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SPORTS Women’s team shooting for first Pac-10 win tonight By Jake Berg ■ •• i { 1 tor \fter eight yimi". of purr blls*. the Oregon women's has ketbal ■ team expef 11 • ru ed ' w o n. the I’nciftc-10 Con ference season have Oregon n ! scrambling to mend the siart ol the new \ * ar \ league win is a' needed as invthing right now for the . is, and .1 visit to Mi Arthur Court ! \ U ashington Stale to ’ ' t() ami Washington 's.deiduv w ill give Oregon its 1 h.sm c But is that good or had? ; h*'se tw o teams i lulling ere this weekend .ire probably bet ter 1 hall the two w e pi st played Oregon coach Kiwm Heim said That in,iv bode badly lor the Ducks. who lost to the Bruins : , 2 i points and to the Trojans : * ,:h In w.ilks Washington State which f et e I ved as many votes in the latest nation . p li e. ! s( and Washing t: a. ttie \o 'I team ill tile t otiri , w Oh a 10-2 rec ord i !-, s get us I* 1 wonder H>'inv said "It s frustrat . Iise we didn I execute wo.it we were practicing, hut w * re better now Off the court tilings are look ing Irelter tor the Dm ks Injured liebhi* Sport it h )ust recently ' 1! .1 * eg removed from her ' :. Heiny expet ts fils star hoinore hai k In a "couple ' . re w . . -k s But the loss ol Sporrii h ‘The losses get us to wondering. It's frustrating because we didn't execute what we were practicing, but we're better now.' ' Hc ny. shoyved i,.-1 wei send. hr s.iiii 'Dob s sin is .) big lot lor in the game Hciny s.ihi Hr also said the reason OCLA .uni l'SC were mi effective was the fai l that the\ wore able !o .utilize their post platers without Sporcirh to guard them down low Shooting was also .1 problem tor the Ducks in those games, hitting nnh tit percent of their shots against CSC and 4(1 per ( ent against I It'LA But the Ducks had better gel their hot hands out for the Cou gars 'l it overall anri Ml ill the I'ai !0. if they want to avoid a repeat of last year's nightmare at Mac Court In that now infa mous contest from last season, Washington State embarrassed the Ducks, 102-69. Oregon's second worst loss all season What was worse was the far t that two nights earlier, Oregon had played ranked Washington tough before losing. 5f>-r>0 Heiiiy said the Cougars may be better than their cross-state ri vals this year ! think they're stronger than W ashington. Hoiny said Cold Ducks face hot Bruins tonight; Troians on Saturday By Dave Charbonneau ■ •• j :;Reo : hr Oregon ini'h s haskrthall It-.im ( .in iio no vvrung this Weekend 'I tie Ducks will IrtiVfl to C i.ili lurni.i to take on l.'C.I.A ami i SI two gamrs in which Ore go!: Is e\pl-l teij to lose i onighl the Dm ks will face tin- second-ranked Bruins at i’auit-v Pavilion l (11.A is posse tiiv tin' hottest team 111 the na tion The Bruins possess a perlei t ;n i) ret uni (2-0 in tin- Piii ifio :i) t onierente) ami are coming i.tf a huge Victor! over seventh rankeii Arizona, ending the Wildcats incredible Jl-gaine tiome winning stre.ik However till- iliggest prob iem for Oregon (5-t>. 1-1) is they iio not even clime close to niatctiing up with the mighty Bruins t tl.Vs front line features t> liKit lO forward Don Mai Lean, 0 H forward Lracy Murray and 11-. enter Kodiiev Zimmerman St.e:l,i-.in and Murray both ■a er.iging over JO [joints .i game this \e.ir will In- guard 'd in t tvde Jordan and An te,:.'- StiH.diirnire both at n r> Loach Dun Munson said there's really not too mui h any one can do about it When you're overmatched, you just have to go out and p!av. he said 'There's no so 1 ret s, :U! cm to it. v uu have to sin k !u Mot lean and keep your r\r on Murray Tin- Ducks off coming ulf .1 week ili.it saw them lir.it Oaii Inrm.i .uiii lose So Stanford. de s;nlf ploying .1 tough game 1 don't know il thus hove more t tinfidentic Monson s.i.d, "hut limy .ire finding good about themsoIves They ployed liurd. and they feel good ohoul that Seven-foot center ( buck Pat terson played espat iallv ti.ird ;he up-and-down senior earned in two solid perform anti s last weekend, grabbing rebounds in tfn> two games, and he sin-rued to be hustling around the tourl lor the lirst time this season 'Chuck is getting progres sively better, and he is becom ing a bigger force on our team." Munson said We may start trying to get him the bull more often to get him more into the offense Munson may want to wait until Saturday when Oregon plays t SO (4-3, 1-1), a much smaller team than t'OLA The Troians use a three-guard of fense which could be a big ad vantage to the Ducks it thev can get Patterson the hall inside l'nfortunately for Oregon, one of those guards happens to he Harold Miner Miner is averaging 26.6 points a game and scored 39 on Turn to DUCKS Page 9