Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 16, 1992, Page 5, Image 5

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Chernobyl accident re-examined
By Carrie Dennett
£rrtcxaici Asso-ciatrt E<M
t-.nding Years of misinforma
tion. I'mversitv rescuirt hors arc
mining with Mum nvv Stale 1 ne
versitv researchers on a prefect
aimed at verifying the health
and environmental risks posed
bs the 1BH(> Chernobyl nuclear
art ident
When the projec t is complet
ed it will provide a computer
simulation that shows the na
ture. location and extent ot ra
diation contamination as it con
tinues to move through the
landscape* and biological sys
tems, including the looci and
waiter supply
The study is headed b\ I'm
versitv professors John Bald
win. an expert m environmen
tal planning, managemcmt and
education, and David Hulse. an
expert on geographic informa
tion systems, and bv Moscovx
State professor Dmitri
Kavtarad/c, an expert on urban
This demonstrates how
ideas are horn at the University
of Oregon and are put to use in
an mternational milieu " l 'tie
versitv I'resident Mvles Brand
A Russian research team vs ill
travel to the University in
Mart h Uir ntmputer training In
fun*-, ('nlvffsilv reseats hors
... situ h
Bryansk region ot southwestern
Kussia to finlsi-sitih data
i ht■ ni'cd !<> pri nit- .1(1 u -
rate informatism S. < tti/ens
about health risks is si) virr.it
th.lt the Russian gov i ri\:i!'nt
allowing .vnevs to prove usiy
unavailable maps ot arisis af
fected bs (herniihs t. BalsJwin
1 vs
Yago.) ui !!|f(l Mm
is tor of thr Soviet Slate ( Oils
m ittee on I’ublu !.-h u i at n >n
Yftgodin approached Baldwin
and Midst- ahemt developing a
study ot radiation lia/atits
while tiiev wore in Russia on
.ill ext hangs- program
Hll 1st' sail! t hat near IV six
years after the a< Cliierit I tie lull
human and e< silogn al etf. i ts
are still unknown
l ire targe! study area tosers
approximate!) I! tit) square
miles in the Bryansk region, en
compassing the ( ominunities of
Novosvhrov and 7.11 n k a As
Brand looking for short
term’ solution to cuts
By Came Dennett
■ "edict As , ,iti; i I ’ '
l imcrsiU President Myles
Brand said he dues not want
the University to take more
"vertical cuts" of programs and
servn es il Measure r> requires
further budget c uts
Instead, brand told the Uni
versitv Senate Wednesday al
ternuon that he wants to find a
wav to sustain ourselves over
the short term without taking
the permanent program cuts
that the University was man
dated to take iast year
Brand said Oregon t.ov Bar
bara Roberts Is expec ted to
come out with a tax restructur
ing proposal next week Her
proposal will he sent to the
stale Legislature in a spec ial
session and will llkels he sent
to a public vote
. :.. s w i t r ( uuiu i t j 1111 hi uir
ly lime Brand said, ill .1 time
hen University students .ire
in transition He said the l ni■
versiu will inlnrm students on
how to avoid losing their ablll
tv to vote ii (lies are (hanging
resident es in June
If the public approves .i lav
restructuring plan, the Univer
sity mav he spared further cuts.
Brand said, hut if a new tax
plan fails, the Stale Board of
Higher Education might order
another tuition surcharge for
the 19A3-95 biennium
Brand said he will wait lie
fore forming a contingency
plan, because to form a plan at
this point would he counterpro
In other business, the Senate
passed .1 resolution on Depart
ment of Defense polic v and a
motion regarding dead week
The resolution, sponsored by
Student Senator Brian Hoop,
said. “The University Senate
strongly condemns discrimina
tion against guys and lesbians
and recommends and requests
President George Bush to sign
an Executive Order to immedi
‘How long are we
going to continue
to allow the
military to disallow
a segment of the
population from
Brian Hoop,
dtelv rescind Department of Do
I)iri'i livi' 11,IJ 11 whie h
. V ' s! ..,11 t'.IV dlld hi
So \ L, .11 people ‘r. .:3i till! I' S
Armed Fort vs
H. a long are we going id
continue) to allow th** military
Id disallow a segment of tht!
population from joining'"
Hoop said
Hoop said he wanted the mo
lion, whu h passed J r> 1 -1 to be
brought up before Brand and
AMO President Jennifer Bills
travel to Washington. DC, to
address Congress about the dis
i nminutor\ policy
However, Brand said lie was
not i urnpletelv in support of
the resolution, as universities
should not be instruments of
six ml change
"A university is a special
kind of institution that should
not be taking a pro-active
stance in favor of c erlain politi
cal views." he said
At the February meeting, the
Senate will discuss two mo
tions brought by Hoop one
to remove the Reserved Officer
Training Corps from campus,
and one to prohibit military re
i ruiting on campus
The Senate passed a motion
by Sen Barry Siegal that any
University-sponsored event or
activity that requires a spei nil
contract or agreement and re
quires student participation
must be first cleared through
the provost
funding fur Idler phases be
( (Illtes .IV.Itl.lble, fmijet 1 leaders
hope in expand their efiorts to
the si.di's most dire, ilv affected
by the Chernnbs i disaster
i kr.iino, Russia and llelarus
Hiilse said the ( anputer pm
gram will he able to pinpoint
areas where sensitive popula
turns i otmade with high levels
ol radiation Sensitive popula
tains int bade t hlltiren and
pregnant women
These groups are s.: sensi
tise, Itulse said heeanse thlb
(Iren and letwsrs tiav. r ipidis
growing i e ;! s . and radiation
may mutate that celt growth
i In props t w . enable t Hi
/ens and de< ismn-makefs m
the diet ted repilblu s to tat lb
late their ongoing evaluation
and reiui a lion efforts
\ S-’MI ilOO gran: Iron; the
ii din and ( atherine'Mai \rtlnit
! ounda111>n w 11! support !he
first phase of .1 protect i he
grant cattle from the Tounda
lion s Human Sot edit s and Kn
sironment.il tdiange Grant
Competition and was only one
ol seven awarded from among
more than KM) apple ants
Only two out of the seven
were awarded to Ament ail re
by W .ti
University Protestor David Unite talks ot the use ot a digital data
hate using a macGIS system tor geographic information to pinpoin,
areas ot high radiation
stMft h institutions
in V. ;: • h tin K ; >M.m
Aiiifiu .m H’mmk h»r\ will
gin tlo nifu-month t.is
a ml
K i > I
tiuitdim: .i iiigitiil il.ii.i
irif* min (.is. llii* grugr.
futmillmn sysiitm ift"
lllr i tin i tsHS
bilM- U'
i|iltu it
ignrif .
Hu- men and women ol the Peace
( dtps Dedicated Volunteers who pul
their valuable skills in work. helping
people m developing countries live
better lives
It's tough \ml it takes more than
just concern It takes motivation
Commitment And skills m anv one ol
several important areas education, math
and science, health, business agrtcul
turc. the env m -nment commumtv
development and more
l or Ml wars tvmg a IVat c ( 'nrps
\UlunU'cr has Ix'cn a s hanee to stop
dreaming alxiut a IxMter ssorlil and start
doing something alx nit it
\M i M
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