Halley’s Comet disappears from the University’s galaxy By Lynda Westcott fmafakl Contributor _ VVhnl happened to Halley's Gomel7 No, not the world-famous Halley's Comet lust won shooting ac ross the night skies Iwc k in but the University district's Halley's Comet that offered Allan Hros coffee, frozen desserts, lemonade and video ar cade games to weary students seeking mental diversion from the bleary-eyed academic routine of homework and exams Owner Ric hard Aiello said his "Comet" faded into oblivion from the impact of not one, but several, occur rences an insidious decline in video-arcade Interest, the denial by his (wink to grant a loan needed to com plete an expansion and a rent increase I or these- reu sons, plus the prospect of dec reused business during the winter school break, Aiello closed Hallev s on Nov 27, 1M0] after 10 years of business Aiello opened Halley's Comet in September 10H1, end rent has gone up 70 percent sinc e that time, lie said Tile commercial sc ale for monthly rent in the Uni versity area ranges from 70 cents per square fool to SI 70, and his was at the top of the scale. Aiello said "With 2.500 square feet downstairs and 750 square feet of office space upstairs." he said. "1 could no long er make a go with )ust yogurt, game's and coffee " To inc rease revenue, Aiello had planned to add a healthy Mexican fast-food service" in the larger down stairs bac k space and had a I reu dy started remodeling (or this addition "When the I tank failed to approve my equipment loan, he said, "I had no choice hut to i lose The locked wrought Iron security gate and an orange and black "For Rent" sign abruptly announced the i losing of Halley's to the neighborhood merchants and. more importantly, to the students who liked to hang out there bec ause of its congenial atmosphere "It was a place that was friendly," said Luke Strahotn, a student at Lane Community College "I could have gotten a cheaper drink at the 7-Flov on." Strahota said, "but every day I'd go there and buy a Pepsi on my way to work because the owner was so me eand fun Strahotn, who has worked at Kinko's for more than a year, said hi- spent most of his work breaks playing pin hall at Halley's Stac le Williams, a speech pathologist pre-major at the p*ioto by S«ar< Policy' Owner Richard Aiello stands In front of the E. 13th build ing thet uted to houee hie Hatleys Comet He ehut it down in November tor Unsocial reasons. University, vnid she was in Halley's Comet three or four times a weu t* "v \v ,*> V»« 'hcl1 **,hcl' »*‘ .. m+' phulocop** r»P«'*r' ’ «,u lo h*’* • ‘*U bated on Prr'*“ 4luh»r '"lh"' lu1»l J«‘*,lc'‘ .4 r-'* "zxx“-~r; *:*• ^s^.--r ..Mil tour bo* ,,1,1ur''r'“lh,n j ,!<»»>*'■ , . r^sSr:^*ss:m0m M' l'» 'rs MV-rt* tv“" 'P'°‘^ a w **#» ,.Arttrv —— JMe' IM = M« !vi L*J H 13th & Kincaid, Open Monday ■ Saturday, Ph. 346-4331 JEWELRY DESIGN STUDIO 1502 Willamette St 343 2298 Regular Business Hours Tues Fn 9am 1pm 2pm 6pm Sat 10am 4pm ClOUS^A MONOUI PRESENT PART OF AN EVENING JONES TUES.FEBRUARY 4 8 00 P M HUIT CENTER • SILVA HALL