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ABySMALS i»; jtti r-TTi Best condoms magically vanish THE FINE PRINT BY PAT MALACH Working In the nows "bldness (not to be confused with the ol‘ bulness practiced in Texas) is a constant battle of Irving to measure and balance what's important and what’s going to interest your audience One recent example of that tug of war Itetween interest and importance could obviously lx- seen in the coverall* ot the William Kennedy Smith rape Inal Smith was acquitted of the rape ( barge in front of a live "gavel-to-gavel" audience on CNN That night it was the to]) story on all of the network news programs and the next morning it was on the front page of all the papers You i an debate for many moons whether the coverage afforded to a single rape ( ase one of approximately 90,000 rep or fed forcible rape cases in this country every year is justified simply because of the name of the defendant It s also im portant to look at some of the other stories that lost out to Willie in the coverage tug of war On a night when Willie's K-rulod trial garnered the top spot on ail three networks, one of the sto ries that lost out was a little tidbit ubout the Sovi et Union Ixnng officially disbanded The end of the Evil Empire, the Ked Menace, the Communist Experiment, a country that has been key to U S foreign policy lor the past 40 years, was judged to be less important than our apparent need to know when and where Willie ejaculated The nation’s voyeuristic yearnings also domi nated coverage on a day when Terry Anderson, an American who had been held captive for more than seven years, was finally reunited with his family, including a daughter he had never met Another example of pandering to the public's most base instincts happened just last week when the president got the flu and lost his chips at a state dinner Sure, it was fun to wutch Bush fall victim to something all of us cun relate to. but how important was it really? Personally, I'd rath er see what they were serving for dinner before it was partially digested Even with these examples, sometimes it takes a really glaring case of irony to make you realize how things can get twisterd. Note the [an 14 Issue of the Emerald Pages 9 and 12 were devoted to a lively debate over whether Magic Johnson should Ire allowed to play in the NBA All-Star Came The end of the Evil Empire, the Red Menace, the Communist Experiment, was judged to be less important than our apparent need to know when and where Willie ejaculated. One writer argued lh.it because Johnson hull ofti ctally retired from the league th.it In- was ineligi tile The other writer vullevetl hut k with the argu merit that it Mugit gut enough votes he deserves tins hist game ,is .1 farewell tribute because he is one id the game s all-time greats Doth arguments were well-conceived and arte ulated. and a lot id NIIA and Stage fans will tie watching tills debate .is it develops No problem there Now turn ti.uk to Page H it lurried an artii le utxiut (nndom use and s.ifets It also had a |ik ture of the world's largest condom jumbo si/e The sad part is that a related stors with information about the top-10 safest condoms providing the must prolei lion hud to tie axed because of hit k of space Now the irony Let's look at the value judgment inherent In these three pages Thirty-nine column ini ties were devoted to the debate over Magic, a man who had to retire be< uuse he contrut ted the HIV virus due to tils promiscuity and lack of knowledge about safe sex. and 27 ini lies were de voted to the story providing safe sex information to sexually active University students l or those of you who haven't already moved on to Calvin and Hobbes. let me try and make tilings clearer If Magu hud been aware of the informa tion provided in the condom story that was left out, the entire argument about his eligibility for the All-Star (lame would tie moot He would still be in the league da/./ling fans So. instead of pro viding information tii.it might help alleviate the ignorance that caused the tragedy in the first place, we end up debating if u victim of tti.it igno rance should get to throw a hall through a hoop To me it's a classic case of the ol‘ switi heron Rather than having condoms prevent spreading the virus, we've got the virus (results) preventing the spread of the condom (Information). I'ul Mtiluch is thr managing editor of the Liner aid I Velcro Jumping ! is here! Every Thursday The bar sport of sports. Take a break from studying and stick yourself to a wall. Guido's 13th and Alder 343-0681 r r r r r r PLASTIC BINDING 1/4"-1” $1.75 OVER 1” $2.00 SPECIAL 87; X 1 1 ?S% RAG 2AU FULL SERVE .08 C ea. 1 1 i i i r FAX. FAX FAX 1 Vi 7 YlAiOl A VVII )l VAKII rv ()l ( I SKIM I'AI'I KS' r m wsi i rn k.s. n vi k.s. boom i i\(iubhandbooks* Tire Copy Shop j 539 East 13th r (JI SI I WO HI <>< KS WKST OKI'AMPl'SON IJTH!!> r OPEN M-F 8:39-7:00, SAT 10-4 i THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Colonel Sanders at the Pearly Gates