i-d in the west bleat hers, also part of the Student sei lion In the past, the band had occupied that same spot for more than it) straight years Although last year's move gave students Hi more seats than they had before, students weren't happy about losing prime seats, going so far as boo ing the band at several games Two years ago. the hand had been moved from the west r bleat hers In section CC in Uu) southeast corner under one of ;i1 V\ .1 i! 11:; '-..id ii. - ; ' -i:: t-i'T.'d m in\ rc'.i ra ‘ s 1 h \V hen l In siiidi i.t' ; urn plained about dm subsequent niovi! bulk in the « iai blow h its \\ llioll sail! the athletll (If partr cii! dm ;dfd !u trv a dit it-rm: spot, until, seems In have mi idf everyone happy In its aimml location, the b,md is only direr iiv in front id a small portion of scats in the mt‘//.ininr section During tlic men's basketball team's last homi* game against Stanford fans in the aifeclrd scats had few complaints about the band, saying the hand members sat down during the game and weren't a nujsan e other than being a tittle loud Through -ill the moves and .ill tin- i onlroversy. the Univer sity's director of bands said the basketball band just wants to fie close lo tile -ic lion, regardless of what side of tiie : our! It sits .,n The fi.iiid needs to be down on the court where they can lie heard. director Dave booth said t he energy and the vtsi bility tiie band creates is help ful to the home team For tiie v isiting teams it makes tiie are na an intimidating fiiai e to play " That's the image that has made The I’tt famous, and coach Don Monson likes the hand right whore it is near tiie visiting team's bench "It's loud in there anyway," Monson said "If it's going to bi as disruptive .is it is at most of the other schools (in tiie Pac if ic- 10 Conference), at least it's toward the visitors hand u is tiers, who i-tinij ,ame and obs! and was siar 1 DUCKS Continued from Page 8 Saturday in a victory over Ar izona State “USC doesn't possess the mismatches UCLA does," said Monson. "hut Miner can dmn inale .1 game " Jordan will get the task of guarding Miner, and if he can keep him in chef k. the Due ks could have a chance against use: Easier said than done Picture Perfect When You Want... S' Quality Photos. S' Fast Service. S' Low Prices. Bring Your Film To The UO Bookstore! 3x5 PRINT FROM SLIDE ONLY 49° REPRINTS ^3X5 REPRINT SALE 5/$1-00 4x6 REPRINT ONLY 39C ENLARGEMENTS sup§orneoj 5X7 ENLARGEMENT SALE 99c 8x10 ENLARGEMENT ONLY 2.99 IF YOU FIND A LOWER PRICE ANYWHERE IN LANE COUNTY WE’LL MATCH IT! 13TH & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 346 4331 I Weasel s World Kraig Norris 0 f* KJLX. 'v»' » 'L A/’jO rx*' *• •;>" ' KMOO.t; TV; -.•«• ’ Of P>C, 1 ! 0 TA tjurfCSi * Ql' $T***r*< (■ tS 0WN'THt5L OATS? *3? V ■ W f ’>< MWTN' n:<* xsit Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen